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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I would never pick Ashe support into Pyke, thats a lane you most likely wont win because of his kill potential, mobility and passive regen.
Really good synergy because you can poke them down and win lane from there. Any poke reliant ADCs work well with Ashe (like Sivir and Jhin).
Really good synergy because you can poke them down and win lane from there. Any poke reliant ADCs work well with Ashe (like Sivir and Jhin).
Champion Build Guide
I am a long time League player, playing it for fun mostly. Currently sitting in high Plat, aiming to reach Diamond this season.
For me, picking Ashe as a support provides my team with great poke, map control with vision and a low CD engage/disengage.
Autoattacking whenever you can is important because before your 1st back (Tear) you will quickly run out of mana. Look to land Volley on both support and the ADC to maximise the mana/damage efficiency and wait for Arcane Comet to be back up before poking again (ofcourse depending on the lane, if needed poke them whenever Volley is off CD).
Ashe might struggle versus poke oriented enchanters like Karma before getting Tear of the Goddess, after that you should be able to outpoke her because she will run OOM quicker.
What I like about Ashe support is her ability to potentially stop a gank with her W slow (is harder tho with junglers like Hecarim and Udyr who can outspeed the slow).
When laning, look to use Hawkshot to reveal the position of their jungler or provide vision of objectives like Dragon/Scuttle/Herald. When shooting it through the jungle, aim diagonally to cover as much of their jungle as possible. Even if you dont reveal the enemy jungler, you know where he isnt so you can predict it.
After hitting 6, look to catch their support/ADC out of position and possibly kill them, or just straight up engage on them after poking them down. You can also use Enchanted Crystal Arrow to disengage their engage or a jungler ganking you.
Make sure your ADC understands you are poke reliant and tries to follow your poke to maximise the pressure. The worst scenario is ADC just farming and not keeping distcance, allowing your enemies to all in him.
Establish vision control by clearing enemy wards with Umbral Glaive and Oracle Lens, shooting out Hawkshot to save your team from fatal facechecking unwarded areas or to provide vision of Drag/Baron.
In teamfights, use ult to engage on important targets or disengage unwanted fights, followed by poking with W and autoattacking when possible.
Avoid moving alone as you are an easy pick - squishy and immobile.
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