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Hurricane is VERY situational for Xayah, mostly because it's a teamfighting item and Xayah already has a lot of teamfighting presence. It's also because it only synergizes with W and if you go Kraken slaywr you will miss out on kiting power. Kraken+pd is broken on any adc btw
I would only take Hurricane if enemy is always together, with 2-3 people always within your range, ARAM style. That is very rare to see in your average soloq game since fights are all messy. Teams have no coordination and people usually pick assassins to snowball from pickoffs in fog of war. When teamfighting peoeple usually split up.
Phantom Dancer on the other hand, especially with Kraken Slayer and Lethal Tempo,will provide you insane DPS and kiting together with W. Because you get so much attack speed, Navori Quickblades can be better used. Yes PD won't be as helpful in a teamfight, but like I said, very rarely you will use hurricane consistently. It provides more damage on an area but less survivability.
The same goes for always using Kraken. In low elo you can get away with going full damage, but as rank progresses you will find Galeforce is a common sight for most immobile ADCs because the game is full of assassins and lethal but dogeaball abilities like Yone Ult or Pyke Ult. You can nullify them with your own R, but they will expect it in higher elos.
In the end tho you use what works for you. PD works best for me and I only pick hurricane like once every 10+ games