Nunu & Willump
Build Guide by Giulio Tripi
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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Required spells
Ability Order
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
After the intercontinental success of my first Twitch guide i decided to bring another insane META BREAKING strategy, popular in the chinese super server. Tribute to the Chinese performer Yin Nung Lao Nuotama. The verticalizator ganker role, the most broken role ever created since 2009, will be meta soon, as long as it getting popular, but what is it? It consists to get a clear consistent roaming path verticalization all over the map, bringing to your teammates: Vision, Ganks, Gold. This method is mathematically calculated, and compared to the efficency to any other role already existing (Top, Mid, Jungle, Adc, Support) at the best performance, the Verticalizator ganker will result the most efficent one even if not performed at best like the previous one listed. When you can play it? As a midlaner or when you are autofilled in a role you can't guarantee your team your 100% contribution to win the game.
The champion select is the hardest part. Unfortunately, your pick Nunu & Willump and your summoners Ghost Cleanse, the infamous combination, become famous over the years for trolling and losing games on purpose, will bring your comrades on high alert towards you, high possibilities of untrust, dodge and most dangerous one, bring a player to troll as he already lost the hope winning the game watching your setup. Here you must be good with words, but remember, don't be toxic and respect others, toxicity will never bring you anything positive back, and you will look pathetic to others and even to yourself. Remember, this is a mathematically calculated strategy from the best players of this game, under extreme circumstances it might help linking the guide through champion selection, you may convice them that the strategy you are gonna perform in game is a well known and working method and potentially calm them down, and finally bring yourself to victory and gain some LPs.
First phase
The first phase is the most important one to perform at best. Most of the time you are a midlaner, if you want to play the verticalizator ganker on your will (Autofilled guide soon below). You will start laning phase the enemy midlaner, doesn't matter what is the match up, you will be never interest to trade or take a fight, you must trade hp and survive the poke with the help of your starting item Corrupting Potion and focus on farm and taking exp, the best time to go back in base is at level 5, remember, your core item will be red trinket you must buy one or best two every time you go to the base. Once you are back in the lane, here you start to play the verticalizator ganker wait for the siege minion wave, push it fast, at this point, if your jungler is topside you want to go botside and vice versa, decided the side regarding the situation, you start bringing vision with your red trinket in the most common bushes of the side or extremely helpful in the enemy jungle, and make sure to clear all vision with the Oracle Lens in the territory, once done with the vision go back to your lane and farm and survive, go back in base after crashing to the tower the siege minion wave, after purchasing the item chronologically according to the completed build exemple you will go directly to the side stabilized moments before with the vision actions. As you should always have a red trinket in your pocket it will be very useful to change the vision spot constantly, you will perform the gank once you see its possible, if the enemy is playing aggressive and pressuring your companion is the best way to get a crucial summoner spell or even potentially a good kill or assist for yourself or your mate.
You must mirror your jungler, if he is bot, you are top, if he is top, you are bot. Everything you do must be smooth, like a dance, something you must master, a true natural force, a natural disaster for the enemy team. The path is simple, farm, crash to tower, deny vision to territory, back in lane, crash to tower, place vision to territory, decide when to perform the gank, this is the basic pattern, once you become more and more familiar to it, you will even unlock the ability to change it depending on the context of the game you are in.
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