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Runes: Support AND Top builds
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
One of Swain's worst counter picks for a simple reason: her shield. You CAN learn how to outplay her, mostly if you have a good adc next to you. Outscaling her is the only good option, but its fairly doable.
Jhin is a very good pick to play with Swain because he can stun what you immobilize. He can also follow up to a well placed W.
Jhin is a very good pick to play with Swain because he can stun what you immobilize. He can also follow up to a well placed W.
Champion Build Guide
(TOP) Swain needs some space and manoeuver to make some good early plays top lane. Since your damage is based on your abilities, you'll have a hard time facing champions such as Jax or Darius at first. Ask your jungler to come and help whenever he's top side, and make sure you're not pushing too far at any time during laning phase. Freeze the lane and make sure you stay near your tower. At the end of the game, you'll be an absolute monster, dont even worry about it. Focus on farming.
You wanna finish your Zonya asap in order to pull out some combos, bait your opponents in unexpected teamfights and give them opportunities.
Your 3rd item marks the end of the midgame, whether you went with Demonic Embrace, Banshee's Veil or any other offensive item. Afterwards, you want to build pure offense.
(TOP) Mid game is when a top Swain starts roaming hard. Not in the enemy jungle or even necessarly in yours, but to help in particular situations like a fight mid, a herald, or even a dragon. Dont forget that you can help your team at a distance with your W and that it can save the life of a fleeing ally or secure a kill.
Without forgetting about your top, Swain is a bit dependant of the rest of the team midgame, unless you've had an amazing start up top. Dont set out alone, make sure you're surrounded by other ally players.
Your E is your initiator for a classic full combo: you immobilize the enemy, but dont pull him yet. Cast your W between the place where he is immobilized and where he will land when you will pull. That way, if he chooses to fight, your W lands. If he tries to run away, you still get him as well.
When E has landed and W is cast, you pull. Make sure to make this quick before you loose the capacity to pull or that the W ends. When the enemy is pulled and receives the damage from the W, cast your Q. You can hardly miss since the enemy is slowed from the W. Since it was impaired, your Q will deal more damage.
The other full combo option is when the enemy is out of your E's reach. You can cast W to slow him down, reach and use E, then pull and cast Q. This will provide a lesser oportunity to finish the kill but its very usefull if you're trying to finish off a low health champion. If you're low on HP as well, ult before you pull in your E.
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