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Recommended Items
Runes: CC God
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Nautilus is really tanky, has a ton of CC, range and damage during the lane. This match up forces you to play passively. It's really hard to punish him even if he overextends. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nautilus es muy duro, tiene mucho CC, daño y rango lo que nos fuerza a jugar pasivamente. Es muy díficil de castigar incluso si se posiciona mal.
Lots of poke in lane and can enable you to easily stun targets caught by Ashe's ultimate. Also, you compensate her lack of mobility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permite mucho pokeo en línea y sinergiza muy bien el stun de la definitiva para combinar CC junto a las bombas de Zilean. A su vez, Zilean compensa su falta de movilidad.
Lots of poke in lane and can enable you to easily stun targets caught by Ashe's ultimate. Also, you compensate her lack of mobility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permite mucho pokeo en línea y sinergiza muy bien el stun de la definitiva para combinar CC junto a las bombas de Zilean. A su vez, Zilean compensa su falta de movilidad.
Champion Build Guide
Here are some of my best Zilean plays. I generally stream in Spanish. Sorry for no embedded clips.
Clip 2:
Clip 3: (Loud volume alert)
Reasons why I like playing Zilean:
- Zilean can counter pretty much all single target ultimates with Chronoshift. For example, Death Mark, Cease and Desist, Chum the Waters, among others.
- From my point of view, Time Warp is the best slow/speed boost in the game.
- Zilean Can turn around a hard engage by zoning or stunning with Time Bomb Rewind Time Bomb combo.
- Zilean has a lot of mechanics to master. For example, flashing into a double Time Bomb on the ground to stun foes. (See clip 1 :D)
If you wish to contact me, feel free to do so:
- Godlike CC with + Everfrost + Time Warp + Time Bomb Rewind Time Bomb + Time Warp
- Provides what could be considered the best speed boost in the game. Time Warp is ideal to enable initiations and to compensate lack of mobility on allies.
- Chronoshift can potentially negate many enemies' ultimates by saving an ally.
- With great positioning, you could stack Mejai's Soulstealer and scale into a burst monster with Time Bomb Rewind Time Bomb
- Has a lot of utility even when behind in terms of gold.
- Really easy to punish if caught in a bad position.
- Really squishy. Zilean could easily die from AoE or poke damage.
- It takes a good amount of practice to get used to Zilean's range regarding Time Bomb Rewind Time Bomb combo.
- It generally takes good reflexes and timing to make good use of Chronoshift
- Long CDs in the early game, which forces Zilean to use his resources well.
The aim of this build is to be a CC God, so we need Glacial Augment with Everfrost.
I prioritise scaling and as much CDR as I can get with Transcendence and Cosmic Insight to reduce Summoner's spells CDR as well as Everfrost CDR.
Honorable mentions:
- Future's Market in a very safe lane.
- Approach Velocity Great to follow up your team's engage or chase enemies with multiple dashes like Kassadin Ahri
- Gathering Storm if you feel you won't need the mana from Manaflow Band
Mythic item Shurelya's
The aim of these runes and masteries is to compensate general lack of mobility from your team. Therefore, Shurelya's Battlesong as the mythic item choice.
Font of Life is mandatory with Shurelya's Battlesong due to the fact allies that autoattack enemies CCed by Zilean gain 25% movement speed for 1.5 seconds because of Shurelya's Battlesong
Bone Plating is also great to counter the major Zilean weakness: STAIRSSSS! Sorry I mean burst damage.
Laning against poke
Laning against hard engage tanks
Everfrost and Glacial Augment
There are different ways to make the use of Everfrost effective:
- As an engaging tool on an isolated target which is out of position. Everfrost + Time Warp + Time Bomb Rewind Time Bomb + Time Warp equals a pretty much dead enemy. Deader than Heroes of Newerth in fact.
- A hard AoE slow during a teamfight. Especially effective versus serveral tanks/bruisers.
- A great disengage tool to avoid chasers in a lost fight.
- Is your Chronoshift target so out of position it would endanger your *** err I mean beautifully stacked Mejai's to save him? Then consider avoiding that target.
- Is your Chronoshift target really behind in terms of gold? Then I suggest using Chronoshift on someone else.
- Is your Chronoshift target a tank that is about to die in an already won fight? Then Chronoshift him and deny gold for the enemy team.
- Avoid showing yourself unless you know where all enemies are positioned. At this point in the game, chances are the enemy knows how annoying Zilean is and they will do everything to deny your Chronoshift. So keep yourself safe. Make your team aware of the fact they have to kite towards you to make it easier for you to Chronoshift Time Warp them.
- Use Time Bomb to check brushes before getting close to them. (This can also apply to early and mid game)
- Coordinate resources. Consider saving Chronoshift if your target has Zhonya's Hourglass or any invulnerability/damage prevention ability such as: Rappel Sanguine Pool, among other abilities that could negate your Chronoshift's value.
- Time in a Bottle Solo laners to help them get level 16 for level 3 ultimate.
I will try my best to edit this guide with more relevant information, so remember to check it often.
Thank you very much for reading this guide. All comments, questions and suggestions are more than welcome! :)
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