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Super hard matchup, she will poke you constantly and out maneuver you with phase rush her W will stop your dash so their is no escape. Pray to the god of junglers or accept your tower as your only friend.
Max HP true damage is a fun mechanic, her roll will never let you hit your E and her invis will make you unable to proc your legs. If she gets hit by your E its an easy kill but dont count on it.
Piece of garbage. Fiora is made to win lane and can snowball like hell, leave her for one team fight and youve lost both towers. Her repost stops your E wich is your main engage play for your team and pray you dont feed.
Ranged top Lucian enough said
Overall realy hard for you as his double auto attack damage is really thretening at early levles and your damage only charges up his pit grit, with no movement other than you E wich you most likley used to engage you cant easily avoid his true damage, and thats not even to mention his flash R into slow BS he does under tower.
Blind pick was a mistake
Permaban I dont like her
His R is better than your R, you can play around him and will blow him up with your passive up but overall difficult matchup.
Hard matchup beats you bad in lane but you hard outscale him. Dont fight when he has rage and poke to force him to heal off the wave. You can cancel his dash with your E and is a great way of breaking his combo and puting lots of damage on him.
Deceptivly tanky and can block your autos play around his taunt, if he misses it run him down if he engages then kite back with your w up to escape.
his counter strike blocks your autos and can stun you after you E to stop your burst, you can cuck him hard late with your ulti as he tries to 1v9 at low health just to be executed by 25% true damage.
Annoying unkillable tree that will make supression look like soft cc. Overall his sustanin makes your poke negligable and is super tanky, watch out for ganks and only go for all ins when hes low on mana
Its vlad man if he gets ahead just go next. If you dont have alot of burst on your team he wont even come close to execute range
After the rework hes able to haras you quite well and stun you after you flip him and just walk away if he want. He wins in extended trades because of his healing and you tower dosent matter post 6. Play around his mana issues and your jungler.
Dont eat too much of his poke and only all in if you feel confident in your damage overal its jace they buffed him for like 7 patches in a row and then thought that was good.
With his lifesteal and bonus crit passive hes able to take seemingly bad trades and heal off the wave not to mention his zed ult on an e and his mixed damage you win hard 3-6 but with two items he can 1v9
Stupid invisable double knock up monkey
Not as bad as other ranged matchups as she gets blown up in mele and by the time she ults out to escape you will likely be able to execute her and reminde her wat supression really feels like. Bush cheesing is recomended dont eat too much poke.
Pretty even match up he out sustains you in lane but has no real way of matching your poke and you beat him in mele overall in your favor
She has an awfull laning phase and dosent beat you in mele or in her ult abuse her early and she will never get off her feat. Her mobility is insane and you can stop her stun with your E she outscales you eventually but usually it wont get to that.
You beat him in Mega Gnar but lose the poke battle if you can get him to all in you as Mega you win hard play around his max hp damage and cc.
Illaoi dosent really lose lane and she dosent lose if she hits her E, her mana problems are awfull and has zero hard cc and cant split push for her life. Play around her E in lane and punish her lack of cc in team fights.
1v9 machine but if you ever hit your E she dies if she dosent ult. Abuse her in lane and supress her in late.
Super strong early game, he will most deffinetly try and get a lead off of you and ul straight to mid. Play passive and around his Grevious Wounds and you should be fine.
Riven is tricky a good riven destroys everyone and reminds you why one tricks can make it to challanger. A bad one will die repeatedly and get you unbelivable fed. Overall dont underestimate her levle 6 damage and play around her long cooldowns early.
Sion is interesting as he can just go even in lane and destory in team fights or get hit by your R and see 25% of his increased heath not matter. Overall cancle his Q with your E and let your passive shred him.
Swain can hard scale if he gets an early lead and destroy games or get a 15 min ROA and be less usefull than backing for Faerie Charm. Its a snowball match up in your favor.
Unkillable ram who wont back till 20 min in and still stop you, overall force him to take longer trade early as he has long cooldowns and does no damage witout his passive you beat him in raw mele but his cc is dangerous.
I swear this paracite of a champion finds himself in every lane under the sun, overall his infinit dashes dont matter in your minon wave as it just procs more of your legs and loses hard without his items.
If hes not ap he does no damage without Feast
Dr. Mundo
Annoying and a super borring lane as he will never beat you and always walk away from yout damage
Your R is better than His R, you beat him hard in mele and can stop his q with your E
Break his shield and run him down. dosent have the sustani damage to be much of a threat
needs to be in mele to hurt you and she loses hard in it, you can avoid her stun with your E and poke her with Q if shes playing safe
Your able to easily keep him in mele range and not let him kite you with his poison up with your Q slow and E
He can kite you out and is annoying but dies hard if you ever hit him rush adaptive if hes giving you a hard time
Actual dog champ never beats you his bonus health dosent mean anything to your ult and needs you to stand still to hit his q's never lose this lane.
not really that deadly to you as you beat him in mele and can get a super easy E off of his engage not to menton you shred him faster than he shreds you even if he takes your ult you win
Urgot is an extreamly underrated top laner in my opinion, he is able to harrass like many ranged top's but is also extreamly tanky and destroys most champs in mele with his passive doing max HP damage. His kill pressure with his ult is always present and scales super hard. Overall he's not played much because lets be honest he an ugly fellow but is a great champ to pick up for high impact top lane that dosent consist of only split pushing. Urgots main weaknesses are his relience on his E to confirm kills, even though its not the main source of damage for him, a hit confirms his back legs to proc and allows you to walk around the enemy and shred them down to execute range.
Tips and Tricks
E - Flash
E flash is a wonderful combo that catches people off gaurd with its range and depending on the target will almost always confirm a kill or a flash out overall its great to catch safe laners and be able to still have kill presure over them.
Auto - W
The most important thing to understand about Urgot is his W, Urgot will auto 3 times a second at reduced damage but at max rank it turns into a no cost toggled ability, at this point a good way to maxamize damage is to W for three hits then toggle it for a normal auto and repeat essentialy your full auto attack will come out faster and will be able to re-activate yout w directly after it is essensially 30% extra damage for free and will catch many people off guard with the burst in damage.
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