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Choose Champion Build:
- Viktor 1v9 Mid Build
- Tanky Viktor Build
- Top Lane Viktor
Recommended Items
Runes: Standard runes
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Glorious Evolution (PASSIVE)
Viktor Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kassadin is probably one of your worst fears because you probably won't be able to win against him in all stages of the game. In this matchup pre 6 you want to avoid getting poked by his Q as much as you can while trying to farm. You won't be able to win or "hardly" win trades against him because of the magic shield from his Q since he will outsustain you if he bought corrupting potion first. If not and you manage to win trades then you can pressure him from farming. The moment he turns lvl 6 you should avoid getting in his ult range and try to safely farm.
I made this guide to share my Viktor playstyle. This is also my first guide based on my experiences with Viktor.
About myself.
I am a Viktor main in EUW and my summoner name is Draczor.
The first time I started playing league was somewhere near the end of season 2 ( Kha'Zix release).
I first started playing Viktor in season 5 and started to main him in season 6. I ended up in diamond with Viktor in season 6 and from that point on I have mostly been playing him in the mid lane in almost every ranked game and I have remained diamond ever since.
The moment I became diamond in season 8 I stopped climbing since the season was ending soon anyway. At that moment I was the rank #39 Viktor on EUW with a win rate of 70%. Below is a picture for proof.
Feel free to add me for questions regarding Viktor or by dropping a comment.
Because he is OP.
Very good scaling, the ability to two shot ad carries/squishies.
Can be played as an assassin and a control mage.
Good teamfight champion with high AOE burst.
Insane kite potential and pretty good splitpusher.
Being able to dish out huge amounts of damage every few seconds.
Very good wave clear, strong laner and very good late game champ.
Viktor is a very strong champion that shouldn't be underestimated.
Most people tend to underestimate his damage and won't realize it before they already are below half hp.
I love Viktor's playstyle which made me main him. He is good in most situations because of his kit and is very annoying to play against. He also has outplay potential in 1v1 situations.
The biggest weakness of Viktor is him having no escape ability except for his movement speed and Flash.
Viktor isn't easy to master and play to his full potential. He has to micromanage a lot to be played to his full extent and it's also hard to fully control Death Ray to cast it however you want. I would like to say he isn't extremely hard to master but he is also not easy to play.
In short, the learning curve shouldn't be too high for him.
There are 6 summoner spells that Viktor can take but most of the time I take Teleport and Flash. Ofcourse you take Flash since you don't have any other kind of dash or ability to get out of a bad situation. I think Teleport is a very good summoner spell to never get behind and be somewhere to turn the fight, it also makes you able to splitpush because you can waveclear fast. That's why I take it almost everytime. If you die to gank you can simply teleport back in lane and you won't miss any experience or gold. Ghost is a good summoner spell on Viktor. It gives you a lot more kite potential and the ability to chase someone while keeping your Chaos Storm on them. It's also great if you are planning to roam to another lane or get to fights faster, but it's also good for running away from ganks. Together with your augment upgraded Siphon Power you will outrun almost everything. The only reason you might want to take Cleanse is if you are facing an enemy/laner with cc, like Twisted Fate or Veigar (and possibly if the enemy team has too much cc). It will also let you get out of sticky situations or ganks if you ever get stunned or slowed. If you are up against an AD laner or assassin then I would recommend taking Exhaust. A good example is a Zed, Talon or Yasuo matchup. It's a very good summoner spell that most of the time will save your life or help you kill someone. Barrier is very useful against champions with high burst damage. I only ever consider taking it against Syndra or LeBlanc as it most of the time saves your life and helps you greatly in lane. Also, it guarantees you surviving most ganks. I rarely see people taking Ignite on Viktor but it's not very bad. It gives you a lot more kill pressure as Viktor is known for his lane pressure and poke. You probably won't be taking this unless you really want to kill your mid lane opponent. As the game goes on, Ignite becomes more irrelevant and most of the time you will find yourself in a situation where it could have been more useful if you took another summoner spell. |
Sorcery Viktor Rune Page
Summon Aery: Very easy to proc off and because you can poke a lot. |
Manaflow Band: Good rune since Viktor does have mana problems |
Transcendence: Extra 10% CDR, very good because with blue buff you will have 45% CDR and with that you can have an constant Q shield up. You can even solo dragon because of that since you don't lose hp. |
Gathering Storm: As I said the goal of this build is to scale hard into mid/late game and what better rune is there than Gathering Storm. |
Minion Dematerializer: So you can push wave faster and get those chunky cannon minions out of the way. Always use one of it on every type of minion and the rest of it on cannon minions to push wave if enemy mid laner tries to roam or recall. |
Cosmic Insight: Extra CDR is always handy. This together with CDR boots is great on those long cooldowns on Flash and Teleport. |
This is most of the time the first item I finish before anything else (except boots). The upgraded skills are necessary for wave clear and the movement speed is also very handy for better kiting. |
The boots I always go for normally. The extra 10% CDR is needed to get to 45% CDR and it also lowers those long cooldowns on Teleport and Flash. Above all it's also cheaper than most boots. |
Not recommended to buy because you rather want Ionian Boots of Lucidity to get to 45% CDR for a permanent Q shield and just overall lower cooldowns. If you rather want the magic pen then go for it, I'm not stopping you. |
If the enemy team mostly consists of assassins or AD then you should buy this. You should also buy this if you are laning against a AD champion like Yasuo or Zed. |
Buy this if you are facing an enemy team that has mostly AP damage or if you are having trouble facing a strong AP mid laner with cc. |
Q | E |
-> | AA | -> |
Full dmg combo:
E | R | Q |
-> | -> | -> | AA |
Siphon Power with an autoattack. Using Chaos Storm early is important since it takes some time to deal the full amount of dmg from it to the enemy. This is most of the time more than enough to one shot a carry.
If you are planning to make a roam somewhere then push your wave first.
Doing so will let you get in time for your next wave after a roam.
You have to look at the situation in another lane first before you make a roam. If the enemy is too deep in lane you can roam, but you can also roam if your teammates have good vision control. If their bot lane is sticking too much to their turret you can plan to make a dive. Make sure your own bot lane pushes wave first before you dive BUT, never stay too long because otherwise your own mid laner will follow up and worst-case scenario, kill you all.
If your jungler is planning to gank your enemy mid laner then you gotta set up a good gank for him.
Most people tend to stand diagonally to you. For example if you stand on the left side of the lane the enemy would stand on the right side. That's one way to set up a gank but you can also bait him into fighting you. If he does so then be careful to survive and let your jungler come to kill him. Also put a control ward on the side of the bush where your jungler is.
What if you get ganked?
If it's an enemy jungler with no dash you can simply put a gravity field between you and him to cut off the path so you can walk away. Most of the time that would do the trick.
Apart from this you don't really have anything else to escape with except with your Flash. Stand on the side where your jungler is so if you get ganked you can walk towards him.
Now you have to predict or ward when and how the enemy jungler will gank you.
Most of the time a jungler makes their first gank around minute 3 in mid lane, so around that time don't stand too deep in lane or go and ward.
You can also notice from your enemy mid laner's movement if you are getting ganked. If the enemy mid laner walks towards you, which he probably wouldn't do cause that would let him get freely poked then you are most likely getting ganked. Put deep wards in good spots or enemy jungle camps after you pushed your wave to know where he is because it's very beneficial for your team to know where the enemy jungler is.
Tip: If you are gonna ward after you pushed, walk behind instead of to the side to get out of vision. The enemy midlaner won't know you went to ward or where.
On level 1 you want to start with Siphon Power and use it whenever you can to proc Summon Aery on your opponent. Simply using Siphon Power with/without an autoattack is good enough to put pressure on your opponent without taking much damage yourself especially if you are up against melee champions.
After that you want to focus on making your opponent lose farm and poking him if he comes too close. If he goes for the last hit on a minion you can poke him with Siphon Power and Death Ray. This ensures that your opponent will have to choose between getting farm and getting poked or trading back and losing farm. Whereas the most case is your opponent going for farm and getting poked.
If he get's too low then you can simply kill him with Q + AA and E. Don't be afraid to use Flash if necessary to kill him.
Viktor is pretty mana hungry so do not use your Death Ray too much just for a simple poke if you are almost low on mana.
If you successfully gained lane dominance or an advantage you can pressure him by just walking towards him. He will walk back because he doesn't want to get poked. If he does so he will lose farm and maybe even experience if he's too far away from the creeps. Pressure isn't all about winning trades but also making your opponent afraid to come close to get farm.
Now you don't want to get too close or getting in extended fights. If you get too close you risk getting to die since you don't have the potential to kill someone quickly before they kill you. Keep good attention to the distance between you and him.
Do not prolong a trade after you used your abilities. If you do then you will most likely end up losing the trade making you the one with lower hp. It's never good to already be low on health in the early game as Viktor since it makes it harder for you to stay long enough to earn enough money for items.
Simply use your Death Ray + Siphon Power and if possible an extra AA and walk away. Most of the time that's all you gotta do to win the trade since you can almost instantly cast it.
Viktor also has extremely good waveclear. Once you get augment upgrade on your Death Ray you can clear the whole wave. Now you simply want to push the lane 24/7 so your opponent has to farm under turret and lose cs or facetank the entire wave.
Not only does this give you a lead, it also makes sure your opponent won't go anywhere. He will have to stick around his tower if he want's to get his cs and if he doesn't and decides to roam he will lose farm while you are damaging his tower. If he doesn't get anything out of the roam he will only be put at an even bigger disadvantage.
This is also where Minion Dematerializer comes in handy if you have it. It's great to push a cannon wave fast.
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