I don't like to play against Blitzcrank. He can hook you and you are dead in seconds. Stay behind minions, and poke him a lot with E. But don't run out for mana, if you have low mana just stay behind minions, play safe and wait. If he engages try to Q/E him from safe distance. If he hooks someone, immediately shield 'em.
She can easily outplay you with her R. Just poke her with E and dont let her get close to you.
As expected she is assasin, and she can get close to you. Do not let her get close to you. Poke from safe distance with E. If she uses her shroud, go away for while, and wait. If she uses her E on you, use Q after she is close to you. Use Q if she engages in general.
Alistar can get you airborne, so do not let him get close to you. If you poke him and stay away, it should be fine. But be aware.
Be aware of her stuns!
Same as Anivia, be aware of her stuns, but Annie can get you a lot of damage in one second, so poke her as much as you can. If she engages Q her and poke with E.
Aurelion Sol
Same as Anivia, be aware of his stuns. But after that its pretty much easy just poke him and it will be fine.
Dont be near walls or minions if you are against Bard, if he starts autoattack you or your adc, Q him and run away.
It's not hard to play against Brand if you can dodge his skills and poke him. But if you can't well good luck.
He has very good shield and his R makes you airborne but other then that its easy. Dont let him get close to you and poke him when he has his abilities on cd.
Cassiopeia is hard matchup if you can't dodge. Dont let her poision you, or you are dead in 5 seconds. If she is succesful with her poision then try to atleast Q her and run away. Poke her with E and play safe. If you manage to kill her and not let her roam, it will be fine.
His rockets and bombs are annoying, and his W can shoot himself up to you. In short: do not let him get close to you. Just poke him.
Diana has shield, long range poke, but she is short-ranged which makes her a bit weaker. Poke her with E but dont let her poke you. If you stay like this, it will be fine.
Ekko can be pretty annoying, he can get easily close to you and in that moment you are dead. Same as Diana, poke him with E but don't let him poke you.
Fizz is very strong champ, but if you manage to poke him it's fine. If you let him get close to you, you are dead.
Galio has shield against magic and his E can get you easily airborne. Just poke him and its alr.
Heimer can stun you with his E, but your E has more range so you practically out-poke him and he is pretty much easy to play against. But dont let him kill minions.
Irelia can move fast with her Q and if you do not manage to predict her movements, you are dead. Just poke her and stay behind.
If you dodge his long range Q you can kill him easily, just dont let him get close to you.
Karma can be pretty annoying because of her shields, roots and damage. Poke and stay behind and it should be alr.
Pretty much lost if she kills you in the start of the match, so stay behind, kill minions and dodge her abilities. Poke her and if your jungler comes it should be alright.
Dont let her hit you with her abilities and poke her when her abilities are on cooldown. Stay behind.
Leona has good shields and she cn get close to you, but if you dodge and poke her again and again its pretty much easy.
Lissandra has good damage but she cant do much on long range so poke her from safe distance and its going to be fine.
Lulu has good shield everytime so poke her instead of ADC. She will then shield herself and go back while you attack enemy ADC. Dodge her abilities and attack and it will be fine.
Its hard against Malphite, because he is tank with a good damage. Try to poke him but if he ults you, you are dead.
Malzahar has good ult and is long range, also he has his minions which can block your Q. Try to poke from long range but dont engage him very much.
Morgana is Lux with more focusing on CC, but also maintaining that damage. She can shield herself and block cc and damage from your abilities. Her ult stuns you, which is pretty annoying. Poke her very much, but dont engage her.
Nami has healing and her ult makes you airborne, but if you constantly poke her she cant do nothing, and she will waste her mana on healing herself.
Same as Blitzcrank, but even worse because his passive roots you and his ult makes you airborne. Definetly hard match-up and expected lost. Try to poke him from safe distance.
Do not let her hit you with her abilities and you can kill her easily. Poke her when her abilities are on cd.
Orianna has slow and can grab you with ult, so change positions very often and poke her very much.
He has shield, stun and long-range spear throw. Poke him when his abilities are on cd, and if he jumps on you, you are dead.
Same as Nautilus, Q him when he tries to hook you and shield yourself. If you manage to poke him without dying its won.
Qiyana has unexpected behavior so stay away from her and just poke her.
Rakan heals, he can charm and jump on you, so Q him if he is getting suspiciously close to you.
Great tank with good cc but just try to poke her and its fine. Q her when she is getting suspiciously close.
Rumble has long range abilities and his fire has very good damage. Manage to poke him from safe place, and stay behind tower when he is pushing.
Ryze can poke you from really long range, but if you stay away from minions and poke him its fine.
Senna has heal and good damage, also has multi-root ability. You must wait and poke her until her mana runs out, and then you can engage her.
Seraphine has great cc and if you dont pay attention, you are dead. So dodge her abilities and poke her very often and its alright. If she is getting suspicious just Q her.
I don't see now playing someone Shaco as support, but be aware of his clowns, also take oracle lens early and totem bushes on bot.
Sona can be easily engaged and poked. Be aware tho of her ult when she has lvl 6.
Soraka can out-heal you and your ADC so in fight focus on Soraka first, and then on enemy ADC. Shield very often too and dodge her abilities.
Playing against Swain can be so much annoying, he has great self-healing and he can easily root you and bring you closer to him. Do not let this happen. Poke him very often and dont get poked from him and it should be winnable.
Pretty much same as Swain, great self-healing but also good damage and he can steal your ult so be aware.
Syndra can be easy to play against if you poke her and dodge her abilities. But if you don't you will lose.
I don't see this champ very often, but it's annyoing to go against her. Dodge her abilities and poke her very much.
Talon is very much expected lost. He is assasin with great mobility abilities, which makes him strong against you. If you manage to to poke him safely and watch his steps(he'll probably roam bot/top), then it's winnable.
Veigar is pretty strong, but if you just poke him, and shield yourself in the right times you should be fine. Don't let him take minions!
If you can dodge, you can win this easily, but if you cannot, well good luck. Try to poke him as much as possible, and shield yourself everytime he engages you.
Vex is right now pretty much unbalanced, she has fear and great damage. If you manage to safely poke her, it's winnable. Try to dodge her abilities and watch her steps, because she'll probably roam.
Be away from him and poke him as much as possible and it should be alright. Be aware of his stuns!
Yasuo has great ability movement with his E, and his Q makes you airborne. Stay away and poke. Do this till the end of game, and also stay away from minions. If he engages, wait till he gets close to you and then Q him.
Same as Yasuo, but a little harder. If he engages with his E, immiadetly Q him, and if he comes back to his position, try to E him there. If he will have wind charged up immiadetly run away.
Zed is very strong, but even tho you can still win it easily. Stay away, poke and if you can then dodge. If he places a shadow stay away.
Ziggs and his bombs are very strong, but if you will poke him and shield yourself continously, it will be fine. If he engages, poke him from safe distance.
Zoe is pretty hard to go against. But here are some tricks : if she uses portal, Q her. If she gets you dizzy, shield yourself. Don't let her get spells and minions.
You are going to be a lot annoyed playing against Zyra, but if you manage to poke her, and shield your ADC continously its alright.
Amumu is great for engaging and has a lot of CC. If you combine his and yours CC, you will definetly get a kill.
Ashe has slow, which you can take advantage of, and root your enemies. When she stuns somebody, Q them.
Aphelios is very hard to play with, because instead of roots he needs shields, so you'll probably be shield supp.
Caitlyn can be pretty amazing to play with, if she knows what she's doing. Q enemies when they are rooted by her and E them a lot. If you both have ult, let her kill.
Diana is good jungler, when she uses R try to root as many enemies as possible.
Draven has very good damage and he is long range, if you keep poking enemies with him, they have no chance.
Ezreal is the same as Aphelios, instead of roots he needs shields, so go shield support.
Jhin is great pick beacuse of his strength and his CC. You can easily win lane if you just poke from long, safe range.
You can go damage Lux, but i'd rarther recommend going shield Lux.
Kai'Sa has a lot of damage is she is well feeded. You can go shield Lux if they go assasin supp (Pyke...)
Great damage, but she lacks CC except her R. So you will probably focus more on the CC then on the shield.
Kha'Zix is very strong jungler, so if you feed him, he can practically carry.
Kindred needs shields, lacks CC and damage, so if you won't feed her, she is useless.
His E is great because he can rapidly slow enemies for you, which you can root.
In early game she can just slow enemies, but after she gains lvl 6 she is great jungler with lot of damage.
Master Yi
Great damage and can practically carry, but only if you feed him.
Miss Fortune
Miss has great slow for you, and her R is amazing. If you can slow/root them right before she ults, it's easy double kill.
Nidalee is jungler with a great dmaage from the start, so she is very great, and she can also heal you.
Can carry and he doesnt even need kills. But it will boost him if you give him some
Nunu & Willump
Great jungler, great damage great CC.
Good CC but he isnt damage-focused so you need to be able to do a lot of damage.
Samira was strong when she was released, but she is now in the same nerf bag as Aphelios, Rell, and other great champs. Still a good damage tho.
Tristana is good ADC but she might need a lot of shield because of the matchup.
Twicth is great ADC too but he needs shield, so go shield Lux.
Varus is very great pick for you, beacuse he has root on his shields, and he doesnt need shields that much.
Vayne is good, but sometimes , because of the match-up you might need to carry her.
Again, ADC with root, so she will be definetly alright.
Amumu is great for engaging and has a lot of CC. If you combine his and yours CC, you will definetly get a kill.
Ashe has slow, which you can take advantage of, and root your enemies. When she stuns somebody, Q them.
Aphelios is very hard to play with, because instead of roots he needs shields, so you'll probably be shield supp.
Caitlyn can be pretty amazing to play with, if she knows what she's doing. Q enemies when they are rooted by her and E them a lot. If you both have ult, let her kill.
Diana is good jungler, when she uses R try to root as many enemies as possible.
Draven has very good damage and he is long range, if you keep poking enemies with him, they have no chance.
Ezreal is the same as Aphelios, instead of roots he needs shields, so go shield support.
Jhin is great pick beacuse of his strength and his CC. You can easily win lane if you just poke from long, safe range.
You can go damage Lux, but i'd rarther recommend going shield Lux.
Kai'Sa has a lot of damage is she is well feeded. You can go shield Lux if they go assasin supp (Pyke...)
Great damage, but she lacks CC except her R. So you will probably focus more on the CC then on the shield.
Kha'Zix is very strong jungler, so if you feed him, he can practically carry.
Kindred needs shields, lacks CC and damage, so if you won't feed her, she is useless.
His E is great because he can rapidly slow enemies for you, which you can root.
In early game she can just slow enemies, but after she gains lvl 6 she is great jungler with lot of damage.
Master Yi
Great damage and can practically carry, but only if you feed him.
Miss Fortune
Miss has great slow for you, and her R is amazing. If you can slow/root them right before she ults, it's easy double kill.
Nidalee is jungler with a great dmaage from the start, so she is very great, and she can also heal you.
Can carry and he doesnt even need kills. But it will boost him if you give him some
Nunu & Willump
Great jungler, great damage great CC.
Good CC but he isnt damage-focused so you need to be able to do a lot of damage.
Samira was strong when she was released, but she is now in the same nerf bag as Aphelios, Rell, and other great champs. Still a good damage tho.
Tristana is good ADC but she might need a lot of shield because of the matchup.
Twicth is great ADC too but he needs shield, so go shield Lux.
Varus is very great pick for you, beacuse he has root on his shields, and he doesnt need shields that much.
Vayne is good, but sometimes , because of the match-up you might need to carry her.
Again, ADC with root, so she will be definetly alright.
Hello, my name's soulentt and this is my Lux guide. I started to play League from the end of season 7. May some of you say I'm unexperienced, but I played over 300+ games with Lux, and I think I know how to play her.
Also this is my first guide, so if you have something to say, then comment it! <3
P.S: Sorry for my English, I'm Slovakian.
Pros and Cons
→ Great support → Annoying laugh → A lot of damage → Not so hard to master → Amazing skins and VFX
→ Squishy → Mana hungry → Cannot carry → Long cooldowns → Not so supportive
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