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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About me
Greetings fellow gamers and welcome to my Zyra guide. I have played league of legends since season eigth and I would consider myself a Zyra one trick pony. I also offer coaching for anyone that would like to climb out of Iron IV.
Why Zyra?
If you didn't know this by know, I am pleased to tell you that Zyra is the best champion ever made in league of legends. By mastering this champion you can instanly 100-0 anyone if your plants from a safe distance. The plants are also great for zoning out enemies in choke points
- Lots of damage
- AOE Snare and Knockup
- Long Range
- None, Zyra is op
You will play the Domination tree when playing this op champion known as Zyra. This is because you will play the most fun rune existing in League of Legends, Dark Harvest.
Dark Harvest is your go to main rule. With this you will collect infinite amount of stacks while destroying the enemy champions untill they want to ff.
Cheap Shot will give you extra true damage in laning phase everytime you hit a root or knockup. This will help to start the snowball running on your way to becoming the op Zyra.
Eyeball Collection is a nice passive rune to get more AP. You will easily get stacks for this with how much killing of enemy champion you will be doing.
Ultimate Hunter is the last rune you will run. This is because the ultimate cooldown is a bit high so we will lower this down. That way we get to destroy enemy champions more often.
Magical Footwear is the first secondary rune you will run. This will give you great value in free boots, with the small added bonus that you run a bit faster. That way you can run faster to the enemies that you will destroy.
Biscuit Delivery is the second rune you will run in here. This is to help with laning phase so you get to heal more and have more mana in lane. More mana = more dmg
Dark Harvest is your go to main rule. With this you will collect infinite amount of stacks while destroying the enemy champions untill they want to ff.
Cheap Shot will give you extra true damage in laning phase everytime you hit a root or knockup. This will help to start the snowball running on your way to becoming the op Zyra.
Eyeball Collection is a nice passive rune to get more AP. You will easily get stacks for this with how much killing of enemy champion you will be doing.
Ultimate Hunter is the last rune you will run. This is because the ultimate cooldown is a bit high so we will lower this down. That way we get to destroy enemy champions more often.
Magical Footwear is the first secondary rune you will run. This will give you great value in free boots, with the small added bonus that you run a bit faster. That way you can run faster to the enemies that you will destroy.
Biscuit Delivery is the second rune you will run in here. This is to help with laning phase so you get to heal more and have more mana in lane. More mana = more dmg
Laning Phase
Before laning phase start you will watch out if your jungler is starting by your side. That way you can preposition by the camp and start laying the seeds down from your passive. This will make it easier for the jungler to kill the camp. Do note that this is a 50/50 strategy as often your jungler is too incompetent to understand that your plants can tank.
In laning phase you will get your first power spike at level 3. This will enable you to throw roots and plants which will do insane amount of damge to the enemy laners. Do this until you get level 6. You will either kill them before that or finish them off with your ultimate and start your snowball to op Zyra.
In laning phase you will get your first power spike at level 3. This will enable you to throw roots and plants which will do insane amount of damge to the enemy laners. Do this until you get level 6. You will either kill them before that or finish them off with your ultimate and start your snowball to op Zyra.
Mid game
At this point of the game you should have finished your core build and already be a monster Zyra with insane amount of damage. From here on out you can follow your teammates and help them do insane amount of damage to destroy the enemy team.
Sometimes you get a useless ADC and that is when you need to start thinking about taking the farm all for yourself. That way you can get the most gold out of the minion while you flame the ADC for being a useless walking ward.
Sometimes you get a useless ADC and that is when you need to start thinking about taking the farm all for yourself. That way you can get the most gold out of the minion while you flame the ADC for being a useless walking ward.
Thank you for reading my Zyra guide. Fell free to hop straight into ranked games with this and watch your LP gains soar to the sky. Feel free to head into my Stream to watch this build live and ask questions.
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