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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Level up order
Dream-Laden Bough (PASSIVE)
Lillia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kha beats lillia at all stages of the game and is extremely hard to beat try not to fight him on crabs and build zhonyas
best support in the game for lillia makes the game completely unbearable for the enemy team perma heals insane ms steroid and she cant be killed while untop of you
best support in the game for lillia makes the game completely unbearable for the enemy team perma heals insane ms steroid and she cant be killed while untop of you
Champion Build Guide
Lillia is a very teamfight/teamplay oriented champ with insane mobility and play making shes also the fastest consistent jungler in the game due to her passive stacks
I'm making this guide in hopes that others can have some of the same success on the champ as I have.
First up we have Flash which works in a similar fashion to Lee Sin s would, where you use the ability and then input buffer it to make the flash kick instant and such it works the same way with lillia's q.
Second is Lillias basic dueling combo which goes > > > The use of this like the name suggest is simply dueling at crab maybe a solo laner or just a general fight where you don't want to be using
Next up is is the crossmap/snipe combo where you hit > > >
Alternatively this combo can be slightly altered if the fight is not initiated by so the combo can look somethis like this instead >
> and since swirlseed has a 0.4 cast time and a travel time you can combo it with and make them both hit at the same time
And last but not least Lillias most difficult combo this is primarily used if not only used for teamfighting which is Lillias strongsuit and almost impossible to react to the combo is as follows > Flash > > > >
Blue Buff > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red Buff > Krugs
These are the 2 paths you can take from level 1. first there's the most ideal if you are unsure if you want to start bot or topside and that's going from red to krugs etc etc cause you get to do both blue and gromp at the same time which minimizes the amount of time you need to clear the jungle for LvL 4
Now we have the variables that i personally think you should apply to where you will be starting at LvL 1.
1. What lanes are gankable LvL 4? something like a Vladimir with Phase Rush probably isn't killable but a Gangplank with no mobility and no hard cc is.
2. what laners are gonna push who in? if u have Twitch Yuumi botlane against Draven Janna they will most definitly get pushed in and or dived so maybe you should start topside to cover for them
3. what laners can help you carry the game? will a full tank Galio mid 2v8 the game with you or will the Kai'Sa? gank the lanes you feel will help you with carry the game
The current meta definitly does not favor lillia shes at 43-44% winrate currently but shes not exactly weak in that sense because of it, the problem here is that if you buff Lillia she will be too strong in teamplay/proplay but if she stays untouched she will get forgotten in the jungle at some point. however you can most definitly tell when you play against tanky comps/in a tank meta that Lillia shines. DO NOT try to teamfight a 5v5 when both teams are relatively close to being the same power level without .
Lillia Most certainly is not a duelist so don't try going around 1v1'ing whomever u meet try to only invade when you have prio in the lanes that can contest a fight with you if u have a massive lead or if its vertical jungling.
The way you wanna be playing teamfights is around 2 items ish, you wanna fight for objectives drake baron herald etc etc. at around 10 minutes you should be at a Dark Seal Ionian Boots of Lucidity with most likely a Lost Chapter and at 15 minutes hopefully you're at Liandry's Torment where you can truly start fighting 20 minutes is where you as Lillia should be nearing the 2 item spike which is the best time to fight for Lillia so try to push your lead and force fights if you have a lead at this point to close the game also spam Swirlseed every time its off cooldown its very very good poke with Liandry's Torment and you can even threaten an all in or flash with just the passive.
Lillia can also be put in side lanes to either follow waves with baron buff to crash tower or simply push waves and go back into jungling because of her insane ms steroid even if people try to rotate and stop her she will easily be gone by then. do be wary of champions who will have some sort of point and click cc like tf gold card or malzahar ultimate.
I think that was all, thank you for reading GL in solo q!
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