If you get pulled it almost always spells death, try stunning the adc and e'ing yourself after blitz knocks you up to make a getaway
Does a lot of damage with empowered autos early on, but Draven can be an easy bombing target when trying to catch his axes
High damage, mobile, long range, has cc, strong rn, adjust accordingly
Can spell shield the stun, the slow, and some damage, plus long root can be annoying. Bait for spellshield then all in while it's on cd.
Shield early game blocks damage from bombs, but still lets you proc manaflow and spellthiefs. Her w is annoyingly long and can prevent you from ulting or creating space to wait for cds, bait for w, then all in after poking
Tank support, poke early for gold and damage, if he all ins target the adc, watch for bushes, e to lead saplings into the wave to control the push
CC tank with gap closing ability, big problemo, poke adc, if possible, save stun for disengage
Boots early on help to avoid lux e, dont clump with your adc and give them a chance to hit you both, as long as you dodge the root you should be able to dance circles around her.
There are few things as satisfying as using your ult to stop pyke from getting resets on his, e'ing whoever gets pulled should allow them to avoid getting stunned, very squishy, dont forget bombs give vision in bushes
Deals lots of damage, can spellshield your bombs for mana, preventing stuns, has lots of poke, and can run you down. Bait spell shield, poke, dodge, and e her when she ults to wait it out.
Silence and healing is always an annoyance, be careful not to get caught standing on the silence while you need to ult.
has to walk towards you to attack, look for e into stun, later on she can be annoying, but as long as you dont run it down in laning phase and can dodge her ult, you should be able to handle her
Different guns allow for different types of fighting, when Aphelios roots, its an easy opportunity to land stun.
Speeding ashe up allows her to chase the enemy down the lane with her built in glacial. At 6, if she point blank ults the enemy adc, you land ez bombs, deal tons of damage, and can usually save your ult
Long range, high damage, can place traps under stunned targets, so she makes a great accomplice.
Usually seen in teamfights during the later stages of the game, throwing a bomb on camille, then her jumping it into the enemy team so you can land a big ol stun is always a nice wombo combo.
Throw bomb on Diana, wait for her to jump in and round all the enemies up into your aoe stun, then destroy.
Draven can speed himself up everytime he catches an axe, so stacking Zilean e after Draven starts running is a nice boost, not to mention Zilean R being good for saving Adoration Stacks for Draven. Press E on himwhen his R is about to kill someone to stack dark seal.
Jhin gets ms when he crits, add e for extra sprinting ability. Make sure your jhin knows to wait till your bomb explodes and does damage before he goes to root them.
Traps make it easy for you to follow up with stun. Give ms to jinx after she gets a takedown so she can keep fighting. Press e on her when her R is about to kill someone to stack dark seal.
Add bomb and press e on Kayn as he comes in to gank, as he dives on the enemy adc and sup, go for stun. Pressing e on Kayn as he goes through walls is optimal for ms.
E kennen so he can run and ult, allowing for easy follow up stuns.
Miss Fortune
Waiting for MF to press E before going to stun allows you to save more mana, as well as land easier bombs. Pressing E to trap enemies in MF ult is always fun.
Big ol boy has a hard time catching people, give him a speed boost or stop the enemy from moving so he can say hello.
Different guns allow for different types of fighting, when Aphelios roots, its an easy opportunity to land stun.
Speeding ashe up allows her to chase the enemy down the lane with her built in glacial. At 6, if she point blank ults the enemy adc, you land ez bombs, deal tons of damage, and can usually save your ult
Long range, high damage, can place traps under stunned targets, so she makes a great accomplice.
Usually seen in teamfights during the later stages of the game, throwing a bomb on camille, then her jumping it into the enemy team so you can land a big ol stun is always a nice wombo combo.
Throw bomb on Diana, wait for her to jump in and round all the enemies up into your aoe stun, then destroy.
Draven can speed himself up everytime he catches an axe, so stacking Zilean e after Draven starts running is a nice boost, not to mention Zilean R being good for saving Adoration Stacks for Draven. Press E on himwhen his R is about to kill someone to stack dark seal.
Jhin gets ms when he crits, add e for extra sprinting ability. Make sure your jhin knows to wait till your bomb explodes and does damage before he goes to root them.
Traps make it easy for you to follow up with stun. Give ms to jinx after she gets a takedown so she can keep fighting. Press e on her when her R is about to kill someone to stack dark seal.
Add bomb and press e on Kayn as he comes in to gank, as he dives on the enemy adc and sup, go for stun. Pressing e on Kayn as he goes through walls is optimal for ms.
E kennen so he can run and ult, allowing for easy follow up stuns.
Miss Fortune
Waiting for MF to press E before going to stun allows you to save more mana, as well as land easier bombs. Pressing E to trap enemies in MF ult is always fun.
Big ol boy has a hard time catching people, give him a speed boost or stop the enemy from moving so he can say hello.
This build was designed to be a fun way to do damage as Zilean rather than play the old fashioned utility builds. Poke in lane when manaflow band is proccable, the build uses mana regen rather than tear in the late game, make sure to have proper positioning to allow yourself to regen as needed. Don't be afraid to auto to get those Dark Harvest procs or alternator procs.
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