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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Kaimedar, the
So I hope you enjoy the guide, and don't be shy about giving me critizism, I want feedback!
The Controversial Item Build
If anyone is going to question this guide, THIS will be the reason why. My item selection for
Now, I left the last item up to how the game is going. If it's going bad, get
These are always up to the player, but this is what I use.
Flash is always a good spell to take. not only is it a gap closer, but its also an escape tool. since
Darius does not have any abilities for defense, this is essential to keep yourself alive in a bad situation.
Now this is great for the early and late game. In early game, when you get your opponent in a corner, you can
Exhaust them after you tear off about half their life, this makes it almost impossible to escape your furry, but it also lowers their armor and magic resistance by 10, making them a very easy kill for your high damage abilities.
While this is a great Spell to keep you alive, I would rather flash away than risk still getting killed through a barrier.
Great for getting away or a gap closer, but with your
Ionian Boots of Lucidity you really don't need it. its great for getting somewhere in a hurry, but that can also be your death. Just like
great for getting you there FAST it can also cause you to die, FASTER! not worth it
....NO! If you pick one of these for
Darius, either it's for "your prefrence" or your a NOOB.
While its good to have a heal, just buy a
Health Potion
Nice spell to have, its good to combine with your
Hemorrhage, but its not my first choice.
I put this under "personal choice" I can't bash this spell for any champion. its nice when the occasion calls for it.
Unless your jungling
Darius, its not needed.
Optional Spells
- massive damage from early-mid game
- high multi-kill potential
- pretty tanky
- very high damaging ult + passive
- decent cc
- strong aa
- low mobility; bad at escaping
- often focused in teamfight because his very high damage output
- loses effective tankyness and damage in late game
- low durability in early game (mana runs out very fast)
- massive damage from early-mid game
- high multi-kill potential
- pretty tanky
- very high damaging ult + passive
- decent cc
- strong aa
- low mobility; bad at escaping
- often focused in teamfight because his very high damage output
- loses effective tankyness and damage in late game
- low durability in early game (mana runs out very fast)
Teamwork is Essential for
even though
Darius can hold his own in a lane, working with your team is essential to keep you alive during team fights and keeping you from getting ganked. To stay alive during the team fights, try to enter after someone has started the fight. You may be classified as "The Tank" but no one likes
Darius...NO ONE! he has high impact damage and a fast multi-kill potential, so your gonna get targeted frst. Best thing to do is wait till they are focused on someone else, jump in, do your damage and get out of the circle. The enemy is either going to focous someone else or follow you. Chasing you down should make a perfect oprotunity for your team to gank them, and there will be no hurt in turning around now that all your abilities are off cooldown and bashing their face into the ground with a slam dunk.
Now your team also has to keep you informed of where the enemy has run off to after they left their lane, mostlikely going to team up to gank you out of top lane. Its important to stay alive and not let them feed on your corpse too many times, otherwise your now rendered a useless feeder in the top lane and getting the items you need, even as strong as
Darius is, will be very difficult.
even though
Now your team also has to keep you informed of where the enemy has run off to after they left their lane, mostlikely going to team up to gank you out of top lane. Its important to stay alive and not let them feed on your corpse too many times, otherwise your now rendered a useless feeder in the top lane and getting the items you need, even as strong as
So this is the end of my Guide for
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