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Recommended Items
Runes: Lethal Tempo Page
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Try to snowball other lanes and poke him as much as possible. Rush Trinity Force for extra poke. The main reason why he is extreme threat is his late game. No matter what you do he'll come to level 16 and take over the game.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to my in AD Twisted Fate guide
Hello, my name is Shazzaam. I like to play off meta things. I used to adore AD Kennen, but since it was completely removed from the game I was trying to find something similar. In season 9 I found Klepto Twisted Fate (also discovered by Jebsu) and I fell in love with it. But Klepto was removed. Luckily, Jebsu is back with updated Twisted Fate build. I have watched a lot of Jebsu's games and played a lot of games with this build and I hope that with this guide I'll be able to explain this build to you since its really strong.
Patch Changes
Patch 13.14
Trinity Force:
- Attack Speed: 35% -> 33%
- Attack Damage per Stack: 4% -> 6%
- Maximum Threefold Strike Stacks: 5 -> 3
This is such a small nerf it doesn't matter for Twisted Fate, if I can even call it that. 2% Attack Speed less while Threefold Strike is stronger than last patch until your old 5th stack.
Here's a math for Level 9 Twisted Fate (74.24 Attack Damage):
Patch 13.13:
- Max Stacks (5) - 89.088 Attack Damage
- 4 Stacks - 86.1184 Attack Damage
- Max Stacks (3) - 87.6032 Attack Damage
Patch 13.13:
- Max Stacks (5) - 129.72 Attack Damage
- 4 Stacks - 125.396 Attack Damage
- Max Stacks (3) - 127.558 Attack Damage
Pros and Cons
+ Insane 1 item powerspike + Global Presence + More consistent damage + Has a lot less counters than standard Twisted Fate + Flexible (Can go Top or Bot if you want to) |
- Hard to pull off - Really weak and squishy until Ruby Crystal + Sheen - You will have Mana problems |
LETHAL TEMPO Lethal Tempo is the highest DPS rune for Twisted Fate and my personal favourite alongside First Strike. The extra range at max stacks feels overpowered. |
FIRST STRIKE It's Season 9 all over again. This rune is really good with Twisted Fate's Passive. A little trick you can do is track the cooldown of this rune and when you're about to have it up you can make your card travel and while it's travelling you can activate the rune off cooldown. Combine this with Magical Footwear it's just a gold printing machine. |
PHASE RUSH Phase Rush gives you soo much mobility and kiting potential. This rune is a really good option for kiting enemies, but you'll have less DPS. |
UNSEALED SPELLBOOK It's not a bad rune because you get access to all Summoner Spells, but then you're missing a keystone since is a real bummer because AD Twisted Fate can use every single keystone. I would only go for this Rune if I really needed to have access to both Ignite and Exhaust or Teleport/ Ghost. |
Summoner Spells
Synergizes really well with Twisted Fate's passive and overall is a solid starting item if you won't be punished. |
This item helps us survive the laning phase and it also gives us more money to spend since we won't be needing to buy Health Potion's every time we recall since it autorefills itself. I would only go for this in really tough poke matchups because it's been heavily nerfed alongside Time Warp Tonic. |
Not a bad alternative to Cull if you want to bully your opponent and the Omnivamp is a really good addition since the sustain has been heavily hit. |
This item is really really busted on Twisted Fate. It gives him everything he needs except AP, but that's why we're moving onto more onhit consistent damage dealer style than burst heavy style. Also the mythic passive will keep giving ~220g for every Legendary item you build. The more you are in combat the stronger your Auto's will become and your Spellblade effect since it gives you more Base Attack Damage. Overall very cost effect item on Twisted Fate. |
WILD CARDS (Q): Twisted Fate throws three cards, dealing damage to each enemy unit they pass through. We max this first because this is our main waveclear ability with our Red Card since it has high base damage and the cooldown is quite low. |
PICK A CARD (W): Twisted Fate chooses a magic card from his deck, and uses that for his next attack, causing bonus effects. We max this ability second. Red Card deals Area of Effect damage. At level 7-8 with Wild Cards you can one shot casters. Also you can use it onto the towers and poke the enemies when they're hugging the tower. Gold Card stuns the target for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds, but has the lowest damage out of the three. This card will help you a lot in 1v1's since you'll often be hitting ~2 Attack Speed. Blue Card has the highest base damage out of the 3 cards and it restores 50/75/100/125/150 mana. Good for lasthitting minions. |
STACKED DECK (E): Every 4 attacks, Twisted Fate deals bonus damage. In addition, his Attack Speed is increased. This helps a lot with farming creeps under tower. You can use the enhanced attack combined with Pick A Card for a quick trade with the opponent. Even tho we're build a lot of attack speed, we max this ability last since it isn't that useful until later stages of the game. |
DESTINY (R): Twisted Fate predicts the fortunes of his foes, revealing all enemy champions and enabling the use of Gate, which teleports Twisted Fate to any target location in 1.5 seconds. It grants Twisted Fate True Sight on all enemy champions on the map for 6/8/10 seconds. While Destiny is active, Twisted Fate can teleport up to 5500 units away in 1.5 seconds. This is what makes Twisted Fate such a strong SoloQ champion. With it you can get other lanes ahead and you can splitpush like you have Teleport since it's semi global. Also don't be scared of using it for vision around objectives and versus champions such as Kha'Zix, Shaco, Twitch etc. |
The Default levelup order
Maxing out W before putting 2nd point into Ultimate (Good if you want to duel a lot)
4 points Q + Minion Dematerializer Variation 1 (Better transition to on-hit style damage after your early "hybrid" ability+auto based damage)
4 points Q + Minion Dematerializer Variation 2 (Better transition to on-hit style damage after your early "hybrid" ability+auto based damage. This is when you need longer Gold Card stun to fight opponents)
How to play this build?
Early Game
Early game with this build is the hardest part. You want to harass the enemy as much as possible, but don't give CS for that. Always prioritize getting a CS over getting 1 basic attack on enemy. Against champions with bad early wave clear, last hit first 2 waves and try to stack them and when cannon minion wave comes, push the wave in to reset it. It will give you time to ward, help your jungle with scuttle crabs or you can just base. Your best way of trading is with Pick A Card and Stacked Deck. You almost never get early game solo kills, so you should just focus on farming.
First back must always be Ruby Crystal and Sheen. It provides you with tankiness and some burst damage.
Mid Game
By now you should have your Trinity Force. Before you finish your 2nd big item, Twisted Fate relies heavily on his Q base damage and Sheen damage. At this point he has a hybrid with spell damage and autos, but not pure dps. Try to shove your wave in and roam, but be careful with spamming Q since your mana isn't that high (That's why we usually take Attack Speed mini rune). Even if you cannot straight ult to your sidelanes, you should go out of vision to put pressure on enemy midlaner, and it'll lead to panic pinging to his sidelanes. When you leave vision, you put a lot of pressure because of your Destiny and with you going out of vision you can take off some pressure from your sidelanes in tough matchups and you protect them from 2v1 scenarios. When you get 2-3 items you should look to pick people off. By this point unless people are fed as **** you can 1v1 them pretty easily. Try to look for lone ADC farming in sidelane without his support. Don't be scared to just ult onto them.
Late Game
You should get to sidelane and pressure enemy team. At this point you can easily 1v1 everyone, especially if you have Exhaust. Also try to flank enemy team with your Destiny. Most people don't watch where you ult at this point in the game, and ulting behind enemy in some bush that they don't have vision can win you the fight.
Tips and Tricks
1. At 1:20 go to enemy Raptors and place the ward in the middle of raptors camp and red buff's wall. This will show enemy jungler and by looking at his CS you'll be able to figure out what camps he did (Every camp is 4 CS). This can help your jungler a lot.
2. Try to stop enemy midlaner basing with your Q.
3. Look at your minimap as much as possible. Also you can hold F-keys F1-F4 (By default F1 focuses on you;change that so F1-F4 focuses on your teammates since you probably use spacebar to focus on yourself. Also you shouldn't use locked camera) to look at teammates point of view.
4. When you activate Pick A Card, walk up to the enemy while its rotating. That way you can zone them from minions. Hold it for as long as possible.
5. A neat trick with First Strike. Track it's cooldown, when it's about to be up, make sure your auto is in the air and when it hits the opponent it'll automatically proc and basically you guarantee it. It'll take some time, but when you learn to do it consistently, this rune will feel soo much better, not just for Twisted Fate, but for every champion that uses this Rune.
6. If a champion has a spellshield ( Edge of Night for example), you can use your ultimate to remove it.
7. If you're facing something like Fiora, you can hover your Pick A Card Yellow Card and cast your Q. The animation looks similar to throwing your auto and people get baited by it. Do it from time to time to switch up your pattern.
8. Another tip against champions that can dodge your Pick A Card Yellow Card . When you're hovering it you can do a quick turn
to try to bait it alongside throwing your Q to bait it.
9. Start using Target Champions only. It's really broken, especially if you need to kite a lot.
10. When you push, don't stay in vision. Leave vision so people start panicking and spam pinging that you might Destiny to other lanes.
11. Don't waste your Destiny, especially your early ones because it's long cooldown. Just by being out of vision and looking at the situation is more than enough to scare enemy off.
12. When you use Destiny, don't teleport right away. Look at the situation and the map and then decide what you want to do and if the situation is winnable or not.
13. If your wave is frozen and you can't do anything to unfreeze it, ping your jungler to help you fix it.
2. Try to stop enemy midlaner basing with your Q.
3. Look at your minimap as much as possible. Also you can hold F-keys F1-F4 (By default F1 focuses on you;change that so F1-F4 focuses on your teammates since you probably use spacebar to focus on yourself. Also you shouldn't use locked camera) to look at teammates point of view.
4. When you activate Pick A Card, walk up to the enemy while its rotating. That way you can zone them from minions. Hold it for as long as possible.
5. A neat trick with First Strike. Track it's cooldown, when it's about to be up, make sure your auto is in the air and when it hits the opponent it'll automatically proc and basically you guarantee it. It'll take some time, but when you learn to do it consistently, this rune will feel soo much better, not just for Twisted Fate, but for every champion that uses this Rune.
6. If a champion has a spellshield ( Edge of Night for example), you can use your ultimate to remove it.
7. If you're facing something like Fiora, you can hover your Pick A Card Yellow Card and cast your Q. The animation looks similar to throwing your auto and people get baited by it. Do it from time to time to switch up your pattern.
8. Another tip against champions that can dodge your Pick A Card Yellow Card . When you're hovering it you can do a quick turn
to try to bait it alongside throwing your Q to bait it.
9. Start using Target Champions only. It's really broken, especially if you need to kite a lot.
10. When you push, don't stay in vision. Leave vision so people start panicking and spam pinging that you might Destiny to other lanes.
11. Don't waste your Destiny, especially your early ones because it's long cooldown. Just by being out of vision and looking at the situation is more than enough to scare enemy off.
12. When you use Destiny, don't teleport right away. Look at the situation and the map and then decide what you want to do and if the situation is winnable or not.
13. If your wave is frozen and you can't do anything to unfreeze it, ping your jungler to help you fix it.
Useful videos
Here are some useful videos that explain wave management and controlling waves
I use skins in this order, with High Noon and Cutpurse being the main ones, while other 3 are not bad. Underworld Twisted Fate used to have highly transparant and small particle visuals on both the AA animation and Wild Cards, but in my experience playing with that skin at ~2 Attack Speed is really awkward and quirky.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you found this guide helpful.
Huge credits to Jebsu for coming up with this build.
Huge credits to Jebsu for coming up with this build.
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