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Recommended Items
Runes: Electrocute For Early-game Aggression
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Q > W > E, R when Possible
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Basically, any champ that can out-range Swain is a problem. Any good Xerath can poke half of Swain health bar before he even reach the lane. Dodge his Q. keep your health high, wait till he's in your E range and punish him, focus on the adc..
Any adc with any amounts of cc works great with Swain as they can set up your W or E, follow up when you cc the enemy or pull back if they cc the enemy first. Jhin works wonder with Swain, his W long range root can follow up and cc-chain the enemy, his E traps can help you lands your W and your ult can help tank while he dish out damage
Any adc with any amounts of cc works great with Swain as they can set up your W or E, follow up when you cc the enemy or pull back if they cc the enemy first. Jhin works wonder with Swain, his W long range root can follow up and cc-chain the enemy, his E traps can help you lands your W and your ult can help tank while he dish out damage
Champion Build Guide
[P] Ravenous Flock
[Q] Death's Hand
[W] Vision of Empire
[E] Nevermove
[R1] Demonic Ascension
[R2] Demonflare
Level 1 Poke Combo: E > Pull > AA > Electrocute Proct
Silver Insight: Do this at lvl 1 to poke and harass your enemy, E them when they walk up to cs or standing in a minion wave.
Level 2 Poke Combo: E > Pull > W > Electrocute Proct > AA if possible
Silver Insight: Same as lvl 1, with the addition of W, you can W behind the enemy to guaranty the W damage and slow because enemy most likely want to back away after getting pulled and the root duration is not long enough to keep them inside the W.
Full Combo: E > Pull > W > Q > Electrocute Proct
Silver Insight: Swain's full combo, try to hit all 5 Q's bolts, and remember to back off after a full combo as all your abilities will be on cd and you'll be vulnerable.
R Stasis: R1 > Zhonya > R2
Silver Insight: A fight winning move, as you'll continue to heal and build up damage and dealing damage while in stasis. Do this when you're low health or getting focus fire by the enemy.
E Flash Redirect: E > Flash
Silver Insight: Hitting your E is crucial for your survival in a fight, redirect your E with flash if the enemy dodge it before it return.
So you'll have to play aggressively in the laning phase, get kills, steal kills if you have to (don't worry you can 1v9 if fed enough), help your jungler and mid-laner by using W to get free assist. Poke and harass the enemy constantly, don't let the enemy walk up without worried getting E-pull.
Ward ward ward, get vision. If you pushing, vision is mandatory. If you getting pushed in, vision is mandatory. Always have a control ward in your inventory, place them where they're not likely to get destroyed (without getting punished), if blue side, place in the tri-bush, if red side, place at the entrance of your jungle to avoid getting dive by the other jungler. You're the support after all, vision is half your job's description.
Another thing, if you get dived, ult and stay under tower, focus on their adc and trade back, best senario you'll get a double kill, worst you'll at least trade kill.
In the mid game, you'll wanna follow your adc protect and set up kills for them, but more importantly, continue gaining exp. One time, i was fed as Swain and got careless, busy cocking about everywhere on the map without gathering exp, result in a late game teamfight where the enemy adc and support was full built while i was still level 15. If you're ahead careful to not throw your lead, recall after getting an objective and spend gold fast.
In a teamfight, wait till the fighting start to use your ult, tanks and peels for your adc, use your W in the midst of battle because enemies most likely won't bother to dodge it and get even more heal through Soul Fragments, slowed and damaged them as well, and use your Q whenever off cooldown as it's your main damage source. Pop your Zhonya while ulting when your health get too low or getting focus fire when the fighting start.
Ward ward ward, get vision! You're a support, vision is half your job. When in a side lane, ward the jungle at choke point to see the enemy before they get close to you. Always have 2 control ward in your inventory and constantly move them. Mid game you should have Shard of True Ice and use it constantly. VISION WINS GAME. Before a drake come up, arrived there first, set up vision, if blue side, ward the river bush ,the 2 red side jungle entrance, if red side, ward the river bush, the tri-bush, one ward behind the drake cave and 1 Control Ward in the drake cave for both side, pop your oracle lens to clear enemy wards. Vice-versa when doing the Baron. Use your W to check objective or face-check bushes if the enemy was spotted near it
Thank to your health stacking passive and ap scalling, you can still have presence in the late game, but one awkward thing with playing as Swain support, you can't go full built without selling your warding item, so if you gonna sell it, be sure to have enough gold to buy the item immediately and end the game quickly after that, oh and tell the team too, so they know to ward themselves.
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