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Thank you for making the guide it is very helpful.
As a support, honestly you can tell when to eat your ally and when to either hold it or spend it on an enemy as time comes. If you feel your ADC is going to get collapsed on and will die, use it on the adc. If there is an enemy that has a huge shutdown and help is on the way, ulting them will stall the fight till your team comes. Ulting your adc for peel and bailing them out is more consistent than ulting enemy.
So do you think support tahm kench is still a good pick or should I look for something else?
Because on every tier List I know, Tahm is very low on as a support. Mostly C to D Tier.
Ultimately, meta doesn't matter too much at majority of people's ranks. While it might give worse results than say, a Sona (which is consistently at like 52-53% wr), if you enjoy the champion you end up playing them more, enjoying them more and improving at them faster, thus getting you a higher rank.
Sure, you can close the gap with W, but you can't go back (until it's up again). You cant just dash willy nilly like Yone, or Leblanc, etc etc (i consider that two way mobility)
Tahm's W doesnt have the safety of Yone and Leblanc. Obviously this is balanced because he is disgustingly tanky, with slow movement speed. Most champions have one way mobility spells, and Tahm is one of them. He is fairly gankable due to his W having a moderate cooldown, so you just play around that as a jungler. If you play passively in lane when you suspect the jungler is hovering your side, then Tahm is reallllyy hard to gank.
Also most Supports with any sort of engage donÄt have any ability to get out do they? So Tahm is no different. Also as it is he is a warden so I suppose he should probably play more safe and respond to enemy engages or am I wrong?
I was wondering what your take on visage instead of warmogs would be as a sort of substitutional item in the event the enemy team has a lot of magic damage, the MR and health would prove a lot more helpful against that than just the lot of health from warmogs in my opinion.
The other reason I suggest it is just because there's an overall lack of MR in the build sets you've given
Asides from that I don't have any other feedback for this as I'm not smart enough on items or kits to be able to put together what's good or not but from looking at this it seems like some good stuff, updated for the rework as well!