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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Now this is a threat because of how easy it is to play him. Assassin Kayn = extreme hard. Tank Kayn = minor. You beat him early at least.
Champion Build Guide
About Me
I'm Anthony or ANTHONYEVELYNN. I'm rank 1 Evelynn NA. I have almost 2 Million mastery points total on Evelynn.
I'm a Challenger jungler, peaking 900LP in Season 11. I am known for my AGGRESSIVE playstyle and HARD carries in high elo. I always do my best to explain everything I do regarding pathing, decision making, etc.
Evelynn, Agony's EmbraceEvelynn is one of the most fun and interesting champions in the game. Her damage is insane and her carry/1v9 potential is incredible. She's very unpredictable post-6 which means she has global map pressure. Despite being a solo carry monster, Evelynn's early game is a bit weaker. However, with the help of this guide, I will teach you everything you need to know to work around that! |
+ Insane solo carry potential + CRAZY burst + Very strong mid/late game + Unpredictable + Not mechanically difficult + Good skins + Good music + Extremely fun + Invisible post level 6 + One-shot squishies/tanks + Never lost a game in my life :) Evelynn is the most fun and fulfilling champ in the game (at least for me). She is very unpredictable and can carry games singlehandedly. I will do my best to share my knowledge of Evelynn and help everyone get better! |
- Weak, vulnerable early game - Not really useful without your Ult - Bad sustain damage - Weird playstyle - Mostly macro + cheese based - Requires really good positioning - Low range - Not invisible pre 6 - Team will ff15 because they think you're afk - You will be flamed a lot The biggest issue with Evelynn is her poor early game. If the enemy team is coordinated, you will lose a lot of camps early game. However, with the help of this guide, you will learn everything you possibly can about Evelynn! |
Allure (W) RANGE: 1200 / 1300 / 1400 / 1500 / 1600 COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 Mana COOLDOWN: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds |
Evelynn marks a champion or jungle monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an attack or ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and slow the target by 65% for 0.75 seconds. If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects: - Against champions: Charms them for a few seconds and removes magic resist for 4 seconds. - Against jungle monsters: Charms them for 2 seconds and deals magic damage. This ability is the one everyone hates. Evelynn will shred the enemy's magic resist, CC them, and probably kill them. Coupled with Demon Shade, Allure is very threatening because they don't know where Evelynn is. Don't tell anyone, but there is a way to tell where Evelynn is. There is a little indicator on the charm pointing to where Evelynn currently is. Allure should only be used on jungle camps when you know for certain you will not be invaded. Evelynn does NOT have an escape tool besides her Flash, so this is your last line of defense. You can proc it with Hate Spike, Hate Spike's skillshot, Whiplash or Empowered Whiplash, Last Caress, and finally an Auto Attack. |
Whiplash (E) RANGE: 210 COST: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 mana COOLDOWN: 8 seconds / Demon Shade reset |
Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing magic damage. Evelynn gains 30% movement speed for 2 seconds. Entering Demon Shade refreshes this ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead. This ability is part Evelynn's burst combo. When used with Demon Shade, Empowered Whiplash will deal more damage and hit multiple targets. Ideally, it is good to wait for it when clearing camps, but sometimes speed is better than a bit more damage. |
Last Caress (R) RANGE: 500 COST: 100 mana COOLDOWN: 120 / 100 / 80 |
Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals magic damage, which increases against enemies below 30% health. This ability is the final part of Evelynn's burst. Use it to execute carries, steal Baron Nashor, gap close, or escape. It does a LOT of damage and it is AoE. Without Last Caress, Evelynn isn't as useful, but you can still use Allure to zone people from fights. |
Go E Max 99% of the time.
You can use many Es in a fight while you will only use W once. You will do more damage to tanks if they have magic resist, but most of the time, especially with my playstyle of camping bushes or camping the lane, I never get a full charm off on the target I'm jumping on. I either just one-shot them or I mark the support and kill the adc, that way the support doesn't stun me while I kill his friend in front of him :). In theory W max second will always do more damage, but I prefer faster clear speed and consistency.
When do I max W?
Honestly, I just do it when I feel like it. I feel like it when they have certain annoying champions like Ekko, Sylas, or Lee Sin. Basically: any champion that can heal up when they are low HP and will make you waste your burst.
If you're able to proc Charm many times in a game, then feel free to max W. However, you will only land one charm per fight. You can dish out a lot more damage with E max. Q>E>Ult > Ult out > go invisible > go back in with empowered E.
Ideal Jungle Clear
Full Clear > Gank > Recall, Buy Items > Full Clear -> Repeat
Blue Side, Pathing Up
Blue Side, Pathing Down
Red Side, Pathing Down
Red Side, Pathing Up
Raptors Start
Raptors start is always good if you want to gank the opposite side of the map while also not revealinh your starting location. This path also protects you from a potential late invade.
Raptors are topside, so you're pathing down to gank botside.
Path: Raptors > Krugs > Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Crab > Gank
Raptors are botside, so you're pathing up to gank topside.
Path: Raptors > Krugs > Red > Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Crab > Gank
Reverse Clear
Reverse clear is always good, but slower than the normal pathing. I only do it vs super dangerous junglers like Rengar and Kindred (Junglers that invade Evelynn).
Rengar is starting topside (Red Buff).
Path: Red > Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Krugs
Rengar is starting botside (Red Buff).
Path: Blue > Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Gromp
Electrocute is the best keystone for Evelynn. She relies on burst to do her damage and be effective and this keystone is the best for that. You can proc it very easily. Dark Harvest is much less efficient and Predator and Hail of Blades are just bad. |
Sudden Impact is the best 2nd rune in Domination for Evelynn. She can proc it with Flash, Empowered Whiplash, or Hextech Rocketbelt. The extra magic pen is a lot better than the minimal amount of true damage from Cheap Shot and the minimal amount of healing from Taste of Blood. Evelynn wants to get in, assassinate, and get out, so Sudden Impact is the best rune for that. |
Eyeball Collection is the best 3rd rune in Domination for Evelynn. Your job is to get kills and snowball the game and this is the best rune for that. It synergizes very well with Dark Seal and Mejai's Soulstealer because they rely on kills, too. Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro are not ideal because it's not your job to contest vision. |
Relentless Hunter is the best 4th rune in Domination for Evelynn. She wants move speed so she can traverse the map faster. The extra gold from Treasure Hunter isn't really worth compared to the utility Relentless Hunter offers. Ingenious Hunter is fun to reduce Hextech Rocketbelt's cooldown but you'd be missing out on the free move speed. Ultimate Hunter is okay and some people prefer it; I do not. I prefer the extra move speed compared to a shorter cooldown on my ult. |
I used to prefer Sorcery secondary runes for Evelynn, but things have since changed. Inspiration is a lot better in my opinion and Magical Footwear is the best 1st rune for Evelynn. You want to snowball and free boots will help you focus your gold on AP and more damage. Upgrade Slightly Magical Boots into Sorcerer's Shoes after you finish Hextech Rocketbelt or as soon as possible. |
None of these runes are really good besides Future's Market. However, I prefer Cosmic Insight. You will never use Minion Dematerializer and the extra mana from Biscuit Delivery doesn't benefit Evelynn at all since you will spend most of your time in the jungle. |
Cosmic Insight is the best 2nd rune for Evelynn. She NEEDS her Flash to make plays, steal Baron Nashor, etc. The extra item haste will help with reducing her Hextech Rocketbelt cooldown slightly. Evelynn will never utilize Approach Velocity well and Time Warp Tonic is useless. |
Always take the double Adaptive Force shards. Evelynn does not benefit from Attack Speed or Ability Haste as much as raw AP. Take the Scaling HP shard because it scales a lot better than the Armor and Magic Resist shards. |
Best Bans (ALL ELOs)
VS Tank Junglers
Maxing W after Q is really good if you can't get on their backline and/or if you need to peel your carries. Tank junglers clear really slow; 1 countergank + powerfarming easily wins you the game. (Invade their raptors/buffs when you're ahead).
You should always look to full clear, the following is only relevant if you are super scared of dying.
Starting Items
Hailblade is the best starting item for Evelynn. Emberknife isn't as good because she prefers short, bursty fights (blue smite) as opposed to long, sustained fights (red smite). |
Take Refillable Potion with Hailblade. 3 Health Potions is in efficient because Evelynn's clear is already very healthy. |
Oracle Lens is bad on Evelynn. Just upgrade your Stealth Ward to Farsight Alteration at level 9 every game. |
First Back
Your first back will depend on how much gold you have.
900G First Back
Dark Seal is very good on Evelynn. Mejai's Soulstealer will always be in your build every game, so get Dark Seal as early as possible. Always try to be efficient with your gold on Evelynn; if you can get an Amplifying Tome, get one even if you don't need it for another item. |
Control Wards are always good purchases, just don't buy too much of them. Controlling vision is good because Evelynn thrives in areas where the enemy does not have vision. A good place to put them is in the bush in front of Gromp. |
1100G First Back
Sorcerer's Shoes are the best boots on Evelynn. More damage!! You should get these every game, no exceptions. No other boots are viable on Evelynn; she wants damage, not survivability. |
1450G First Back
Dark Seal is very good on Evelynn. Mejai's Soulstealer will always be in your build every game, so get Dark Seal as early as possible. Always try to be efficient with your gold on Evelynn; if you can get an Amplifying Tome, get one even if you don't need it for another item. |
Sorcerer's Shoes are the best boots on Evelynn. More damage!! You should get these every game, no exceptions. No other boots are viable on Evelynn; she wants damage, not survivability. |
Ideally you are taking Magical Footwear if you're following my preferred rune page. These will help you with spending your gold on damage and saving 300g where you'd normally buy Boots. Upgrade Slightly Magical Boots into Sorcerer's Shoes ASAP. |
Sorcerer's Shoes are the best boots on Evelynn. More damage!! You should get these every game, no exceptions. No other boots are viable on Evelynn; she wants damage, not survivability. |
Hextech Rocketbelt is the best mythic on Evelynn. She wants magic penetration and a way to gap close so this is the best item for it. Use the active when you want to proc your Charm or to escape from a skillshot. |
Core Items
Upgrade from Dark Seal. Ideally, you bought Dark Seal first back, so you will already have some stacks. Upgrade into Mejai's Soulstealer usually after mythic, but only if you are already insanely fed. |
This is the only viable defensive item on Evelynn. It's good into comps that rely on an ability to hook or pick you like Blitzcrank, Lux, or Morgana. You can get this whenever, but I like to get it third sometimes; it just depends on the game. |
I like Rabadon's Deathcap 2nd after Hextech Rocketbelt and Sorcerer's Shoes. It is a lot of gold, but Evelynn craves damage items and this is the best one for her to get. |
Get Void Staff if the enemy team is building a LOT of magic resist. Void Staff's penetration + Sorcerer's Shoes + Hextech Rocketbelt's penetration will make you one-shot pretty much everyone. |
I like Lich Bane for my final item. The sheen proc works with your E. |
Full Build Examples
Full Build vs No Magic Resist
Safer Full Build
NEVER Build These Items
Night Harvester is bad on Evelynn because you will do no damage with it. Get Hextech Rocketbelt every game, no exceptions. |
Zhonya's Hourglass is bad on Evelynn because you should be the one engaging, not vice versa. |
Dead Man's Plate is bad on Evelynn because you do not want defensive items unless it is Banshee's Veil. All other defensive items are bad. Evelynn does NOT build HP because it is inefficient with her Passive. |
Cosmic Drive is bad on Evelynn because the passive only procs AFTER your combo (it's useless). |
Spirit Visage is bad on Evelynn because it is a defensive item that offers zero offensive stats. Like I said before, ONLY ever go Banshee's Veil if you need a defensive item; Zhonya's Hourglass is very bad on Evelynn. |
Morellonomicon is bad on Evelynn. It is not your job to put grevious wounds on the enemy champions. They can't heal if they're dead or getting one-shot. With Void Staff giving 40% magic penetration, your W's magic resist % shred, and Hextech Rocketbelt's magic pentration, you will easily one-shot anyone. |
Riftmaker is bad on Evelynn. You have no damage with this item and by the time the true damage part procs, all of your damage is gone. Also, all of the stats do NOT synergize with Evelynn at all; she does not want extended fights. |
Liandry's Torment is bad on Evelynn because you will do zero damage. As stated before, she does NOT like extended fights, so this item has very bad synergy with her. |
Horizon Focus is bad on Evelynn because half of the cost is in HP items. It is pretty much Void Staff's damage, but 10% less. You will do more damage with Void Staff. Void Staff is always better. Please don't build any of these items until I say so; right now, they are neither very good nor efficient. |
Shadowflame is bad on Evelynn. You will have way too much magic penetration (especially with your W). It makes it so you could have more damage building anything else. |
We want to rush level 6 as soon as possible without wasting any time fighting or dying. We will only go for free kills. If the gank will take more than 15 seconds to kill someone, do not bother helping your laners no matter how much ther pinging you. Trust me, you will carry mid game.
You DO NOT want to go for picks UNLESS it is very necessary. Using Ultimate to escape and then not having it for a Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon fight will make a HUGE difference. Evelynn without Ult is useless late game and getting that extra pick rarely makes a difference because of how weak you become if you waste your Ult. Do NOT chase into people unless your entire team is chasing, too; let them walk into your team first.
Always remember: Abuse your invisibility to its fullest potential.
(This was basically unreadable before she stepped in)
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