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Xerath can be tough to lane against because of his huge range. You really cannot trade with him as he won't allow himself to get into range of your abilities. The only way you can really kill Xerath is when you have enough damage to flash or ult forward and 100 to 0 him, and even this can be negated when he takes barrier. The best way to lane against Xerath is not to lane against him, play safe until lost chapter and then shove and roam. If he follows your roam, you can kill him before he reaches the safety of his tower, if he shoves to your tower and starts autoing it, you can gank your own lane and catch him out of position.
If Akali E2s to you you can hit an easy guaranteed charm, however most Alkalis are familiar with this interaction and will avoid taking their E2s when you have charm up. Keep in mind to never throw your charm when Akali has her E2 ready, wait for her to use it.
You can out damage Malzahar at range, however do not underestimate the range of his ultimate. His spellshield isn't much of an issue as it can be popped by any ability including your ultimate.
High burst, cc, and all in potential, once she reaches lvl 3. Exercise all caution and use jungler assistance.
Difficult matchup for his all in burst. His playful trickster is capable of dodge your charm combos. Perma-Ban Recommended.
Aurelion Sol
Asol's passive makes it so he has to often times position himself away from his minions, this makes him an easy target to charm.
Has high burst and poke potential; buying zhonya's hourglass pre-level 6, will aide you in his all in combo.
It is very hard to engage on a Veigar because of his cage, your best option is often to shove and roam, and try and pick up early objectives to close out the game before he can scale. It is also worth nothing that his early game power is often underestimated.
High poke and all in potential, look to full combo when a charm is landed. Talon will ult towards you, use this opportunity to retreat to tower and charm, stunning his ult time and dmg.
Can easily all in you with his knock up taunt combo, following with his ground pound that will easily burst you down. Continuously poke with Q.
Yone can only really engage or trade when he has his empowered q, which there is a visual indicator for, you can pretty easily predict when he is going to use it and charm him.
Immobile, yet dangerous if caught by stun. Can out maneuver once level 6, and when doing so look for combos and all ins.
Highly immobile champion, look to avoid all poke from her long range skill shots (especially her Q/ Stun). Once you hit lvl 6, look for all ins while dodging skill shots with your ultimate.
Skill matchup. Basically whoever lands a stun wins the trade, however trading becomes easier after lvl 6.
Strong CC and Taunt ability.
Xin Zhao
Beneficial knock up aides Ahri's charm ability.
Yuumi goes well on everyone.
His ultimate goes really well with everyone. While the enemies are Amumu ulted you can easily poke them with your abbilities.
Has hard CC which can help Ahri hit her Charm.
Strong CC and Taunt ability.
Xin Zhao
Beneficial knock up aides Ahri's charm ability.
Yuumi goes well on everyone.
His ultimate goes really well with everyone. While the enemies are Amumu ulted you can easily poke them with your abbilities.
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