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Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Please note english not my native language, so sry for mistakes.
I'am very love Dominion mode, LOL was my 1st dota-like game that I had tryed, and Classic mode I had played about some, and yep that has some of kind fun too, but when Dominion comes to release - I have go to be its great fun.
All that every player must have know about Dominion, main thing — this game mode its all about SPEED!
And ofcourse if play Dominion enought u know that is here no secret that melee AD champions is REALLY FAVORITES here.
Yep Ryze or Le Blanc some Fiddls has feeling good theyselves in Dominion, but melee killers and tank are just rules here. Melee for hardcore.
A cheeter tank Rammus xD with amazing speed and def, damagemakers as Trnyd/Poppy/Akali/Talon/JAX/Wukong and Sion ofc is absolytely perfect champs for Dominion.
And level-ups is very fast, money - tons of them, and u dont need to farm creeps, maybe sometimes when u need moneyboost shortly or have a time for it, and ofc in early game, if u can take top and 2 more, here is time for little farm.
But the MAIN point is that u must be very mobile, and very fast killer, and can chase or survive, save ur ***. Speed is everything for melee DD here.
My build - its for hardcore pwn in Dominion.
Just try all that u find in my build here exactly to text literally.
And at battleground u will just cry laught as easy faceroller u are, and when u will just swings with ur Axe and DO AXE RAGE, AXE RAGE, AXE RAGE LOL.
Super speed and tons tons of damage done. U are damn barbarian lol, but unreally speed dude.
Ok this is nice part :D With my build take only this items and u will laught in speed faceroll AXE RAGE!
Start with bots with + attack speed and take speed dagger and pot.
Then ASAP build Phantom, and dont die lol, be care. Than take a ISpark lol and u start to amazing farm when u need it, creeps will be die by tons -> give u HP and money! MONEY.
When u will have a IEdge - u just unstoppable if u is not dumb =)
Here if ONLE AXE RAGE EVERYWHERE NOW :D But if u will have a time for last item - by Zeal if u have a little money or one more Phantom.
AND U WILL BE LAUGHT by faceroll how u PWN everything, really. Super speed killer. Must try!
Ok this is nice part :D With my build take only this items and u will laught in speed faceroll AXE RAGE!
Start with bots with + attack speed and take speed dagger and pot.
Then ASAP build Phantom, and dont die lol, be care. Than take a ISpark lol and u start to amazing farm when u need it, creeps will be die by tons -> give u HP and money! MONEY.
When u will have a IEdge - u just unstoppable if u is not dumb =)
Here if ONLE AXE RAGE EVERYWHERE NOW :D But if u will have a time for last item - by Zeal if u have a little money or one more Phantom.
AND U WILL BE LAUGHT by faceroll how u PWN everything, really. Super speed killer. Must try!
YELLOW: HP by 18lvl - not so bad, really. U will find it with time, thrust me.
BIG: MOVE SPEED. U must have this 3 x speed moving the best. Atk is good for runes, but essenses take only for moving speeed, with u items its give u some EDGE on ur enemies.
YELLOW: HP by 18lvl - not so bad, really. U will find it with time, thrust me.
BIG: MOVE SPEED. U must have this 3 x speed moving the best. Atk is good for runes, but essenses take only for moving speeed, with u items its give u some EDGE on ur enemies.
There is now not any really good build for damn any champ in Dominion why must play without this spell.
The second is choice for every champ, what u pref or with in ur style.
Extra attack speed thats amazing tasty for u with this Biuld :D
But u also can take Flash if u wish and u are a good user of this ability, Ignyte good for sometimes, Garrison - yeap very good and nice in some playstyle if u like diving in towers, and when u can kill some1 very quickly - its will be very helpful ability too. Take choice in ur playstule.
But u MUST have a Ghost.
There is now not any really good build for damn any champ in Dominion why must play without this spell.
The second is choice for every champ, what u pref or with in ur style.
Extra attack speed thats amazing tasty for u with this Biuld :D
But u also can take Flash if u wish and u are a good user of this ability, Ignyte good for sometimes, Garrison - yeap very good and nice in some playstyle if u like diving in towers, and when u can kill some1 very quickly - its will be very helpful ability too. Take choice in ur playstule.
But u MUST have a Ghost.
Q -> E -> E at start. Early bubble dont give u anything only just lie hope, hahahaha. But more damage is always good.
Ur prior will be E - always, when u cant take R.
R is ur amazing , and it save u *** million times in a games, really. Dont forget to improve it ASAP.
In mid game whe u have cant take E or R --> you will go take a W.
Dont mess with Q.
Q is ur supregood perk, but in AD its dont make a difference. Ur main argument is AXE RAGE lol, FAST AXE RAGE. And ur stun u use when its really make the turn in the fight or for good positioning, or for chase and fatality.
But W in late game and some mid already is ur *** saver in some moments, and can help u with kill some time in chase. Its more important than Q - anytime for all game long. Q just a stun. Remember it.
AXE RAGE makes E and fast attack speed. E already in ON is ur POWER :D :D :D
Ur prior will be E - always, when u cant take R.
R is ur amazing , and it save u *** million times in a games, really. Dont forget to improve it ASAP.
In mid game whe u have cant take E or R --> you will go take a W.
Dont mess with Q.
Q is ur supregood perk, but in AD its dont make a difference. Ur main argument is AXE RAGE lol, FAST AXE RAGE. And ur stun u use when its really make the turn in the fight or for good positioning, or for chase and fatality.
But W in late game and some mid already is ur *** saver in some moments, and can help u with kill some time in chase. Its more important than Q - anytime for all game long. Q just a stun. Remember it.
AXE RAGE makes E and fast attack speed. E already in ON is ur POWER :D :D :D
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