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Runes: Kill lane
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Generic ability path
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
High damage, high mobility, If he jumps on you there is a high possibility you may fall victim to un-life.
Basically doesn't get any better then this. More attack speed & movement speed, can grant a barrier, and makes Extreme threats like Talon a lot easier to deal with. Can Buff you up to, Polymorph a Key target.
Basically doesn't get any better then this. More attack speed & movement speed, can grant a barrier, and makes Extreme threats like Talon a lot easier to deal with. Can Buff you up to, Polymorph a Key target.
Champion Build Guide
Ashes Passive is called Frost Shot. Slowed targets take extra damage. That is basically it. Frost Shot is mostly used for permanently slowing Enemy Champions making it really difficult if not impossible to escape.
Ashes Q is called Ranger's Focus. After 4 auto attacks, Activate Rangers Focus which is Basically an Attack Speed Steroid buff. This ability can Double Ashes DPS output.
Ashes W is called Volly, It sends a Frontal Cone of 9 arrows in the targeted Direction. Fun Fact, This ability applies Frost Shot. Use it to Maintain your Slow when an Enemy is trying to Escape your Line of Sight.
Ashes E is called Hawkshot. Activating Hawkshot Sends a Small bird at the Target Location which Presumably explodes granting vision of the target area, as well as any area the bird passes through while its in flight. Its also really useful for spooking people who were Expecting Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Though, I wouldn't rely on this as I am in Bronze and we Bronze players are Quite impulsive and lack serious game knowledge.
Ashes R is called Enchanted Crystal Arrow. After level 6 Ashe becomes a constant Global Threat that the entire enemy team has to constantly be aware of. Its all to often a single ult can change the outcome of a skirmish or even an entire team fight. It has many Uses including, Sinking enemy players under the safety of there own tower. Locking down an enemy with the stun so an ally can pick up the kill/escape from sticky situation. May be used to engage or force a fight. While unreliable, you may even be able to steal buffs with a well-times Shot that hits an enemy player, stunning them, and dealing enough splash damage to said buff to Steal it.
map. Great Ashes can tell you it takes about 10 Seconds to send an Enchanted Crystal Arrow from Fountain to Fountain. 9 seconds from Nexus to Nexus. From Fountain to where the lanes meet only takes about 6 seconds.
From tier 1 Bottom turret to Tier 1 bottom turret it takes about 3 seconds from release to sink.
From Tier 1 bot turret to Tier 1 Mid turret takes about 5 seconds. From tier 1 bot turret to tier 1 top turret is about 8 seconds.
From Tier 2 Bot to Tier 2 bot is about 6 seconds. From Tier 2 bot to Tier 2 Mid is also about 6 seconds. From Tier 2 bot to tier 2 top is about 7 seconds.
Tier 3 bot to Tier 3 bot is only about 8 seconds. Tier 3 bot to Tier 3 mid is only about 7 seconds. Tier 3 bot to Tier 3 top is also about 8 seconds.
Friendly red to enemy blue about 4 seconds. Friendly Red to enemy Red 5 seconds. Friendly Red to Friendly blue 5 seconds.
From Dragon to Baron is about 5 seconds.
Sadly, its not enough to have all this mapped out in your head. you also have to consider things like Build, Natural champion mobility, Where the enemy is going to be X seconds from now, You also have to try to predict your allies movements as well, For example, Say, your Full health Garen is chasing down a Low health Master Yi both are level 6, Garen Has Flash and Yi does not. I can almost GARENtee that Master Yi is not cowering under that Tier 1 turret because He would get dove, flashed on, Q'd and quite possibly might get Ulted if that is what it came down to. Therefore; I have to Make a Prediction or an Educated guess where this Master Yi will be anywhere from 7-8 seconds from now. trust me, even being a second off can easily cause you to miss.
It takes time to learn all of this but, A good Ashe is showered in Praise and Adoration by their Team. Despite the Fact She might be considered an "Easy to play" character There is more to Ashe then Standing there and auto attacking.
Ashe can have trouble Farming so, Its a good idea to make sure the Minion that is getting focus hardest is the one you hit first as, If you let the minions do there own thing, you can miss quite a bit of CS simply by way of You have one shot and there are 3 kill able enemy minions. This happens most commonly after you leash the Jungler.
You can also use Hawk Shot to Maintain Vision of enemy characters who attempt to escape into a bush or the Fog of War.
Sadly, Due to Her rather Pathetic base attack speed, Animation Cancelling doesn't seem to be possible at least till you get Quiver
Ashes Volly appears to Proc Lethal Tempo. While I don't fully recommend doing this as, Volly's Maximum range exceeds Ashes Auto attack range.. which means it may end up wasting Lethal Tempo.
If you don't have enough for the Agility Cloak, go for the Daggers, anything left over after that should go into a control ward and Refillable Potion. Just make sure to sell said Potion after level 10 because the heal is not worth the item slot after that point.
If I made any mistakes feel free to correct me I will be further updating this guide as my knowledge of the game improves. If you have any questions feel free to ask. ^.^
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