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I can see it working but there are most likely better options
you already have 40% at 3 item
Hope this answered ur question and if it didnt please let me know!
Fiora - Tank AD/Bruiser?
Jayce - Tank AD
Sett - Bruiser
Darius - Bruiser
Temmo - Tank AP
Tryndamere - Tank AD
Urgot - Tank AD
Are there matchups you always go a specific rune set, like you mentioned with the bruiser matchups? Can you possible add these rune sets into the matchup info on your guide...?
Cosmic Insight Because it grants CDR to your core items (Hextech glp-800,Twin Shadows and Righteous Glory) so you can spam them even more and even at max stacks with your Ingenious hunter ( which is 40% CD for items) the cosmic insight will stack so you will have a total of 45% item cdr which is insane and since your glacial augment can get procced by your items such as glp 800 and twin shadows you are going to have INSANE slows on the enemy making it really easy for you or your team to obliterate the ones affected by the slow :D!
I used that guide to code my own, and it's a lot easier than it seems, try it! Also if you want, go and see my guide on jungle cho c: