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Tryndamere Build Guide by Chaos7997

AD Carry Critically Speaking

AD Carry Critically Speaking

Updated on May 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos7997 Build Guide By Chaos7997 947 Views 0 Comments
947 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos7997 Tryndamere Build Guide By Chaos7997 Updated on May 27, 2013
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Alright now here is where it gets somewhat complicated. Max out Tryn's Q early for max efficiency, and make sure to spend a point or two in his E and W as well. Now while his W is very annoying and is great for chasing down coward enemies. Don't max it out first, but give it a point or two especially if your enemies are idiots who can't do anything but hit and run then you will have a major advantage. Alright now we are down to the E, this is the very tricky part, you see you don't want this as an attack. This is more or less a running dash away or a closing gap this is only truly effective as an attack in my opinion is against Neutral monsters and maybe minions. So in other words focus on getting the closing gap or running like hell especially when needed. Now onto his Ulti. this is a touchy subject in my opinion. While many know his ulti. as unfair and BS his ultimate is actually pretty useless. If you follow the build correctly then you can fight two people off easily if they are under a level or two but if on level the path of the 1V1 is suggested. You see Tryndmere's ultimate is unfair against one maybe two enemies but anymore and your ultimate isn't very effective. I reccomend using it for running or for nice double kill. Also if you have any fury use your Q then your ultimate that way you gain health and still can use your crits.
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Meh Ignite is okay and Flash are somewhat fine. Ghost would be better early on maybe not so much late game but if you have the ability to chase anything down then take it.
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When lane farming don't just use your spinning dash use your normal AD, also when in early game instead of buying hundreds of potions or armor make sure to get max fury and spam your Q as it not only should be maxed out early on, but it can keep you in lane longer when being smart. Also until you are about halfway through build when laning if fighting one or more incredibly harassing or just plain annoying ranged champs then you need to keep distance aim for minions and use you Dash, maybe even your Ultimate to get away from them. One final tip if you are against alot of ranged and have A. followed build, and B. are on level you should take advantage of the jungle, Red and Blue are the main choice for Tryndamere. I also know some of you will question why I said go get Blue with a non-mana champion. Well if i remember correctly it also gives cooldown bonuses which can be useful for Tryndamere's Q and Ultimate. Maybe even his W.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chaos7997
Chaos7997 Tryndamere Guide
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Critically Speaking

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