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Runes: AP morde
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Every single time
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If u are in this matchup, beg that your team carries you. You can beat her easily but if she kills you once your lane is over. Farm till 6, get the MR rune and when she presses W on you ult her so her W disappears, try to dodge her R else you are dead most likely
Anyone who can peel for you can make you solo carry the game as morde
Anyone who can peel for you can make you solo carry the game as morde
With conqueror you're gonna have a lot of sustain and damage, making you harder to kill and easier for you to kill. |
With triumph you'll be able to turn 2v1 into a double kill if you have your ult. |
With tenacity you'll be able to deal more damage in a teamfight due to stuns being lower for you. |
With Last Stand you'll be able to make an insane outplay, such as if you are low and fight someone with more hp you might be able to win that fight due to the rune and your W! |
With taste of blood you're gonna get more sustain in lane and outplay potential. |
With ravenous hunter you're gonna have a lot of sustain and heal in teamfights, making you hard to kill and deal a lot of damage! |
So based on these advantages you will be very strong and yet tanky, making it the best current runes for morde.
Always take flash! Unless if you play Tank JG Mordekaiser or stuff like Shaco, Cami, etc. |
For kill pressure or if you are vs Darius, Volibear, Aatrox, etc. |
You take teleport when you don't need ignite to dominate the laner and you want to help your allies with teleport |
This is a spell you'd take when you go Full Burn Mordekaiser or Tank Morde Jungle |
If you go jungle, you take this! |
-You can peel or get rid of supports like lulu by using ULT
-Your tankiness stays well into late game
-Outplay potential because of your W and R
-No mana
-Your AOE damage is very strong in early and mid game
-Very powerful around objectives
-Unkillable when ahead
-Snowballs incredibly hard and scales better than most bruisers
-Falls off late game
-Long cooldowns
-Some matchups are a nightmare to deal with
-Missing abilities can bring your death
Passive (P):
Darkness Rise
INNATE: Mordekaiser's basic attacks are empowered to deal 40% AP bonus magic damage On-hit.
Morderkaiser generates a stack for each enemy Champion icon.png champion or Monster icon.png monster hit by his damaging basic attacks or basic abilities, lasting for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits, and stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, he gains Darkness Rise.
DARKNESS RISE: Mordekaiser gains Movement speed icon.png 3 / 6 / 9% (based on level) bonus movement speed and dealsใ 5 โ 15.2 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) (+ 1% โ 5% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage every second to nearby enemies. Against monsters, the damage is capped at 180 per second.
First ability (Q):
Cooldown: 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4
Range: 675
Mordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing 5 - 15 75/95/115/135/155 +(60% bonus Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies in the area, increased by 40/45/50/55/60% if it hits only a single enemy.
Second ability (W):
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
Mordekaiser stores (45%/15%) of all damage he (deals/takes) as a potential shield, up to 30% of maximum Health.
Indestructible grants him the shield for 4 seconds and may be cast a second time to consume it, healing for 35/37.5/40/42.5/45% of the remaining value.
Third ability (E):
Death's grasp
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10
Range: 900
Passive: Mordekaiser gains 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% Magic Penetration.
Active: After 0.75 seconds, Mordekaiser pulls enemies in the chosen area dealing 80/95/110/125/140 (+ 60% bonus Ability Power) magic damage.
Ultimate (R):
Realm of Death
Cooldown: 140/120/100
Range: 650
Mordekaiser banishes a target to the Death Realm with him for 7s, stealing 10% of their core stats for the duration.
If Mordekaiser kills his target in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.
+ + AA = Instant passive activation and most people will have to run due to this cuz the longer you fight the stronger you are
After level 6 use this combo:
+ + AA + = Not only that you have instant passive activation but they also cannot run now, making it most likely a free kill
If your shield is currently big you can press on the enemy inside the turret denying them from csing and then W if a turret shot is coming
Always Ult the strongest enemy unless they can kill you inside your ult (Example: Lucian, Kai'Sa, Ashe), else just ult whoever is peeling them
Trust your Healing and Shield, this can make you win a lot of fights and get fed but do NOT fight if you're like 10% hp unless you have your Ult ready
Your Q will follow where your character is so Q+ Flash if you need to move your Q position
Abilities order:
Tip for low elo: The enemy is gonna look forward to kill you as soon as possible, but at level 2 you can easily kill whoever is your opponent. Use E+Q+AA combo, chase him down while auto attacking him then when he's low ignite him (if you have ignite). If he flashes and still needs 1 more aa just flash after him and it's free kill.
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