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After testing in practice tool, you get exactly the same AD from Prowler's and Shieldbow, but the trade offs are -28 lethality from Prowler's, the Prowler's active, but you get 60% crit and Shieldbow's passive which can absolutely save you. I'm not sure really.
He can work with many items and I personally have success and enjoy the game more when I build Galeforce, so that's the build I go for.
2. The item options are displayed just as that, options, Trinity Force is the best mythic for sure and I myself take it in I would say 95% of my games but if you think I'm not displaying that clearly enough in the guide I shall fix that.
3. Galeforce and Prowler's Claw aren't "funny trolling, smurfing, or just garbage", again, I take Trinity in most games but I do believe that the two other options mentioned here are good situationally/fit better in specific builds.
Thanks for the comment and have a nice day.
In mid game your damage output won't be as high as with AD so your main goal is to just help teammates with ult while farming sidelanes.
When you reach late game you should be looking to land the center of your ultimate on squishy or CC'd targets.
- If the enemy has baron buff and are sieging a lane with a large minion wave then your best bet is to ult it unless your teammates have sufficient waveclear, AP GP's barrels don't deal much damage to buffed minions.
Also remember that AP is not necessarily meant for every game, if you find it hard to carry with then only pick it in the following two scenarios:
1. Team is lacking magic damage.
2. When the enemy team has several high attack range/high attack speed characters who can disarm your barrels easily, this way you can at least deal damage to them with your ultimate.