Treat him like Leona. If you go as aggressive as you possibly can level 1 he can't engage even if he gets level 2 first. After level 1, respect his ability to all-in you and keep good brush control. Don't bother to auto him for poke and auto his ADC instead if they step up too far since you can easily be engaged on if you go within auto range. Your Q range is bigger than his W range so just keep poking from afar with your Q. Once he goes in and messes something up, punish him hard for it. Do not stack too close to your ADC as he can potentially flash Q both of you.
Don't stack too close to your ADC and don't walk up too close for her to wall you in and you'll be fine. You outdamage her(assuming she doesn't hit her stun so hide behind minions) so it should be a relatively easy lane.
Annie's only real threat in lane is her stun that would probably lead to her throwing her entire combo on you so always keep track of her passive. Aside from that, keep poking until 6 because that's when you can find bigger kill opportunities with you ult since she is so squishy.
Confusing champ. Just treat him like any other ADC.
Ashe and Sona are kind of similar in the sense that they both have good poke and their only hard CC are their ults. However, she has a slow on her passive while Sona has sustain. Your goal in lane is to reach level 6 before her and engage(preferably surprise them the moment you hit 6) with your ult. Stay behind minions with high health to avoid her volley as the volley will pass through units that it kills.
Bard doesn't usually stay in lane a lot as his passive encourages him to roam around. In lane, bait out his Q or poke behind a decently big wave because his Q can hit up to 2 units and if he does hit 2 units he stuns them both. Go aggressive on his ADC whenever he is roaming and try to the best of your ability to match his roams midgame. Of course, you usually won't be as fast as him since Bard is made to roam but an attempt should always be made. Try to also ward for him for mid since that's where he will be going to most, preferably in the river brush.
Blitzcrank has one of the strongest level 1 and 2s in the game and you should always make sure you have a healthy minion in front of you to block his hooks with. Punish him HARD for missing his hooks since he can't do anything except walk up to you and E you for 20 seconds. Once hooked, you're probably dead since his ult clears any shields that you have.
This is one of the matchups where I would take Guardian and Relic Shield, ping my jungle, and give the lane since you won't be able to outdamage his burst and might even risk getting yourself or your ADC killed since he also outranges you. Brand has insane damage and his skillshots will be a little hard to dodge early on since you don't have a lot of movement speed. Thankfully, he is squishy, immobile, and very much gankable. To reduce the damage that he deals in fights, spread out so that his passive explosion and ult doesn't hit other allies.
Braum has pretty much no threat in lane unless you let yourself be hit with his Q or let him walk up to you into melee range. Stay behind a minion and keep poking him and make his life miserable.
Chogath's only real threatening ability in lane is his Q, but you could easily dodge it with your E movement speed but if he hits it, you're probably going to get chunked or even killed. Auto him from your max auto range so he can't just silence and Q you.
Classic lane bully. Survive and poke until you have your ult. When you go in with your ult, exhaust him so it is harder for him to pick up his axes and fight back. Don't stand on your ADC since he might E both of you.
Ezreal is one of the safest ADC picks in lane, since he technically has two flashes. However, he can't E away from your Q's since they are auto-targeted and the only ability of yours he has to dodge is your ult which will most likely stun him before he can react so just go aggressive on him in lane and try to catch him with your ult once you have it.
Poke him from far away level 1 and be careful of his level 2, his knockup should be dodgeable unless you step too close so just poke from far away and don't be too aggressive once he has his level 2 and punish him whenever he misses anything. Ping your team when he has 6 so they won't be surprise ganked by Galio.
Most of Janna's threat in lane comes from her ability to slow you and hit you with a tornado but thanks to Sona's large Q range, you can poke her safely from far away. it is important to keep brushes warded so you can see her bigger tornados charging up(usually from a place where we have no vision so we won't expect a tornado coming). Don't try to flash ult for an engage if she has 6, she can just ult you away before you can get you ult off. It's possible that she doesn't react fast enough to do that but if you flash in and get Janna ulted, it might leave you in a bad position.
Jhin pairs best with a poke support, as he can root you every time his support pokes you. He will, most of the time, look to fourth shot you or your ADC when he has it. Do step up to poke him after he shoots his fourth shot as he will be reloading and can't do anything.
Jinx is a late-game hypercarry that depends on getting fed so once she is behind, it's going to become difficult for her. Be careful of her chompers in lane and don't make long trades with her since she excels at that. Just Q auto then back up.
Kai'Sa goes well with almost every tank support since tank supports can stack two stacks of her passive at once. She's a pretty slippery ADC so even if you manage to ult her she might run away after the stun ends so you will have to exhaust her right as the stun ends. Her damage is rather spread out and will only burst you if it's only you around so group up or make sure you have a big wave to reduce her damage deal to a single target.
Kalista has two strengths, she can deal a large amount of burst when there is a large amount of spears in a certain target and she can ult and throw an ally and the ally will knock people up if they hit someone. This is why she works so well with tanks because she can literally throw them like a lead ball. However, as long as you don't let her stack her spears in you and only have short trades with her, you will almost always win the trade.
Karma does not have too much threat in lane, but her mantra-empowered Q's do hurt. However, it won't explode if it doesn't hit something so just try and doge them. You can usually easily walk out of her tether range if she does decide to tether you and you also have a much more reliable source of poke so it shouldn't be too hard dealing with her.
Kog can melt you pretty fast especially later on if you stay within his auto range, so only auto him while he is CSing or hover at the edge of his auto range. Go as aggressive as you can without taking too much damage back in lane since you shouldn't just let him free scale into a monster.
Go VERY aggressive level 1 because she can't do anything about it unless you walk into melee range of her. Level 2, if you didn't poke her down enough, respect her and only auto her when she misses her E. Your Q outranges her E so you are able to poke her at max Q range but don't greed for more than that. If she goes in on you with high health, you're most likely dead or have to burn summs. Don't stack too close to your ADC, she can apply her passive onto both of you with a single E. Be wary of her relatively low CD ult. try to dodge the center and while you probably won't react fast enough to not be hit by the slow, E yourself/whoever else is slowed to negate most of the slow. Don't save your flash against Leona. A used flash isn't technically worth anything but 300 gold to the enemy ADC is.
Pretty much all of Lucian's power is put into his laning phase, so naturally a weak early champ like Sona will usually have a harder time dealing with him in lane. Once you reach 6, you will have a slightly easier time dealing with him as you will have a bigger chance killing him since you have CC but he does not. Poke him when his abilities are on cooldown(e.g. when he just used them to last hit minions) to avoid a lot of damage since he gets two extra small autos after every ability.
Lulu against Sona is slightly Lulu-favored early on since her auto attacks hurt especially if you get hit by her Q and she can stuff in a couple more autos and you don't have much except Q and powerchords to fight back with. However, you do greatly outrange her if we are simply considering singular abilities and not combos. Spacing against Lulu is important as she will hit less Q's against you and thus you will win more trades. Focus on her ADC more and punish her when Lulu wastes her shield. Her ult is based on the ally's current percentage health so if you keep her ADC low, you will have a bigger chance of killing them even if Lulu ults. Her polymorph has a relatively long cooldown so just play it slow if she polymorphs you and use that cooldown time to your advantage.
Her E's and Q's are usually pretty dodgeable since the projectiles are so slow. You outdamage her early on with your Q auto combo so consistently harass with that. If you're close enough, you can also cancel her ult with your ult stun if you get hit by a Q. However, if the Lux is good and you get hit by a lot of her abilities, you will probably be burst down pretty quickly so stay behind at least two minions when poking.
Pre-6, Malphite has almost no threat to you at all so you can do whatever you wan to him but after he has his ult, that's when he can be scary. If you get ulted by him, you're probably dead. Consider getting Stopwatch as level 6 approaches. If not, don't be afraid to flash a Malphite ult which is usually doable since the animation is pretty slow especially if he is ulting from far away.
Maokai excels at brush control with his saplings. Keep brushes warded to keep yourself from being hit by one. If you know there is a sapling in a brush, either wait for it to die by itself or lure it out and try to out run it with your E. Maokai ult doesn't usually hit unless you are already CC'd, be it soft or hard. His W range is rather small so you can still slap some powerchords onto his without worrying too much.
Miss Fortune
One of the easier ADC matchups in my opinion since you heavily out trade her and you can always ult to stop her ult channel. However, if she gets fed, she can evaporate you before you even react fast enough and get into ult range of her. This is when you might want to get Stopwatch. Otherwise, this should be a pretty easy lane.
Another easy lane. You out damage her poke early on and you can easily pop her Black Shield with a Q-Powerchord combo so poke her as much as possible early on, her Q's should be easy to dodge with your E since it's slow but if you do get hit, it will hurt quite a bit. Be sure to have her Black Shield popped before you ult, otherwise it won't stun.
A good Nami can be pretty annoying in lane since she outtrades you with a single spell as her W damages and will splash back to her for a heal, negating much of the damage you deal to her in the trade. Try and walk out of her W range if she W's you so it won't bounce back to her/her ADC. She can slow you with an E-empowered spell or auto then Q you. Her ult also peels very well and for that, if you only ult her ADC, you will probably just be ulted by her and it can turn bad for you so try and ult and burst her down instead of her ADC. I would take Ignite in this matchup most of the time unless their team has a lot of assassins.
Poke him down level 1 as much as you can since he doesn't really have enough damage nor the tankiness he needs to kill you without risk dying himself. Level 2 he can pretty much run you down if he has enough health unless you have a big enough wave to block him hook/deal return damage. Beware that his ult knocks up whoever it runs through, so don't run in between Nautilus and whoever he has targeted for his ult so you will be knocked up. Early game, he is still pretty squishy so you should go aggressive if he doesn't have his flash up or if you have a big wave. If he has a flash up, there is a possibility he could flash auto Q you, and you will lose a lot of health and possibly die. Keep good brush control especially if he takes Hexflash since Nautilus would probably play up in your face and this lane is about punishing him for his mistakes and trying to poke him safely.
Neeko has quite annoying damage in lane but her E should be easy to dodge. She doesn't have much to kill you with until 6, so go aggressive and punish her for missing her Es until 6. If she W's and you want to ult, don't do it unless you know which Neeko is real for sure so you don't waste it.
Staying out of Pantheon's W range is essential in this lane. Keep track of his passive stacks and only go aggressive if he has none to two. The rest of the time, just poke from far away. If he chooses to go in on you without his passive fully stacked, punish him. His E does not block your ult. Ping his level when he hits 6 so your teammates won't be surprise ganked.
Keep a control ward in lane towards your side for him and keep the brushes warded. Stay behind him and go a little more aggressive before level 6 as he does not have as much to kill you but that doesn't mean he can't kill you. He is naturally squishy so try and call down your jungler for ganks and ward the river well so your mid can worry less about Pyke ganking. Mid-Late game, vision control is important as he builds Umbral Glaive and that would kill a lot of your wards. Stopwatch/Hourglass is recommended.
Rakan can W you, but that's about it. If he misses W, you can hard punish him if he is not level 6 yet. Stay spread out in both teamfights and in lane so he has a harder time ulting you. If he ults, you should always ult him so he doesn't charm more people.
In melee form, Rell is pretty slow and you should always go aggressive then since she doesn't have much. When she is mounted, however, be careful and space well so that she can't W you as easily. Poking her reduces the bonus movement speed that she gains from being mounted. Play carefully in lane as if she can't get any leads or falls behind in lane, it's hard for her to get ahead for the rest of the game unless someone on your team runs it down.
Samira is super annoying, but there aren't really anything that she can do about you. She (usually) can't time her W well enough to block your ult since it's so fast and when she goes in on you or ults, you can just exhaust or green powerchord her.
Senna scales like crazy and will outdamage your heal and shield later on if you lose lane. Wait until level 6 and don't go too aggressive until then. Call your jungler and also consider starting Relic Shield so you don't have to trade as much. If you do decide to trade, trade with her ADC and not her. Following her nerfs, she has gone down a little in power but I think she still deserves to be called a top tier threat for Sona.
You should be winning lane since you have more consistent damage and her Q is pretty dodgeable since it's slow. Even if you get hit, you can shield most of its damage. However, if you get hit by a root or if the Seraphine has an ADC who can follow up her damage(i.e. Jhin), this lane becomes a little difficult. What you can do then is continue poking but not go too close. Her ult covers a lot more area than yours but it is a lot more dodgeable. When trading, try to trade when she doesn't have a lot of notes on her and her allies since that's extra damage for her and keep track of her passive double cast and don't step up to trade when she has her double cast since you could get rooted/at least out damaged.
As long as you keep a good distance from Sett so that he doesn't Q-E you fast enough for you to not able to react, you shouldn't have a big problem dealing with him in lane. Dodge the center of his W to avoid the true damage and poke from afar and only auto him when his Q is down. Keep brushes warded well if he has flash or hexflash so he doesn't flash on you.
Shaco support is probably one of the easiest matchups for Sona if played correctly. Only things you need to consistently do is keep a control ward in the lane for when he goes invisible and start sweepers if you want for his boxes. You out trade him if you don't run into a box and he can't really peel you off if you decide to ult his ADC.
Like many other tank supports, keep a good distance away from Shen and you'll be alright. Ping his level once he hits 6 so your teammates won't be surprise ganked.
Sivir's main source of damage in lane apart from her autos is her Q. Try and bait it out then go trade with her otherwise she might hurt. Most common use of her Q in lane is on the minions so see if you can go trade with her after she does that. She might E to try and block your ult if she feels like you will ult her but you can pop it by pressing Q or autoing her. Never raw ult her without making sure her E is down.
go play draft or solo q man
There is nothing keeping you from running Soraka down in lane once She's used her E so punish her if she randomly uses it to poke which is something a lot of people do. You probably won't be able to do a lot of damage to her if she hits her Q's but if she doesn't, she's just a fragile sack of gold. For that, try to dodge her Q's with your E and get your team to get Grievous Wounds since her mid-late heal is massive especially if she hits her Q's and she can just spam heal.
Try to bait out his E as not being hit by that one ability will mean you winning lane. Hover at the edge of his E range and poke with your Q. Only auto him when his E is on cooldown. Consider getting Grievous Wounds if he gets ahead in lane for his ult.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench can't do anything to you in lane unless you for some reason walk into melee range and let him stack his passive on you and eat you which should never happen unless you get CC'd, so just go as aggressive as can. Unless you're confident you can burst his ADC down quickly, ult Tahm instead since Tahm can just eat his ADC if you tried to kill them and didn't burst them down quick enough.
Taric gives his team a lot of survivability and tankiness, but he is vulnerable to poke and it's rare that he lands his E against a ranged support unless they are already CC'd as the animation is so long. Be aggressive in lane and doge his E's with your E. Try to burst his allies down quickly so they can't be ulted by Taric since it takes some time to take effect.
Teemo is pretty annoying, especially his DoT. I recommend trying to burst him down (this can be made easier by pinging your ADC or typing in chat)instead of playing it slow like usual since he doesn't really have anything to keep you away after his Q is used and he is pretty squishy. Tell your team to get sweepers since his mushrooms both do damage and provide vision, acting as small wards. I prefer going Guardian here just to deal with the consistent damage he will deal in lane but if you're confident, Aery is an okay choice as well.
How this matchup goes depends mostly on how good the Thresh is since he is a pretty high skill ceiling champ. Go aggressive level 1 since he doesn't really have a good ability to take like most other tank supports and don't stack close to your ADC in lane since he can flash flay you both. Beware of his ability to set up surprise ganks with his lantern even if you have river warded so try and ward deeper for his jungler if you can and don't go too aggressive if you don't see his jungler on the map.
Tristana is probably the hardest ADC matchup for Sona. She has a ton of kill potential level 2 if she lands her jump, and I recommend taking Guardian here unless her support is very weak early on and won't be able to add much to the damage that she deals. Go aggressive level 1 since she doesn't really have anything threatening level 1 and consider getting stopwatch for her bomb if she gets fed. Make sure to time your exhaust well (before she lands) if she does choose to jump on you to maximize your chances of turning the situation around.
Treat him like an assassin and always have a control ward on your side of the lane for when he goes invisible. Always ping when Twitch is missing unless you know for sure he is in lane and not off to roam to mid or something. With that, make sure to ward well for mid for if you forget to ping and Twitch goes mid while you weren't aware. As he is designed to be an ADC, he is very squishy and ult-exhaust will almost guarantee his death. Go aggressive early and do not let him free scale into a monster as he can just go around, press ult and E and nuke everyone.
Varus has built-in Grievous Wounds on his E, so obviously don't W while walking in his E puddle. Stay spread out in fights so his ult doesn't spread to other people and root them too. The longer he charges up his Q, the more damage it deals so be ready to dodge it whenever you see him charging up or even E since if you get hit, it will deal a lot of damage.
A lot of Vayne's damage comes from her third shot, so step out of her range before she hits you with it when trading. If she does hit that third shot, you will be hit with a big amount of burst that some people won't expect. ALWAYS exhaust her first in teamfights unless she is very behind because once she ults, you won't be able to exhaust or target her as easily.
Veigar's Q has pretty short range and you can easily bait out his cage by hovering at the edge of its range and running out with your E before it fully forms. Don't be afraid to flash out of his cage of you get trapped in it and feel like you might get killed and poke him lots during his cage cooldown since he has absolutely nothing to keep you away apart from throwing his abilities at you which you can always shield and heal to negate the damage of. I recommend taking Ignite here if he doesn't have a strong early ADC like Tristana because you have a lot more kill pressure than him in lane assuming you bait out his cages correctly.
It's recommended to take Stopwatch into Vel'Koz if you're having trouble dodging his skillshots and think you might just be poked then ulted. Make trades with him short so he can't easily stack his passive on you and deal more damage on you than you need to take. If you can, ult him during his ult to stop it from channeling.
Always keep track of how many feathers she has on the ground as being hit by 3 or more when she calls them back will result in you being rooted. If Xayah is quick, she can dodge you ult with her ult and you will probably be left in a bad position if she E's and roots you, so try and surprise her with your ult and make it less predictable.
If you can dodge most of Xerath's skillshots, you will be easily able to outdamage him and sustain through the damage that he does to you. But if you're not fast enough to react and dodge, you will struggle. Definitely take cookies for rune and maybe take Stopwatch if he gets fed. He is a glass cannon and can't do anything if he gets CC'd, so ult him whenever you see a chance to kill him.
As he is melee, consistently poke Yasuo and don't stand too close to your minions since he can dash on you easily. Beware of how many times he has used his Q. If he has tornado ready, his blade should have a visual effect on it. Stay spread out so if someone gets hit by the tornado, you don't get hit too.
Yuumi has basically no threat in lane and it's pretty much a 2v1 early on so go as aggressive as you want. Her ult is like a scuffed version of yours but covers a bigger area. Get Grievous Wounds early(and tell your team too) so that she has a harder time scaling. You outscale her too and the only thing you need to focus on is bursting down her carry after poking them down enough so she can't spam heals as she is better in longer fights where she has the option to heal, hop down for her passive proc, and continue to heal more but has almost no anti-burst.
Zac doesn't have as much threat level 1 so go aggressive but not too aggressive since he can still jump on you if he starts E. You have to react fast when he charges up his E otherwise you will probably get hard chunked or even die. He is easy to kite so the key to this matchup is spacing and quickly running out of his Q range if he Q's you.
You can sustain through Zigg's damage but if you get hit by a skillshot, it hurts a lot. Consider taking Guardian if you're really bad at dodging skillshots but if you're alright, just take your regular runes. If lane isn't going well and he's outdamaging you because you're getting hit by his skillshots, try taking refillables. His ult shouldn't be hard to dodge, or at least you should never be hit by the center of it unless you're CC'd. Like other AP supports, he is very immobile and squishy and any hard CC could mean death for him so if you're not struggling too hard in lane, you should always look to ult or even flash-ult him whenever you can.
Zilean relies on hitting his Q to get ahead in lane, so always try and bait it out. If he has missed one Q, he can't stun you so go aggressive then. If you dodge both his bombs, he has basically nothing to keep you away except for a slow so punish him for it. His ult is pretty annoying since you probably won't be able to kill his ADC even if you ult and "kill" them. It's fine if you wanna take Guardian here, I personally wouldn't unless I feel like I have a slow reaction time that day.
Zyra is very strong in lane, and you can be heavily punished if you get hit by her root. However, she is hard to play from behind and as long as you don't give her advantages in lane, you will eventually outscale her. Before 6, bait out her root before trading with her by pretending to step on her seeds. DO NOT actually step on them unless she is out of her ability range. If you get hit by a root, it will cost you a lot of your health as you are not tanky at all. Taking Guardian is a good idea if you are not familiar with the matchup and what she does. After you have your ult, you have more kill pressure as you actually have something to CC her with and she is just a glass cannon. Call down your jungler before 6 to try and get a lead in lane and make sure she doesn't snowball but if they don't come down, play carefully as one misstep can mean your death.
No one knows what he does, but it's fine since Sona provides a little bit of everything.
Ashe pokes and slows, you poke. You ult, Ashe ult follows up. Everyone is happy :)
Only real synergy between you and Cait is that you both poke well and she can follow up with a trap after you ult or vice versa but that's about it.
Draven has his E to follow up with your CC and decent damage early to carry you through lane. Outside of lane it's your turn to carry him.
Ezreal is a pretty safe laner so if you wanted to roam or get deep wards in you don't have to worry about him as much as other ADCs.
Graves has nice burst damage, but almost no poke at all and can't really help you trade.
You poke, he roots, you ult, boom bang boom. If they live on 20 health, Q him so he gets extra damage on his ult to help finish them off :) Jhin is probably my favourite ADC to lane with as Sona since they go so well together.
Jinx is a late-game monster, just like you. So if you manage to survive lane, you have a pretty big chance of winning. She can also follow up your ults with her chompers and vice versa.
You can't really stack Kai'Sa's passive quickly without using ult but at least her poke is fine. You can't follow her like Yuumi if she does decide to ult someone far away.
You're squishy so Kalista can't really ult you into the enemy team but at least she can get you out of a sticky situation and help you survive for longer in fights or reposition quickly.
He pokes pretty well, but since you're double AP, enemy bot can just build magic resist.
Similar to Jinx, he's a late-game monster and you provide him with the survivability + extra damage in fights that he needs. Only thing that keeps him from being a 5 is the fact that he has no CC.
Lucian's power is all in his laning phase, so he can carry you through lane and allow you to scale easier.
Miss Fortune
They both poke and when Sona ults, Miss Fortune just melts through whoever Sona just stunned with her ult as that's where most of her power is at.
Unless they have a lot of CC, having a Samira means a pretty easy game as you can just spam heal her and she will do Samira things. If the enemy support has a hook, Samira can even block the hook for you if she reacts fast enough.
You both and heal and scale like crazy so just sit back in lane and don't do anything too crazy unless one of you hits some form of CC.
Literally every one of their abilities synergize with each other and you can keep people chain CC'd with your ults.
Play aggressive and if Sivir is able to help you poke with her boomerang, that's ideal.
If Swain roots someone, you can follow up with ult. It's like having Jhin but shorter range.
He has a lot of poke but little burst to help you kill anyone if you ult.
I love playing with Tristana, as level 2 she will often jump in and the extra damage from your Q and heal + shield from your W will amplify the chances of her bursting someone down quickly especially if their bot is squishy and immobile.
Twitch can nuke someone that you ult, but you have to follow him around sometimes and if you take Aery and cast an ability on him, Aery will reveal his location even if he is stealthed.
Varus can poke with you and ult whoever you ult. Before 6 though, don't try and make a play unless they are low or you see a big kill potential otherwise it might get you guys behind.
You both scale like crazy and she can follow up your ult with her condemn and burst people down quite quick if she is good.
Although you both scale, Veigar doesn't really have much in lane and he's relatively harder to protect than other ADCs since he's completely immobile and has kind of a short range.
She can root whoever you ult and deals good burst damage.
Yasuo is sometimes too fast for you to follow but if you can stay within shield range of him, you can make a lot out of a Yasuo ADC as you make up for the poke that he lacks.
You both poke well but like Veigar, Ziggs is relatively harder to protect than other ADCs as he doesn't have consistent damage like them and he will die faster than most other ADCs if he doesn't position well.
No one knows what he does, but it's fine since Sona provides a little bit of everything.
Ashe pokes and slows, you poke. You ult, Ashe ult follows up. Everyone is happy :)
Only real synergy between you and Cait is that you both poke well and she can follow up with a trap after you ult or vice versa but that's about it.
Draven has his E to follow up with your CC and decent damage early to carry you through lane. Outside of lane it's your turn to carry him.
Ezreal is a pretty safe laner so if you wanted to roam or get deep wards in you don't have to worry about him as much as other ADCs.
Graves has nice burst damage, but almost no poke at all and can't really help you trade.
You poke, he roots, you ult, boom bang boom. If they live on 20 health, Q him so he gets extra damage on his ult to help finish them off :) Jhin is probably my favourite ADC to lane with as Sona since they go so well together.
Jinx is a late-game monster, just like you. So if you manage to survive lane, you have a pretty big chance of winning. She can also follow up your ults with her chompers and vice versa.
You can't really stack Kai'Sa's passive quickly without using ult but at least her poke is fine. You can't follow her like Yuumi if she does decide to ult someone far away.
You're squishy so Kalista can't really ult you into the enemy team but at least she can get you out of a sticky situation and help you survive for longer in fights or reposition quickly.
He pokes pretty well, but since you're double AP, enemy bot can just build magic resist.
Similar to Jinx, he's a late-game monster and you provide him with the survivability + extra damage in fights that he needs. Only thing that keeps him from being a 5 is the fact that he has no CC.
Lucian's power is all in his laning phase, so he can carry you through lane and allow you to scale easier.
Miss Fortune
They both poke and when Sona ults, Miss Fortune just melts through whoever Sona just stunned with her ult as that's where most of her power is at.
Unless they have a lot of CC, having a Samira means a pretty easy game as you can just spam heal her and she will do Samira things. If the enemy support has a hook, Samira can even block the hook for you if she reacts fast enough.
You both and heal and scale like crazy so just sit back in lane and don't do anything too crazy unless one of you hits some form of CC.
Literally every one of their abilities synergize with each other and you can keep people chain CC'd with your ults.
Play aggressive and if Sivir is able to help you poke with her boomerang, that's ideal.
If Swain roots someone, you can follow up with ult. It's like having Jhin but shorter range.
He has a lot of poke but little burst to help you kill anyone if you ult.
I love playing with Tristana, as level 2 she will often jump in and the extra damage from your Q and heal + shield from your W will amplify the chances of her bursting someone down quickly especially if their bot is squishy and immobile.
Twitch can nuke someone that you ult, but you have to follow him around sometimes and if you take Aery and cast an ability on him, Aery will reveal his location even if he is stealthed.
Varus can poke with you and ult whoever you ult. Before 6 though, don't try and make a play unless they are low or you see a big kill potential otherwise it might get you guys behind.
You both scale like crazy and she can follow up your ult with her condemn and burst people down quite quick if she is good.
Although you both scale, Veigar doesn't really have much in lane and he's relatively harder to protect than other ADCs since he's completely immobile and has kind of a short range.
She can root whoever you ult and deals good burst damage.
Yasuo is sometimes too fast for you to follow but if you can stay within shield range of him, you can make a lot out of a Yasuo ADC as you make up for the poke that he lacks.
You both poke well but like Veigar, Ziggs is relatively harder to protect than other ADCs as he doesn't have consistent damage like them and he will die faster than most other ADCs if he doesn't position well.
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