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Recommended Items
Runes: Main Runes - 11.24
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Q Max, E level 1.
Thousand Cuts (PASSIVE)
Gwen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
My go-to ban, take Q first level 1.
Champion Build Guide
Hey! My name is Sainted and I am a ex-Draven OTP turned Gwen OTP!
This guide is something I've built whilst OTP'ing Gwen in the top lane and occationally when auto filled to jng/mid.
Using my experiences and notes from each game along with usefull information from some of the highest ranking Gwen mains on EUW I have created this guide to help you dominate your lane and games as Gwen.
Any questions or issues throughout, feel free to comment.
This guide is something I've built whilst OTP'ing Gwen in the top lane and occationally when auto filled to jng/mid.
Using my experiences and notes from each game along with usefull information from some of the highest ranking Gwen mains on EUW I have created this guide to help you dominate your lane and games as Gwen.
Any questions or issues throughout, feel free to comment.
- Super strong level 1 that few will expect.
- Great scaling with huge powerspikes on item completion.
- Massive tower damage giving you the potential to hardstomp via teamfighting or splitting.
- Fun to play
- Great scaling with huge powerspikes on item completion.
- Massive tower damage giving you the potential to hardstomp via teamfighting or splitting.
- Fun to play
- Very easily ganked.
- Lacks hard CC.
- Some lanes can feel unplayable so first picking can be a disaster.
- Lacks hard CC.
- Some lanes can feel unplayable so first picking can be a disaster.
Gwen's basic attacks, The Center of Snip Snip!, and Needlework deal bonus magic damage. Thousand Cuts also heals for 70% of post-mitigation damage on champions, and deals bonus magic damage to minions below 40% max hp.
Gwen snips in a cone with her scissors at least twice, and increasing depending on how many stacks she has. She gains stacks by auto attacking enemies and objectives, and can have a maximum of 4 stacks. While the edge of the ability deals magic damage, the center of Snip Snip! deals True Damage and applies Thousand Cuts. Since gwen's Q stacks are gained via on-hit, you can get to 4 stacks with only 3 hits with Guinsoo's Rageblade via its secondary passive.
Gwen creates a circle of defense around her which lasts 5 seconds or when she leaves the circle. your W can be recast once to bring the circle back to your position. While in this circle, Gwen is untargetable and immune to any and all abilities from outside of the circle. Gwen also gains armor and magic resist as long as she stays in the circle.
Gwen dashes a small distance and gains 10(+15% ap) bonus magic damage on-hit, bonus attack speed, and 100 bonus attack range for 4 seconds. Gwen's first attack during those 4 seconds will halve her E's cooldown. Skip 'N Slash is also an auto attack reset and can be cast during any other her other 3 abilities.
Needlework has 3 actives. The first active fires 1 needle, the second active fires 3 needles, and the third active fires 5 needles. Each active has a restriction, where after the first and second casts you must hit an enemy with an auto attack or Snip Snip! to get the next active. Needlework slows opponents and each cast applies Thousand Cuts.
Gwen snips in a cone with her scissors at least twice, and increasing depending on how many stacks she has. She gains stacks by auto attacking enemies and objectives, and can have a maximum of 4 stacks. While the edge of the ability deals magic damage, the center of Snip Snip! deals True Damage and applies Thousand Cuts. Since gwen's Q stacks are gained via on-hit, you can get to 4 stacks with only 3 hits with Guinsoo's Rageblade via its secondary passive.
Gwen creates a circle of defense around her which lasts 5 seconds or when she leaves the circle. your W can be recast once to bring the circle back to your position. While in this circle, Gwen is untargetable and immune to any and all abilities from outside of the circle. Gwen also gains armor and magic resist as long as she stays in the circle.
Gwen dashes a small distance and gains 10(+15% ap) bonus magic damage on-hit, bonus attack speed, and 100 bonus attack range for 4 seconds. Gwen's first attack during those 4 seconds will halve her E's cooldown. Skip 'N Slash is also an auto attack reset and can be cast during any other her other 3 abilities.
Needlework has 3 actives. The first active fires 1 needle, the second active fires 3 needles, and the third active fires 5 needles. Each active has a restriction, where after the first and second casts you must hit an enemy with an auto attack or Snip Snip! to get the next active. Needlework slows opponents and each cast applies Thousand Cuts.
work in progess still --
Conq is basically the only viable option due buffs in the newest patch (11.24) which make it much better for Gwen. The nerf on Lethal Tempo affecting melee champions have made it almost unusable.
Conq is basically the only viable option due buffs in the newest patch (11.24) which make it much better for Gwen. The nerf on Lethal Tempo affecting melee champions have made it almost unusable.
Item explanations
Work in progress
Boots of luc
Dont think CDR is that important for gwen and i buy it moreso if i dont have 800 gold and the defensive boots arent that important
Boots of luc
Dont think CDR is that important for gwen and i buy it moreso if i dont have 800 gold and the defensive boots arent that important
Early Game
Work in progress
Ive attempted to explain how to approach the early game within the threats part of this guide so you can understand each match up alot easier and get a lead early if possible. Getting any lead on a scaling champion is huge and allows you to snowball and hopefully carry the game.
Gwens level 1 is super powerful and very few people in plat and below know this in my experience which makes this is very easy way to cheese a flash or first blood top lane. Hiding on the third bush in top lane (towards their side) is what I do in most match ups then E onto their face.
Ive attempted to explain how to approach the early game within the threats part of this guide so you can understand each match up alot easier and get a lead early if possible. Getting any lead on a scaling champion is huge and allows you to snowball and hopefully carry the game.
Gwens level 1 is super powerful and very few people in plat and below know this in my experience which makes this is very easy way to cheese a flash or first blood top lane. Hiding on the third bush in top lane (towards their side) is what I do in most match ups then E onto their face.
Mid Game
Work in progress
Mid game is when some of those huge power spikes come in, one of the biggest being at 2 completed items. (Riftmaker and Nashors Tooth.)
Mid game is when some of those huge power spikes come in, one of the biggest being at 2 completed items. (Riftmaker and Nashors Tooth.)
Late Game
Work in progress
Gwen late game is a monster. she has massive healing, high damage to enemies and towers and can dominate the part of the game if played correctly. If played with Conq and the build provided, her survivabilty late game is hard to match due to the strength of the Conq and riftmaker when stacked.
Gwen late game is a monster. she has massive healing, high damage to enemies and towers and can dominate the part of the game if played correctly. If played with Conq and the build provided, her survivabilty late game is hard to match due to the strength of the Conq and riftmaker when stacked.
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