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Recommended Items
Runes: Complete Decimation
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Basic Abilities
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
PERMA BAN EVERYGAME, worse champ to deal with, you will get one shot and he will take 0 damage no matter what, you cannot out run him either
Best Synergy hands down but only if they're on you
Best Synergy hands down but only if they're on you
If any more questions are needed, I'll be answering them, and make sure to check all the notes!
What's my optimal lane?
In Champ Select, state that you'll be going mid as 1v1ing to scale is your best choice of action.
How's my early game like?
Early game is really hit or miss depending on the matchup, ranged matchups can be the best or your worst. In fights you want to be poking as you won't be the strongest, but if they enemy gets cocky, you can exhaust them and burst them down. But ideally, you want to be farming as much as you can, if you're roaming botside take scuttle, because every bit of XP counts. You want to avoid feeding the enemy at all costs as every gold you feed prolonges your power spikes and in many cases, negates your power spikes.
How's my mid game like?
By mid game, you should have a decent amount of firepower, with Crittrox you're extremely level and item dependant. You should be able to lock down a couple of kills, and if you're lucky you should be getting a lot. Play aggressively but know your damage, don't int or be greedy, it ruins your powerspikes.
How's my late game like?
In your late game, you should be extremely strong, hoping that by now you're fed with a lot of gold and xp. You're a glass cannon but, in order to survive you need to kill people. You gain basically all your health back as soon you kill one person.
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