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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You can make a combo with "Chum the Waters" (your ultimate) at max range and Yasuo's "Last Breath" (his ultimate), that will surely win any teamfight.
You can make a combo with "Chum the Waters" (your ultimate) at max range and Yasuo's "Last Breath" (his ultimate), that will surely win any teamfight.
HEALTH: 570 (+98 per level) ATTACK DAMAGE: 58.04 (+3 per level) ATTACK SPEED: 0.66 (+3.1% per level) MOVEMENT SPEED: 335 HEALTH REGEN: 8 (+0.7 per level) ARMOR: 22.412 (+3.4 per level) MAGIC RESIST: 32.1 (+1.25 per level) |
SLOW: E and ultimate KNOCK UP / DOWN: ultimate TRUE SIGHT: ultimate |
ROLE: assassin PLAYABLE ON: middle lane DAMAGE: magic MOBILITY: high CASTING RESOURCE: mana REGION: Bilgewater NUMBER OF SKINS: 9 |
+ high mobility +
+ good splitpusher + + great ultimate + + tower dive potential + + great escape + + can jump over short walls + |
- squishy -
- mana dependent - - weak when behind - - vulnerable to crowd-control - - extremely hard against tanks - - low utility and crowd-control -
Fizz, like the other assassins, is weak if falls behind, so he must get a lead in early / mid game. He is very squishy and vulnerable to crowd-controls because his only way to dodge them is Playful / Trickster and its cooldown is too high.
Flash RANGE: 425 COOLDOWN: 300 |
Flash is a must have for Fizz because you can make a lot of plays and some combos with Urchin Strike and Playful / Trickster and it can often save you in a match. Flash is one of the best summoner spells, if not the best. Always take this. |
Ignite RANGE: 600 COOLDOWN: 180 |
I usually take Ignite every time. Ignite's bonus damage is very nice, especially in early game, but the most important thing is that it applies Grievous Wounds to target enemy champion, reducing his healing effects. When you want to start a trade and you are SURE that you can kill your target, ignite him to reduce his healing. (e.g.: Vladimir, Sylas etc.) |
Teleport RANGE: - COOLDOWN: 360 |
I'm not a fan of Teleport, but you can take it instead of Ignite if you want to roam more or if enemy mid laner is someone like Orianna, Neeko, Annie etc. to get back in lane faster if you got hit by a lot of poke and can't stay in lane. |
Corrupting Potion TOTAL PRICE: 500 RECIPE PRICE: 350 |
I think this is the best starting item for Fizz. It restores you a good amount of health and mana over few seconds, two stats very important for him. It also burns your enemies, giving you more chances to kill them. You can buy Dark Seal after your first back for faster healing from Corrupting Potion and more mana and ability power. |
The Dark Seal TOTAL PRICE: 350 RECIPE PRICE: 350 |
If your enemy laner is melee or is an easy target like Karthus, Aurelion Sol etc., Dark Seal could be better as a starting item. Also, because it costs only 350 gold, you can buy Refillable Potion and then upgrade it to Corrupting Potion on your first back. With these two items you will have stronger trades. |
Hextech Revolver TOTAL PRICE: 1050 RECIPE PRICE: 180 |
After you upgrade Refillable Potion to Corrupting Potion or buy Dark Seal, you can start building Hextech Revolver. It's a big power spike and it's even better than Sheen. You can change Hextech Revolver with Sheen if enemy laner is building early magic resistance. Then finish Sorcerer's Shoes. |
Boots of Speed TOTAL PRICE: 300 RECIPE PRICE: 300 |
If you have 300 gold and don't know how to use it, you can buy Boots. This item gives you a good amount of movement speed, that allows you to keep up with the enemy laner and roam better. |
Sorcerer's Shoes TOTAL PRICE: 1100 RECIPE PRICE: 800 |
Fizz is a burst assassin that needs a lot of damage to eliminate the enemy carries as fast as possible, so I think that Sorcerer's Shoes is the best choice, especially when enemy team hasn't too much magic resistance. I usually finish this item after Hextech Revolver only if I have enough gold (1100+), otherwise I buy something else. |
Ninja Tabi TOTAL PRICE: 1100 RECIPE PRICE: 500 |
You can take these boots only if enemy team is full AD and they really are a big problem for you. I don't recommend this item. |
Mercury's Treads TOTAL PRICE: 1100 RECIPE PRICE: 350 |
Mercury's Treads could be a better choice if enemy team has a lot of CC ( Fizz is vulnerable to crowd-control) or is heavy magic damage. |
Hextech Protobelt-01 TOTAL PRICE: 2500 RECIPE PRICE: 650 |
I think Hextech Rocketbelt is much better than Lich Bane, even if it's a bigger power spike, because it improves Fizz's wave clear, makes him harder to kill (due to +300 health), it's much cheaper and can help him to keep up with the enemies and to avoid ganks. Lich Bane is still a good choice, but I prefer to buy it first when enemy mid laner takes early magic resistance because Sheen's passive deals physical damage. If enemies buy Banshee's Veil, you can use Hextech Rocketbelt's active to proc the spell shield. |
Lich Bane TOTAL PRICE: 3200 RECIPE PRICE: 450 |
There's not too much to say about this item. Once you take Lich Bane, you are ready to 1v1 almost every squishy enemy. Read Hextech Rocketbelt for more informations. |
Zhonya's Hourglass TOTAL PRICE: 2900 RECIPE PRICE: 300 |
Zhonya's Hourglass must always be bought third item (after Hextech Rocketbelt and Lich Bane). It's a core item for Fizz, even if enemy team hasn't AD threats, because of its active. I usually want to buy Seeker's Armguard right after Hextech Revolver for more early ability power and armor, due to its passive (against AD mid laners). You'll want to finish Zhonya's Hourglass always after Hextech Rocketbelt and Lich Bane. |
Rabadon's Deathcap TOTAL PRICE: 3600 RECIPE PRICE: 1100 |
Rabadon's Deathcap is a core item for every AP mid laner because it gives the biggest amount of ability power in late game. If you don't buy it, Fizz won't have the power to kill his enemies quickly. I usually start to build it right after Zhonya's Hourglass, but if enemy team has too much magic resistance, you can skip it and buy first Void Staff. If not, buy Void Staff last item. |
Void Staff TOTAL PRICE: 2650 RECIPE PRICE: 1365 |
I usually build this item right after Rabadon's Deathcap only if enemy carries have too much magic resistance. You can change it with the other situational items, if you need one of them. |
Morellonomicon TOTAL PRICE: 3000 RECIPE PRICE: 550 |
Due to its passive, Morellonomicon is the best item against teams with large sources of healing, like Soraka, Sylas, Vladimir etc. It also gives you 15 magic penetration and 300 health, making it a good choice instead of Void Staff. You can buy this item even before finishing Zhonya's Hourglass if enemy laner is Sylas, Vladimir etc. |
Banshee's Veil TOTAL PRICE: 3000 RECIPE PRICE: 800 |
I usually build Banshee's Veil after Hextech Rocketbelt if enemy laner is a big threat for Fizz (like Annie, Diana etc.). Even if you are winning laning phase, I recommend you to buy this item as early as possible to prevent an eventual comeback. |
Mejai's Soulstealer TOTAL PRICE: 1400 RECIPE PRICE: 1050 |
This item is the best when you are snowballing hard. If you are fed and have 7/8+ stacks on Dark Seal, feel free to upgrade it to Mejai's Soulstealer. I recommend you to buy this item after you finish Zhonya's Hourglass to survive in fights and to not lose stacks (10 per DEATH). Be careful not to be alone in jungle because you can easily die and lose all your stacks. |
Q |
Urchin Strike RANGE: 550 COST: 50 COOLDOWN: 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 |
I usually use this ability to reach the enemy and to start a trade. Also, it can be used as an escape. If your enemy is low hp and you think you can kill him, empower your next Urchin Strike with Seastone Trident's active to deal its bonus damage. This ability could be used on a minion to get in range for Chum the Waters. |
W |
Seastone Trident RANGE: 175 (before W) + 50 COST: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 COOLDOWN: 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5 |
In my opinion, this ability is the most important in laning phase. Fizz's wave-clear is so poor in early game, so, by putting another point at level 4 on Seastone Trident, you can last-hit minions easier. If Seastone Trident kills the enemy unit, its cooldown will reset, so be careful when last-hitting. Every time you use Seastone Trident, you'll gain 50 bonus range on basic attacks until its passive expires. |
E |
Playful / Trickster RANGE: 400 COST: 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110 COOLDOWN: 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10 |
I think this is the funniest ability which he has. Fizz can do a lot of things with Playful / Trickster, like jumping over short walls, dodging skillshots, clearing an entire wave etc. You can make combos with Playful / Trickster and Flash / Hextech Rocketbelt. Around level 9 (when you put 5 points on E) you can one-shot the enemy ranged minions. |
Chum the Waters RANGE: 1300 COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 100 / 85 / 70 |
This is the only skillshot that Fizz has, unless we consider Playful / Trickster to be one. I usually try to cast it at max range to get a guaranteed kill on my target. If you want to surprise your enemy, stay in a brush with a Control Ward and use your ultimate. If your health is too low or you aren't strong enough to kill your enemy, you can cast your ultimate, slowing him, and then escape with your Playful / Trickster and Urchin Strike (on a minion / jungle camp, if possible). |
- You can make a combo with Chum the Waters at max range and Yasuo's Last Breath, that will surely win any teamfight.
- Use Playful / Trickster to dodge abilities like Karthus' Requiem or turrets' shots.
- You can use Zhonya's Hourglass while casting Playful / Trickster, making Fizz to stay in the air. When Zhonya's Hourglass' active will end, Fizz will not continue Playful / Trickster' normal bounce and will remain in the position he used Zhonya's Hourglass.
- You can use Urchin Strike on an enemy unit that's on the other side of a short wall, to reach him.
- Fizz is untargetable while casting Playful / Trickster, but he still takes damage from DOT abilities, like Malzahar's Malefic Visions, Talon's Blade's End etc. and even from Ignite or Challenging Smite.
Urchin Strike MAXED: 4th POINTS: 3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18 |
Urchin Strike applies on-hit effects, so it's a little harder to damage high mobility champions. I usually use this ability to start a trade or as an escape. Max this last because the other abilities are better. |
Seastone Trident MAXED: 2nd POINTS: 1 / 4 / 10 / 12 / 13 |
I usually start with Seastone Trident and I'm trying to kill the first melee minions as fast as possible, without being poked too much, then I'm waiting for opportunities to kill the ranged minions. At level 4, I usually put another point on Seastone Trident for better last-hitting, and then I max Playful / Trickster. |
Playful / Trickster MAXED: 1st POINTS: 2 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 |
I prefer to max this ability every time, even if the enemy laner has high mobility (it's harder to land on them), like Yasuo, Katarina etc. (NOTE: always max W first against LeBlanc), because its damage is great and we really need lower cooldown. Try to start a trade with Playful / Trickster when their mobility ability is on cooldown and / or when they have a few minions. You can start with Playful / Trickster, instead of Seastone Trident, if enemy laner is ranged and you are afraid to be poked too much. In this case, you can cast Playful / Trickster to kill first melee minions because, almost every time, they have the same health until they die. |
Chum the Waters MAXED: 3rd POINTS: 6 / 11 / 16 |
Because this is Fizz's ultimate, you should put a point on it whenever possible. Its damage is amazing and, if it's attached to a champion, it marks his death. |
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