[13.14] | The Weapon Of The Faithful Guide | [All Matchups - Builds]
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Recommended Items
Runes: 1. Conqueror | Long fights
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Order of Abilities
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Threats & Synergies
He sneaks, he hides, but most importantly, he kill you. Twitch is so hard to trade, Aphelios needs time to set up his weapons and his damages, Twitch don't allow you time to do it, he just kill you faster, but dw, Twitch is not a common adc now.
Best hookman of the game for Aphe, great engage, great tempo, can save you easily with his lantern, this support has so much to offer you, he is just probably the best.
Best hookman of the game for Aphe, great engage, great tempo, can save you easily with his lantern, this support has so much to offer you, he is just probably the best.
Champion Build Guide
Hey everyone. My name is Tyspect and i'm a French diamond ADC. I've started playing League 7 years ago and focused on ADC's 4 years ago. I do play most of the ADC's but some of them are my little favorites, like Zeri, Jhin or, obviously Aphelios. My peak elo is Diamond 1 but I do want to achieve Master rank in the end of the year. I am French so if there's any mistake or error in the guide, don't hesitate to mention it in the comments, i'll check them as fast as possible !! I'm also streaming on Twitch occasionnaly and creating content on Youtube so if you want to join me there, you are welcome ! |
+ Amazing late game + Great teamfight potential + Great waveclear + Can fit in many different comps + Super versatile in builds/runes + Learning him is rewarding Aphelios is one of the best if not THE best late game ADC. He is really versatile and can do most of the things you would want to do in your games. Waveclear with , 1v1 melee potential with , sustain and survavibility with , utility and CC with and long range trading with . Your ultimate Moonlight Vigil will allow you to create a lot of chaos during fights, either by creating more chakrams, stunning the whole team or just healing a huge ammount, as I said, super versatile ! |
- Lack of mobility - Weak early game - Hard to play and harder to master - Hard to comeback when behind - Need to be babysitted - Gives you mental instability (lol) Unlike a lot of other ADCs, Aphelios has literally NO escape or way to run away if he's getting in trouble, meaning any ennemy champion that would arrive melee range would most of the time, lead to a death. You need to be babysitted to have a great carry potential. Aphelios is super squishy and you'll need peel from your team to be able to deal as much damage as you can during fights. Champions like Lulu or Thresh does this very well ! |
Thanks for following this guide, it is my first guide so 'ill really apreciate if you let a commentary or just a like on it if you liked it, so now i can only say good luck with Aphelios and enjoy the champion ! Bye !
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