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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Difficulty level 10/10 Start: Doran's shield SS: Flash + Ignite _________________________ PERSONAL OPINION: His healing is unbalanced so stay out of his range.. Aatrox is a laning phase bully.. Later on in the game he tends to have a harder time in teamfights because he has to use his brain for once. Go for a Lethal Tempo setup.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my Trundle TOP guide.
I am a Diamond player during Season 2022. My peak with Trundle is currently Diamond 1. As of 22/03/2022 I'm sitting on Diamond 1.
If you are tired of being hardstuck. Trundle is your way out!
Why is this guide special?
I will list reasons why you should try to give my guide a chance.
1. In my guide I will go indepth with ALL MATCHUPS I have playd against. You can read more under 'Threat' tab. Every champion has their unique notes. This will make it easier to know WHEN you must stay on alert against certain champions.
2. You will find ways to adapt against certain champions.
3. You will know about mechanics for Trundle that you can utilize to improve your gameplay more efficiently.
4. You will have a deeper understanding of splitpushing.
5. You will learn how to manage the wave while playing top.
6. You will learn how to avoid ganks.
1. Trundle is a basic champion and easy to learn. Trundle's kit can still be used in numerous way. For example his E can be used to stop an enemy's autoattack.
2. Trundle is a VERY volatile champion. Trundle can adapt to versus majority of champions. It is very rare Trundle can get counterpicked. He is not a perfect blind pick - but it is vey rare Trundle is going to have a hard time. Example: Nasus is a strong counter if you use Hail of Blades setup. But if you go Conqueror against Nasus (Read more under 'Threat' tab) you can play the game with ease.
3. Trundle is rarely banned.
4. Trundle is rarely played.
5. Trundle base attack damage is very high. He is sharing 5th place among all champions with base AD sitting at 68. For example: This can lead to first blood at Level 1 because of his high damage combined with his Q passive and auto attack cancel.
6. Trundle can take down turrets pretty fast. And you have to think TWICE before reseting if you are laning against Trundle. Why? Otherwise Trundle will gain a lot of gold from Turret Platings.
7. Trundle is so strong (literally) Trundle can gain a lead by himself. Trundle is a very independent champion. Take a look at champions like Nasus or Kayle for instance. They are both very team dependent and can rarely gain a lead on their own.
*With these 7 reasons - Trundle makes an excellent one trick.
Champions to take Hail of Blades against:
Tips and tricks for Trundle abilities
Passive: King's Tribute
1. Well it is a good idea to note down that the Passive has good synergy with Doran's shield + Second wind (Resolve Rune Tree) together they work hand in hand to give you an outstanding sustain during laning phase if needed.
2. First purchase Essence Reaver. Passive works perfectly with Essence Reaver. Essence Reaver gives mana and as you spam your abilities on the minion wave combined with Ravenous Hunter you gain Health. Makes you stay on the map forever.
Ability Q: Chomp
Chomp resets Trundle's basic attack timer
Ability W: Frozen Domain
Frozen Domain be used to reset basic attack timer. Need to practice this in practice tool as it is not consisent to pull off.
Ability E: Pillar of Ice
1. Can be used to corner enemies who are close to walls. This technique can lead to flashes or kills. The more you use this ability the more consisent you will become. You will get to a point where you can get away with gaps between a wall that looks very much passable for the enemy - which tricks the enemy, because now they are cornered.
2. Can also be used defensively to distance yourself from melee champions diving you under turret. Stay close to the wall of the turret and put E on top of yourself that way you will distance yourself from the enemy and they can no longer attack you. To become an expert on this - engage in the fight and as soon as you know the turret will finish the job put down Pillar.
3. Pillar knocks back enemies and can be used to cancel their autoattack. Pretty neat in close battles.
4. As Pillar knocks back enemies you can also cancel an enemy's recall.
5. Pillar can be used to disrupt Hooks on your ally/enemies. Just throw E infront of an ally/enemy as soon as the hook is attached to them.
6. Pillar can be used to stop Sion R - Onslaught if timed correctly. The further you place your Pillar the merrier. If it is not timed perfectly Sion will stylishly just evade the Pillar.
Ability R: Subjugate
Subjugate can be used to combine R + Ignite which can lead to unexpected kills. I often use this combo if I can not close the distance against an enemy champion with very low health. If ignite is not enough to kill an enemy. And you need a tiny bit more dmg, then this combo will work out perfectly. Just remember to stand in range until you are certain ignite can do the rest to finish them off.
Worst matchups for Trundle regardless of setup.
- Quinn
- Karma
- Aatrox (Secondary ban in champion selection)
- Jax (Primary ban in champion selection)
- Talon
The following 5 champions are the only ones I have been unable to find a way to deal with. During champion select I research my teammates and based on the information I either dodge champion selection or I let the game go through.
The following is an overview for "Difficulty levels" against champions. Read more under 'Threat' tab.
LEVEL 8-10
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