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If you want to go Arcane Comet, go Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus, Scorch, and double adaptive shards to focus on lane harassment. It can definitely work, but it doesn't match my personal playstyle or goals for playing Syndra support. Vel'koz and Xerath (though his support has been nerfed over time) are usually better at being comet champions. Syndra will usually find herself all-inning far more than these other champions, dumping combos into stunned targets rather than sniping with one ability at a time. Electrocute, First Strike and Glacial Augment all support this playstyle more than Arcane Comet.
Melee botlanes are stressful but not disadvantageous for Syndra. She has some of the best disengage in the botlane, can harass them from range, and her Unleashed Power is usually a good counter to a melee botane's level 6 all-in, bursting one of them and usually allowing for a guaranteed 2 man stun and push. I've played against a few Pantheon Yasuo botlanes myself (for some reason) and spacing is the real key to success. Her hardest lanes are hook lanes by far, like pyke, thresh, blitz etc. A good pyke will just run you over repeatedly if you let him, although Syndra has some great options into him (canceling hook with E, pushing him away so his stun doesn't work, ult chases him into his invisibility).