Build Guide by Urason
[14.10] Urason's Grandmaster In-Depth Guide to Samira - INDEPTH MATCHUP EXCEL SHEET!
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My favorite Samira skin is the base Skin but Soulfighter and Highnoon fight for 2nd place!
Don't know what it was. I was playing against Jhin, Sona lane and I kept trading with them with no problem.
It has a better build path, provides wave clear, gives AS, and its shield is amazing to pair with your Last Stand. I think BT is a good item but I'm not sure its worth sacrificing your Shieldbow for (that being said, I've been experimenting going Galeforce vs Jhin atm in all of my games but that's for a future discussion).
That being said, if you really do enjoy BT first more, then stick to it! I do have a few recommendations however since you'll have to change up your early playstyle. I'd recommend taking Alacrity (the lack of AS for so long is going to be miserable but you can also take double adaptive shards with Alacrity for more damage too). If you're not significantly outranged, take Overheal as well and just stack that Shield before any and every fight. It's benefit over Shieldbow is the fact that there isn't a 90 second CD on it so abuse that! Hope this helps!
Shieldbow = 3400g, 20%AS, 50AD (technically 65 when Passive pops), 7% Life Steal, 20% Crit, Waveclear, Good Build Path, Pre-lvl 10 250hp Shield |
BT = 3200g, 55AD, 15% Life Steal, 20% Crit, Pre-lvl 10 180hp Shield
Eclipse => boots => IE => BT and then what ever needed.
I really like your guide and have learned quite a bit, however I am still kind of confused.
With how the guide is organized, it seems like you build boots after mythic, however I see a lot of samara's build it right after noon quiver, do you have any recommendations on the topic?
Also what matchups should you take what runes on. Like against Tristana I would assume you go resolve and exhaust, but what about against a long rage poke (Kog'maw, Caitlyn), or a burst that's better then you (Twicth,Nilah)
Thanks in advance
For a lot of matchups it mostly depends on the enemy support on what Runes you should take. If its Caitlyn + Lux, I'll often go Second Wind or Biscuits depending on if I can kill them lvl 3 or not. If its Caitlyn + Naut, I'm fine going light sustain with 3 pot + long sword.
It really all depends on you and how you want to play the lane. I give a general idea of how the runes should be used but there is no 100% answer.
Your guide is one of the many I scooted across, and one of the few that did catch my attention. I like the banners and your color theme. On top of that, you convey the basic information required to pilot Samira. However, at the same time I felt a bit sad because there are some things in the formatting that could be much better. Thus, some unsolicited advice: take it or leave it, your choice ;)
Now finally, if you've done all those things and still wondering: you could think of making the code of some sections more 'in line' with others. For example item section looks a little off compared to the others, because the do not really contain the grey background/border thingies that are present in others.
I hope (some of) this helped you a bit, lemme know if you have questions, doubts or anything else. I must say I really appreciate the effort you put in, as this can be somewhat rare for higher ranked players/streamers :D
I am looking to continue to put forth as much effort as I can both into this guide and my new matchup sheet! While I'm still growing my individual brand and content creation, I'm just glad the community as a whole is able to consume my content and improve themselves with it. It truly warms my heart (which is why I answer all of these comments fairly quickly). Anyways, thank you!!!