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Recommended Items
Runes: AP Twitch Support
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skill Sequence
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Instant death on CC usually. Avoid CC and hope ur laner can lane 1v2
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
About Me
Hello my name is Exos! I have been a Kha'Zix otp for the past 2 seasons now. I have reached Challenger on EUNE, Master on EUW with a 82% winrate and Grandmaster with a 70% winrate. Currently I'm pushing my way up to Challenger on EUW too! Twitch Has become my pick everytime I'm matched as my second role support. AP Twitch is a monster in the right hands and can carry games with his very effective kit in SoloQ.. |
Why AP Twitch
Origin: Zaun
Speciality: Assassinating, Slowing, Damage dealing.
Why should you play this magnificent champion? Twitch is a great and unique pick that surprises enemies in SoloQ. Twitch can assassinate enemies and come from invisibility to clean up low health targets or even open up his ultimate on a squishy enemy that has no idea whats going on. Twitch is a great roamer with his invisibility. |
Pros & Cons
+ Unique pick and surprises peole + Scales hard into the game + Has invisibility which is op in soloq + Insanely huge burst followed by unexpected true dmg dps + Can shred tanks with the passive damage + Tilts enemies when dieing to your passive All in all, Twitch is a great champion on support for soloq. In soloq roaming is really strong, especially when you can use the invisibility to your advantage |
- No hard CC in kit other than slow - Really squishy - Really hard to lane vs cc champs like leona - If you dont get ahead and die too much its hard coming back - Assassins oneshot you faster than you can do anything Just like any other champion, Twitch has his weaknesses. However, his strenghts heavily outweigh his weaknesses. When mastered and know how to play around his weaknesses Twitch will scale very hard into the game and will get you a lot of elo and funny moments ;). |
For the second tree I advise looking at the runes at the top of the guide. You should always take Presence of Mind in order to keep your mana high at all times. Presence of mind works on your passive which means that if you hit someone with either an auto attack or W you will regain a lot of mana because your passive damage keeps this rune active. Second take Legend: Alacrity because you want to get the fast and easy attack speed in in order to stack your passive faster in fights on targets. |
Spellthief's Edge Spellthief's Edge is the essential starting item for Twitch. This item grants you gold when attacking the enemy with AA's or E. It does not work on your passive. It's a great item to rack up gold fast and you will stack it faster than most other supports allowing you to itemspike faster. |
Mythics There are currently two good mythics for AP Twitch to choose from. The first one is Riftmaker. Riftmaker is best bought vs tank/bruiser compositions that are hard to burst down, instead you want to deal as much damage as you can by using your passive and the item's passive. After 5 seconds of combat with champions it increases your damage by 10% which is dealt in true damage. This will make u shred champions with your passive dealing 110% true damage per tick and your E also dealing a huge amount + 10% extra true damage. On top of that, this item offers some sustainability by giving you omnivamp allowing you to heal from your passive and E burst which makes you more likely to survive when being damaged. The second possible mythic for Twitch is the Night Harvester. This item is great versus squishy team comps. The bonus damage on first contact with enemies makes you extremely bursty. You can easily kill the midlaner and adc with a few auto attacks followed by your E and get out with Ambush. This item only shines vs comps with low amounts of resistance stat stackers like tanks. It is important to note that u build these mythics AFTER Nashor's Tooth and Rabadon's Deathcap. |
Items explained Time to explain the items other than the mythics. On AP Twitch the build path is usually pretty much the same. Starting off with Nashor's Tooth is important. This item offers a lot of flat AP combined with attack speed and a great on-hit damage passive. You build this item first no matter what. This item allows you to deal real damage and start assassinating unsuspecting enemies. In between your first and your second item you want to opt either for Sorcerer's Shoes or Berserker's Greaves depending on your personal preference. Sorcerer's shoes help you burst with more magic pen whilst berserker's greaves allow you to do more autoattacks and apply ur passive faster. The second item depends on the enemies. If the enemies are stacking magic resist you want to opt for Void Staff. Usually that is not the case yet so you are free to go for Rabadon's Deathcap. Rabadon's gives you a massive spike in your damage output and turns you into a nuker. Rabadon's is the biggest spike of damage you will get in the game. While u have your first 2 completed items you are at your strongest compared to your enemies. Abuse it by forcing fights and roaming as much as you can. Thirdly you want to opt for one of the mythics described above. As the fourth item you want to pick up Void Staff. If you picked up void staff as your second item you opt for Rabadon's Deathcap here. By this time most enemies already built magic resist and in order to keep damage high and counter this we opt for a [[void staff]. Last, Mejai's Soulstealer is a great item on Twitch. You usually pick up a Dark Seal on your first base and then start roaming. When you are roaming you will pick up a decent amount of dark seal stacks on succesful roams. Turning this item into a Mejai's Soulstealer is a great choice as in the fights u stay long ranged most of the times so you are safe from losing your stacks. |
Summoner Spells
Laning Phase
Twitch might be a bit difficult to lane with at first. In lane you want to gain as much gold from your support item as you can. Look to all in the adc/support if they are unsuspecting you being there while being assisted by your ally. You can also bait the enemy botlane to attack you adc while you are invisible. The moment they go for your adc you turn on the enemy adc together with yours and surprise them! During laning phase u want to look for as many succesful roams to either mid, top or invades with your jungler.. |
Teamfighting & Lategame
Teamfighting & Late game with Twitch Teamfighting as Twitch is pretty straight forward. As Twitch you want to wait for someone in your team to iniate a fight and frontline the fight. When the enemy responds and is fighting you want to come out of invisibility to unleash hell on them prioritizing their damage dealers. If you cant reach their damage dealers you are also great at killing tanks with your passive DPS. Also, as Twitch you want to look for potential picks on squishies. Look for a flank. When a teamfight is breaking out and you can find a flank angle on enemy ADC/Midlaner and burst them dead, you disable the enemy their dps and will win the fight. It really depends on the situation and how things are looking. Depending on comps you decide to fight front to back or go for picks. You need to keep your eyes on the map and be wary of potential flanks from the enemy. Ultimately, you need to be looking for good vision around important objectives such as baron and the elder drake in the late game. It is also possible to let the enemy start these objectives and you then fight them at the entrance of the pit forcing them to take damage from both sides inside a small area. Inside the pit you can easily damage them and keep them trapped with your Venom Cask. |
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