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Recommended Items
Runes: Typical Rune Page
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If you get hooked and you do not have flash, you will die. This lane depends on you and your ADC not getting hooked. IF your ADC gets hooked, all-in the enemy ADC to try to turn the fight around.
Both of you have good range and can heavily pressure a lane with no sustain.
Both of you have good range and can heavily pressure a lane with no sustain.
Champion Build Guide
1. INTRODUCTION → About me and Zyra 2. ABILITIES → Basics on Zyra's abilities 3. BUILDING → Runes, summoner spells, and items 4. WARDING → The critical job of a support 5. GAMEPLAY → Zyra during laning and teamfights 6. TIPS AND TRICKS → Helpful hints to improve your gameplay 7. CONCLUSION → Thank you for reading! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hello! I am an avid Zyra player with hundreds of thousands of mastery points on her. She's one of my favorite champions and she helped me climb to plat. I decided to create a guide to share everything I know with you guys and hopefully help some of you out! This is my very first guide ever so feel free to tell me what I should add or fix.
Support is a very complex role and requires quite a bit of game knowledge. One of your main jobs is to play around your carries and make sure they are alive and fed. Zyra has amazing damage and can snowball a lane very quickly. Her teamfighting is insane as well. Her main issue is how squishy and vulnerable she is due to having no mobility. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Garden of Thorns Seeds spawn around Zyra periodically, becoming faster with level and lasting 30 seconds. If an enemy Champion steps on a seed, it dies. Zyra can cast spells near seeds to grow plants. Extra plants striking the same target deal reduced damage. It is important to note here that seeds do not spawn if Zyra is in a bush. It is also important to know that additional plants of the same type only do 50% damage. That is why it is a good idea to combo your skills to spawn one of each plant (one from your E and one from your Q) Deadly Spines Thick vines spread through the ground and explode into spines, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. If cast near a seed, Deadly Spines grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar. Remember that plants spawned by this ability have longer range, making it a really good ability for poke. Make sure you hit your skillshots or the plants will not prioritize targetting nearby enemy champions. An auto attack can also cause plants to target the enemy. It is a good idea to put a seed down when you have 2 full charges so that you can begin charging up another seed. This seed might prove useful later when you want to fight. Make sure you place your seeds somewhere the enemy cannot easily step on them. The main use of this ability is in combination with other abilities. This ability (apart from your ult) is the only way you can escape or engage. Try not to use it constantly. The range of the plants is short (but they do slow making it helpful for escapes) and therefore this ability should be used when you are committing to a fight. This is your strongest ability and makes you very valuable in teamfights. When you ult over your plants, it enrages these plants to gain health, damage, and attack speed. This is why is it best to ult after you have used your other abilities and have plants up. You can also use this ability for peel or escapes.
When playing Zyra, you would normally max Q, then E, then W, and of course level up R when needed. The reason for this is because Q is very good for poke and pretty easy to hit. It also has a shorter cooldown and therefore makes it ideal to max. While maxing E will give you a longer root and a bit more damage, it has a long cooldown and the plants it spawns are much shorter ranged. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this section of the guide, I will show you how I build Zyra, including runes and summoner spells. There are many ways to play Zyra but the following information is for a high damage carry support.
Summoner Spells
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As you probably already know, warding is very important in league as it helps you make safer decisions and plan according to the enemy. There are many guides out there dedicated strictly for warding since it is a broad topic, but I will try to summarize some key ideas. Usually, you would ward to keep yourself safe or to plan for your next objective. For example, if you wanted the tier 2 top turret, you would ward the jungle around that turret to avoid flanks and make picks. Here are three common scenarios for warding and where some helpful wards would be placed. Blue dots are if you are on the blue side of the map and pink dots are if you are on red side. Keep in mind that sometimes warding intersections can give more information than simply warding a bush.
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LANING Try to hit level 2 early by Q'ing the caster minions on the first wave to push. When you hit level 2, hit a Q-W combo on one of the enemies. At the early levels, your auto attacks deal a lot of damage. Do not underestimate this damage. Anytime the enemy ADC walks up to CS, hit them with auto attacks if their support is not pressuring you. When you walk up to harrass, make sure you walk back immediately after you deal your damage so that you don't take too much damage yourself. Another thing to keep in mind is that you don't have to constantly use your abilities, or you will run out of mana. A Zyra with no mana is useless and vulnerable. Make sure you only use abilities if you know you can hit them, and don't forget to simply just auto attack in the early levels. TEAMFIGHTS Teamfighting is in Zyra's favor in jungles and chokes where the enemies are clumped together. This is perfect for Zyra to land a snare into a potential 5 man ultimate. The best time to use your ultimate is after you have 2 or more plants down and if the enemies are snared together. Another great time to use your ultimate is if an assassin jumps on you or your ADC. The damage and knock-up is great peel and allows you both to stay safe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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I had a lot of fun making this guide and I really hope it helps. I learned so much about making guides and as this is my first official guide, I hope to improve for future guides, so feel free to leave me feedback. I am also happy to answer questions or comments and will try my best to respond. Thank you for reading. Credits To jhoijhoi for creating a helpful guide on guide making and the summoner spells formatting. And to Elusive Ferret for the beautiful runes formatting. |
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