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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
Laning In Mid
Now we all know that Gangplank's laning phase is pretty bad. Well it's even worse in mid lane since most of the time you'll have to farm with Q. NEVER use your barrels for poke pre-Sheen unless you're setting up a gank. Always keep a barrel by your tower though for an escape route, or for an easier gank setup. Using barrels before a Sheen will screw over your lane and will push towards them, and even if they still manage to push you back, your tower isn't going to be getting those mage minions down to Q-able health anytime soon. They'll most likely end up killing them. The only time I'd use barrels before Sheen is for getting the slow for ganks or when you actually need to back for your Sheen.
Once you get sheen, life will be a little easier for you. You can last hit the mage minions under tower 10x better, and finally use those juicy barrels for poking. When you get triforce, you will ALWAYS kill the mage minions with a Q, even when they're at full health. TriForce is how you can counter push lane matchups like Ahri, Ekko, etc...
Most Gangplank players would tell you to use that bandit mastery for your advantage and steal that 10G. I WOULD NOT recommend this until Sheen due to the fact that resetting minion aggro is a lot hard than top lane, since in top you can just Q and run in a bush to reset minion aggro. Mid lane you'll always take a few hits from the minions if you're trying to use bandit. USE IT AFTER YOU GET SHEEN and you'll be okay.
Your lane becomes a lot easier when you hit level 7 because of the barrel tick speed. You'll probably have Sheen by then too so your lane shoving should be better. When you hit 6, make sure you're looking at the map and allies because those kills and/or assists will help you get back all the CS you missed under tower when being shoved in. The only time I would roam on GP is to counter roam or when your jungler is getting invaded and needs help. Yes, farming on GP is the most important thing, but a kill or assist will 100% make up for the CS you miss if you roam. But you have to make sure to get the kill or assist. Never waste flash for an assist. A 5 minute CD on a survivability summoner just for an assist will cost you dearly.
Don't feed, and farm up till out of laning phase. Once you hit level 13, they should fear you if you have at least 2 core items.
+ Insane burst damage
+ Can shred even the tankiest of tanks.
+ Flexible Builds. (Even tankplank which a guide to that will also be made in due time)
+ Amazingly strong late game/level 13 power spike
+ Always one shots minion backline with TriForce
+ Can cleanse CC and heal with his Oranges. (W)
+ Sheen = Very good early power spike and strong Q sheen-proc poke.[/h2]
- Lack of escapes early. (Can abuse barrel escapes at level 7+)
- POOR laning phase
- Generally squishy
- No hard CC abilities
- Hard to give ganks to early. (Will go into detail further on)
- Cooldown reliant
- Lane freezes will mess you up
- Using barrels pre-sheen will cause your lane to generally push
~ Generally needs only 2 full items for power spike. (Can be good and bad depending on how ahead or behind you are)
~ 2 Spikes. Level 7 and 13.
Trinity Force
This is the core item for all Gangplanks out there. This is one of Gangplanks best power spikes as it gives him 20% CDR which he needs, a greater sheen proc and immense wave clear. This item makes Gangplank deal TONS. OF. DAMAGE.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
There's a lot of debate between getting Youmuu's after TriFroce or Infinity Edge after TriForce. WELL I AM HERE TO SETTLE THAT DEBATE. Youmuu's. 100%. Youmuu's damage is more consistent than IE's because you already know that you'll be doing a fixed amount of damage rather than having to place your luck on that 20%. Sure it has 15 less AD than IE but the Lethality on Youmuu's will show that the base damage and scaling will end up dealing more than IE would. I'd rather but my money on consistency than gamble early.
Infinity Edge
A juicy item right here and one heck of a damage spike. I'd get this after you get your Youmuu's to even further increase your power spike. It's always so satisfying to see those crit barrels blow up champions. But really, this item is crazy for Gangplank. It'll give you even more burst than you already have, and is a MUST for Gangplank mid, considering the fact Mid Lane Gangplank goes full Glass Cannon mode.
Fire At Will:Cannon Barrage fires 6 additional waves over its duration.Your Second Upgrade Cause When You Have Gotten Deaths Daugther It Helps Much More Then Raise Morale Would.
Raise Morale:Allies within the area gain 30% bonus Movement Speed, persisting for 2 seconds after leaving it. Gangplank can also benefit from this effect.Last Upgrade To Just Say That You Have It It Doesnt Really Help Much.
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