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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It's impossible for you to trade with Draven early on, his auto attack will deal 2x yours, try to get the wave pushing, if that's not possible just wait for your support to get a perfect engage or for jungle ganks. You will always lose 1v1 vs Draven
Janna gives you a lot of what you need in most situations. In bad matchups it's pretty easy to push the wave in with Janna. She also gives a lot of protection, after level 6 Sivir & Janna is almost impossible to kill.
Janna gives you a lot of what you need in most situations. In bad matchups it's pretty easy to push the wave in with Janna. She also gives a lot of protection, after level 6 Sivir & Janna is almost impossible to kill.
Champion Build Guide
Focus on good recalls (recall after you pushed them in).
Comming soon
Comming soon
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