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Take flash for obvious reasons and heal so you can use it for a strategic escape or a beta chase down.
Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
He will outrange you in the laning phase and you will get pegged. Farm with Q
Strong alpha male to root enemies and protecting you.
Strong alpha male to root enemies and protecting you.
Champion Build Guide
Do you keep getting cucked by the big alphas in rift? Then you've come to the right place! I'm a experienced Chad who's hardstuck in the ore ranks and I'm ready to mold you into a Hyper solo sigma carry.
Alright ready to get some hair on your chest?
Alright ready to get some hair on your chest?
Now now let's not get too excited. The first thing for becoming a Chad Mcthunder**** is about picking the right spells and I have just the toys for you.
Flash: I think the reasons are obvious.
Heal: Need to make a strategic escpape with your supp? with the heals MS boost and healing, retreating should be quite easy if done correctly.
But what if the enemy is making a cowardly escape? just pop a heal and chase that beta down and cuck him.
Flash: I think the reasons are obvious.
Heal: Need to make a strategic escpape with your supp? with the heals MS boost and healing, retreating should be quite easy if done correctly.
But what if the enemy is making a cowardly escape? just pop a heal and chase that beta down and cuck him.
Abilities and runes
Level 3 abilities: lvl 1 Q, lvl 2 E, why? because that cuck shield is gonna stop you from getting pegged. lvl 3, either another Q or if the opponent has low range, you can level up W for that Alpha Auto-attack reset.
For abilities you're gonna want to max Q first for that sweet sweet damage. That way you can behead the squishy femboys from great range. You can also soften the enemy tanks for your own ********ers.
Then max E for that shield that can stop even the thickest male genitals.
And lastly, your W... It works as good wave clear in the late game and the auto attack reset is nice.
For the runes you are gonna take Harvest, taste of blood, eyeball collector and ravenous hunter. That will give you some burst and dmg. Manaflow band and Trancendense give you haste and mana = more Q's
For abilities you're gonna want to max Q first for that sweet sweet damage. That way you can behead the squishy femboys from great range. You can also soften the enemy tanks for your own ********ers.
Then max E for that shield that can stop even the thickest male genitals.
And lastly, your W... It works as good wave clear in the late game and the auto attack reset is nice.
For the runes you are gonna take Harvest, taste of blood, eyeball collector and ravenous hunter. That will give you some burst and dmg. Manaflow band and Trancendense give you haste and mana = more Q's
When you saw the items earlier, you probably thought "WTF are those items?!, MAW? I have never seen that on sivir." And that's why you're here. To fix that beta cuck thinking! Now, are you ready to start listening to a experienced ********er chad?
You wanna start with tear and some potions. You're gonna want to stack that tear as fast as possible so you get the big boy item Muramasa.
Next is Boots. Mainly you're going to want those haste boots for more Q's but Attack speed shoes also work in the early game if your opponents let you into auto attacking range.
Kraken for that nice auto attack damage against Tanks and squishies alike. Berserker boots go well with kraken in the early game since you don't have to worry about getting one shotted too much. In the late game those haste boots will give you far more damage from the backline, perfect for sniping some cucks and femboys.
Congrats, you entered the mid-game. You should be pretty close to getting your core items, manamune, boots and kraken built. Next you are going to farm for a collector to execute enemies like a sigma chad. With this your Q is gonna burst enemies lake crazy and for every kill, you grow a chesthair.
Next up is MAW, why? you might ask. So let me tell you a short story.
A lone, weak petit Sivir is solo pushing and a Kha'zix ambushes her. She couldn't do anything against a strong, big dommy jungle. She enter the gray screen with a stretched hole. After waking up she decides to build a MAW. She ventures back to Kha'zix, only to pop a massive shield and burst kha to death. Oh how the turned tables.
Net is IE for that nice crit dmg.
You wanna start with tear and some potions. You're gonna want to stack that tear as fast as possible so you get the big boy item Muramasa.
Next is Boots. Mainly you're going to want those haste boots for more Q's but Attack speed shoes also work in the early game if your opponents let you into auto attacking range.
Kraken for that nice auto attack damage against Tanks and squishies alike. Berserker boots go well with kraken in the early game since you don't have to worry about getting one shotted too much. In the late game those haste boots will give you far more damage from the backline, perfect for sniping some cucks and femboys.
Congrats, you entered the mid-game. You should be pretty close to getting your core items, manamune, boots and kraken built. Next you are going to farm for a collector to execute enemies like a sigma chad. With this your Q is gonna burst enemies lake crazy and for every kill, you grow a chesthair.
Next up is MAW, why? you might ask. So let me tell you a short story.
A lone, weak petit Sivir is solo pushing and a Kha'zix ambushes her. She couldn't do anything against a strong, big dommy jungle. She enter the gray screen with a stretched hole. After waking up she decides to build a MAW. She ventures back to Kha'zix, only to pop a massive shield and burst kha to death. Oh how the turned tables.
Net is IE for that nice crit dmg.
If you're hardstuck in the hellish ore ranks and need a quick way out, then look no further. With this quide you will get to bang those rift femboys faster than you can say "I'm a beta cuck".
After reading this you will have gone through your second puberty and you will have the testicular stamina of Thanos. All so that you can keep ********ing the enemy for a easy solocarry.
(warning, not even a ****ty support will slow you down as long as you use your Q smartly.)
Alright I have passed down my secrets to becoming a rift Chad. Now it's all up to you.
After reading this you will have gone through your second puberty and you will have the testicular stamina of Thanos. All so that you can keep ********ing the enemy for a easy solocarry.
(warning, not even a ****ty support will slow you down as long as you use your Q smartly.)
Alright I have passed down my secrets to becoming a rift Chad. Now it's all up to you.
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