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Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
This build requires great judgement and skill to hone, do not expect to just buy the items, do the time and be pro. This build requires you to be very aware of oportunities for aggression and when to be patient; As is true with any stacking item build.
This build, if used properly will allow you to burst any squishy from 100% hp down to zero, every time you see them.
WHAT IT WILL NOT DO FOR YOU, is allow you to walk up to people and start auto-attacking like a dumbass that does not know how to play talon. Don't be a dumbass. Talon's strengths lie within his skillset and the burst that it provides (the hit and run tactic).
WHAT IT WILL NOT DO FOR YOU, is allow you to walk up to people and start auto-attacking like a dumbass that does not know how to play talon. Don't be a dumbass. Talon's strengths lie within his skillset and the burst that it provides (the hit and run tactic).
Hit and run.
Thats it.
Don't try to do fansy ****, and don't hop on a group of people without your ult.
1. get gear and ****
2. hide in bush next to enemy
3. hit W
4. hit E
5. auto-attack once
6. hit Q
7. hit R, and run like hell, while running hit them with ignite if they are close to dead
- "but bloody cake sir, why do i run like hell, why not stay and auto-attack with my infinity edge?"
because that is not what talon does, jackass.
wait for yor cooldowns. then jump back in. most likely you will not need your ult to finish them off, you should always still wait for your skills to be off CD. there are very few situations that you would sit and auto-attack like a dumb *****. (ex: you are lvl 1 and you only have 1 ability)... thats about it.
Thats it.
Don't try to do fansy ****, and don't hop on a group of people without your ult.
1. get gear and ****
2. hide in bush next to enemy
3. hit W
4. hit E
5. auto-attack once
6. hit Q
7. hit R, and run like hell, while running hit them with ignite if they are close to dead
- "but bloody cake sir, why do i run like hell, why not stay and auto-attack with my infinity edge?"
because that is not what talon does, jackass.
wait for yor cooldowns. then jump back in. most likely you will not need your ult to finish them off, you should always still wait for your skills to be off CD. there are very few situations that you would sit and auto-attack like a dumb *****. (ex: you are lvl 1 and you only have 1 ability)... thats about it.
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