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Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
-Great burst damage
-(Easy to play)
-Can't be as brave as 'Garen' too squishy!!
-Early laning is bad, must play defensively.
-Mana dependant early game
-A 'wanted' champion in team fight
-Just a troll when skills are on cooldown
Why not rush ROA 1st?? I didn't tried it before,so i don't dare to post it =D(because I just like DeathfireGrasp it's like a fire ball!!)
On top i only written the core items for Veigar,
you can either choose your 6th itme as Quicksilver Sash, Zhonya's Hourglass or [Will of Ancient (P.S. if u want your enemy team to think your trolling, but I tried it before, it's damn fun!! ]
On top i only written the core items for Veigar,
you can either choose your 6th itme as Quicksilver Sash, Zhonya's Hourglass or [Will of Ancient (P.S. if u want your enemy team to think your trolling, but I tried it before, it's damn fun!! ]
Not much to say, but
lots of people ask why flat mana regen yellows, because Veigar is only mana hungry in early game (actually before deathfire), so u dont need to use more IP to buy per level Yellows
why magic pen. reds? Thats the best reds i had ever seen =D
cooldown blue???You will need it when you use Veigar (cuz when ur skills on CD , its juz too boring to see other ppl ply)
Quin....flat AP, nothing better for a burst like Veigar
lots of people ask why flat mana regen yellows, because Veigar is only mana hungry in early game (actually before deathfire), so u dont need to use more IP to buy per level Yellows
why magic pen. reds? Thats the best reds i had ever seen =D
cooldown blue???You will need it when you use Veigar (cuz when ur skills on CD , its juz too boring to see other ppl ply)
Quin....flat AP, nothing better for a burst like Veigar
Just a simple part for masteries, I'm going to talk about the utility,
someone asked why not up the REDUCE DEATH TIME?? OMG u wish to die so much? or your nuts?
why not SWIFTNESS?? when u don't even let people to chase you, y do u even want to run fast?(cuz u burst them before thy touch u :P)
why not greed?? 0.5gold per 10 seconds!!!! WTF is in your head man!!
Spell vamp?? 1%...............(just dots)(speechless)
someone asked why not up the REDUCE DEATH TIME?? OMG u wish to die so much? or your nuts?
why not SWIFTNESS?? when u don't even let people to chase you, y do u even want to run fast?(cuz u burst them before thy touch u :P)
why not greed?? 0.5gold per 10 seconds!!!! WTF is in your head man!!
Spell vamp?? 1%...............(just dots)(speechless)
About landing your skills,
I think everybody knows this, and its told at the team name, 1st land your E(stun), then your W(the AoE burst), then the DeatthfireGrasp (item), R (another single target bust), then finish him off with your tiny little Q. Thats all thats all you need to do!! That seems easy, but
if you don't land your E(stun) properly, I bet 10 cents your team will be like HOLY SH1T !! why didn't u do it properly!!, because your E can turn the fight up side down( if you land it properly)
I think everybody knows this, and its told at the team name, 1st land your E(stun), then your W(the AoE burst), then the DeatthfireGrasp (item), R (another single target bust), then finish him off with your tiny little Q. Thats all thats all you need to do!! That seems easy, but
if you don't land your E(stun) properly, I bet 10 cents your team will be like HOLY SH1T !! why didn't u do it properly!!, because your E can turn the fight up side down( if you land it properly)
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