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Run on sight. You will be one shot, you can't defend yourself. Building AP resist does nothing you're not a tank you can't live, buy sweeper ward up and pray. Just focus the others and R poke them. Build Zhonya's 2nd.
Kassadin's R is basically a hard counter to Kog'Maw.
1: It closes the gap between you and him and as you're already squishy he's going to do lots of damage to you late game and maybe even 2 or 1 shot you.
2: His R is a perma counter to your passive if you trade vs Kassadin and he kills you but he's low you can win only and ONLY if he isn't 6, when he's 6 he's going to R away and live no matter what.
3: His R is a perma counter to your R and basically renders you worthless as you're mostly just poke and set up for your team.
Now this being said you have a range advantage if you can kill him pre-6 you have a chance but remember once he gets 6 its going to be very hard to kill him so try and minimalize big engages unless your jungle is near.
If you aren't Perma-banning Ahri Perma ban this guy.
Ahri will absolutely wreck you, even me a Kog'Maw 1 trick I still struggle going against Ahri. Her poke is insane against Kog'Maw and should she land any E you are dead and your passive does not matter.
If she gets fed the best you can hope for is to scale as Kog'Maw. Stay under tower and just R the wave if she shows any signs of diving (this is only if you don't have barrier) back and run away as you will die now again THIS is only if she is fed.
On the off hand if you get fed against Ahri you will wreck her as you basically 3 shot her with R.
I Perma-Ban Ahri when playing Kog'Maw mid.
Should you still be in mid game vs Cho'Gath mid you're practically effed. You do little to no damage vs Cho, he can eat you instantly, he's tanky as hell and if you don't take AP resist vs AP Cho you're effed and if you don't take AD resist vs Cho you're effed.
It's rare to see a Cho mid so when you do take AP resist, as he will most likely build AP I would say 90% chance of him going AP.
When it's a Cho top its going to be hard in team fights as you do little damage. I recommend building Morello's and Void Staff for him.
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