Pre-6 this match up is skill dependent but slightly favors Leona. Nami should hold her Q until after Leona misses Zenith Blade unless it is a guaranteed kill. Post-6 this matchup favors Leona due to her extreme burst damage, tankiness, and engage.
Nautilus is a major threat due to his snare on auto and Q. Nami is very squishy so she is in danger against CC. Nami must track the enemy jungler well in order to avoid ganks that start with Nautilus flash auto. Nami must position behind minions to avoid being hooked.
Because Nami is so squishy she is in danger if she is CC'd. Nami is able to poke Thresh but if she oversteps her boundaries she is easily able to be flayed.
Because Nami is so squishy she is in danger if she is pulled away from her ADC and minions. Nami must position herself behind minions to avoid being hooked. If Blitzcrank misses then Nami should look to poke his ADC to punish their temporary lack in pressure.
Braum should be no threat to Nami due to his lack of engage. Nami out ranges him so she should be able to easily poke him with all skills so long as she hides behind minions/dodges Braum Q.
Janna is no threat to Nami. Nami can bait the Janna shield with an auto. After it is used she can poke the ADC with W and E to punish. Since Janna is stationary in her R, Nami can easily ult/Q Janna and kill her.
Karma has a lot of upfront burst. Try to waste the Karma shield with an auto attack and then follow up with an all-in.
Lulu is best in all-ins due to polymorph. Nami's goal is to poke the enemy AD until they are low and then take an all-in. Try to bait the shield and then W poke.
Morgana is weak to poke. Once she misses Q punish the AD by poking or zoning them from the minions. Hold Q or R until the morgana shield has been used or burst through.
Pyke is telegraphed and extremely slow when charging his Q. This allows Nami to easily bubble Pyke, prevent aftershock, and poke. Time W to prevent Pyke resets in teamfights.
Rakan W is telegraphed and easily Q'd. Nami can bait rakan into using W and then punish him. Post-6 Nami can ult to counter rakan R engage.
Senna sustains about evenly with Nami but scales much harder. Senna's Curse of the Black Mist makes following up on Nami engages hard due to Nami and her AD being ranged.
Zyra is able to kill Nami with her burst damage and snare. Attempt to kill the poking plants/step on the seeds before her plants are triggered to minimize damage taken. If Zyra misses her E she is vulnerable to being Nami ulted as she is very slow and squishy.
Zilean is easy to poke and all in pre 6. Bait or wait for zilean to use a bomb and then attempt an all in since the stun potential is gone.
Yuumi has a lot of mana regen in comparison to Nami. It is difficult for Nami to catch Yuumi outside of the body due to how slow Aqua Prison is. Attempt to poke out the enemy AD.
Dodge Velkoz Q and return poke with W. Post 6 be sure to cancel Velkoz R channel with Nami ult.
Pre-6 Nami is better in sustaining and poke. Post-6 watch out for Sona R as she has faster and higher upfront burst with powercord.
Bait out soraka Q and then poke Soraka. Soraka has no kill pressure unless you stand on the silence. If soraka took barrier be sure to poke her but all-in the AD.
In lane Nami can out sustain Bard over time. If Bard misses his Q Nami can attempt to engage or punish with poke. Bard is better at roaming than Nami due to his movement speed and portal.
The Brand Nami match up is skill dependent. If Brand misses his skills he leaves himself open to being engaged on by Nami with Q or poked. Nami can out sustain Brand if played properly.
Pantheon's early game click point CC is deadly to Nami because she and her AD are squishy. Nami is also vulnerable to Pantheon roaming as she cannot easily roam with him due to squishiness and less reliable CC.
Rell is very susceptible to being poked with W/E/autos. However, she does not need to land her human form W. Therefore, Nami must be aware of flash W or hexflash W.
Nami and seraphine are similar champions in that they both poke and heal. However, sera's damage is all skill-shots. Therefore, try to dodge her Q and echo'd E. Once she misses punish her with W/E/auto poke. Since sera's skills are so long range she shouldn't be positioned to be Q'd. However, if she is mispositioned try to punish her with R or Q engage as she is very squishy.
Nami synergizes with ADCs that are aggressive. Lucian's lightslinger applies Nami E easily. Nami W allows Lucian to be aggressive with trades.
Nami E and passive synergizes with Vayne's passive Night Hunter to chase down opponents. Nami also helps sustain Vayne through her weak early game.
Ashe controls the lane and brings more poke to pressure the lane. Once Nami and Ashe are 6 they can chain CC Ashe R, Nami R, Nami Q.
Nami adds massive pressure to the lane along with caitlyn by bullying and helping push. If an enemy steps on trap under turret nami can easily follow up.
Nami has high synergy with Aphelios due to his gravitum gun. Aphelios is able to activate his snare allowing Nami to easily follow up with Q.
Nami is an overall okay matchup with ezreal. Nami can apply E to ezreal Q for extra damage.
Nami and Senna poke/sustain can be devastating against enemy bot lanes with no engage.
Nami adds extra poke to Sivir Q with E. At level 6 both champions give each other movement speed through their ultimates allowing them to easily chase down the enemy.
Nami helps jinx run down teammates with E. Nami Q and R can also combo with chompers.
Nami helps Xayah apply multiple feathers with E slow.
Nami helps add more auto attacks to her bomb by giving her a slow.
Nami helps poke with W and E on Varus' skills. At level 6 they have a lethal ultimate combination.
Nami W helps twitch get through laning phase safely. Once out of lane, Nami E can be applied to twitch to help with a stealth assassination.
Miss Fortune
Nami helps bully the enemies with MF through W poke and applying E to MF's abilities. Once they're level 6 Nami can look for an engage with R so that MF can get the full damage applied from her ultimate.
Corki brings a lot of burst damage and poke. This synergizes with Nami's lane bully playstyle. Nami can also add her E to his ultimate for further poke at level 6.
Cass Q gives movement speed when landed which synergizes with Nami's movement speed passive. Nami E applies to cass' skills further slowing the enemy and allowing Cassiopeia to chase/DPS.
Nami gives Yasuo bot the sustain to CS until he gains levels. At level 6 Yasuo can ult from Nami's Q and R.
Nami makes Draven autos stronger with E and allows him to further chase down the enemy with the slow applied. Unfortunately, Nami can have trouble setting up kills or protecting Draven to prevent losing cash stacks in an engage support match up.
Nami add's to Kalista's early game strengths. She adds more damage to her autos, slows the enemy, and gives Kalista more movement speed to chase. At level 6 Kalista can save Nami if she is mispositioned or throw Nami into the fight. If Nami is used as an engage tool she can follow up Kalista knock up with R and Q.
Nami synergizes with ADCs that are aggressive. Lucian's lightslinger applies Nami E easily. Nami W allows Lucian to be aggressive with trades.
Nami E and passive synergizes with Vayne's passive Night Hunter to chase down opponents. Nami also helps sustain Vayne through her weak early game.
Ashe controls the lane and brings more poke to pressure the lane. Once Nami and Ashe are 6 they can chain CC Ashe R, Nami R, Nami Q.
Nami adds massive pressure to the lane along with caitlyn by bullying and helping push. If an enemy steps on trap under turret nami can easily follow up.
Nami has high synergy with Aphelios due to his gravitum gun. Aphelios is able to activate his snare allowing Nami to easily follow up with Q.
Nami is an overall okay matchup with ezreal. Nami can apply E to ezreal Q for extra damage.
Nami and Senna poke/sustain can be devastating against enemy bot lanes with no engage.
Nami adds extra poke to Sivir Q with E. At level 6 both champions give each other movement speed through their ultimates allowing them to easily chase down the enemy.
Nami helps jinx run down teammates with E. Nami Q and R can also combo with chompers.
Nami helps Xayah apply multiple feathers with E slow.
Nami helps add more auto attacks to her bomb by giving her a slow.
Nami helps poke with W and E on Varus' skills. At level 6 they have a lethal ultimate combination.
Nami W helps twitch get through laning phase safely. Once out of lane, Nami E can be applied to twitch to help with a stealth assassination.
Miss Fortune
Nami helps bully the enemies with MF through W poke and applying E to MF's abilities. Once they're level 6 Nami can look for an engage with R so that MF can get the full damage applied from her ultimate.
Corki brings a lot of burst damage and poke. This synergizes with Nami's lane bully playstyle. Nami can also add her E to his ultimate for further poke at level 6.
Cass Q gives movement speed when landed which synergizes with Nami's movement speed passive. Nami E applies to cass' skills further slowing the enemy and allowing Cassiopeia to chase/DPS.
Nami gives Yasuo bot the sustain to CS until he gains levels. At level 6 Yasuo can ult from Nami's Q and R.
Nami makes Draven autos stronger with E and allows him to further chase down the enemy with the slow applied. Unfortunately, Nami can have trouble setting up kills or protecting Draven to prevent losing cash stacks in an engage support match up.
Nami add's to Kalista's early game strengths. She adds more damage to her autos, slows the enemy, and gives Kalista more movement speed to chase. At level 6 Kalista can save Nami if she is mispositioned or throw Nami into the fight. If Nami is used as an engage tool she can follow up Kalista knock up with R and Q.
I'm Empress Bee. I'm a support main and I've been playing Nami for 8 years now. I've reached Grandmaster several times playing mainly Nami. This is my no frills guide to how I play Nami.
I stream on Twitch. Feel free to ask me any questions there or join my Discord and shoot me a question on there.
Nami, the Tidecaller.
Nami is a ranged enchanter support played in bot lane. Nami provides sustain, engage, disengage, and poke. She is the jack of all trades but master of none. Therefore, she is a good pick in solo q because she will provide something in all team comps and can adjust her play depending on her AD's style.
Pros and Cons
Nami's Positives
→ Easy trades → Ranged autos → Sustain → Hard CC
Because Nami has ranged autos she is able to contest the enemy adc for CS easily. Nami has a very strong laning phase due to her W which provides both poking and healing. Nami also provides CC pre-6 and CC post 6.
Nami is pretty squishy since she is an enchanter. Therefore, she is vulnerable versus hard engage enemies. She is also extremely telegraphed with her Q and R. This makes it easy for the enemy to flash her CC or dodge it in general.
Nami's Negatives
→ Squishy → CC is unreliable (telegraphed, slow, hard to land) → Somewhat reliant on another CC engage to land Q
★ Summon Aery helps Nami with poking and shielding at the same time. Once she gets ardent censor Summon Aery applies ardent with Tidecaller's Blessing.
★ Manaflow Band Ebb and Flow has a high mana cost. Mana flow helps offset the cost.
★ Transcendence provides Nami with 10 ability haste at level 10 and additional 20% reduction on basic abilities after a takedown at level 11.
★ Absolute Focus is an option if you want extra power in lane instead of waiting until level 10 to feel transcendence. I take this in a lane that I will be a bully in and will never be below 70% health.
★ Scorch adds on extra poke during the laning phase.
★ Biscuit Delivery lets Nami be very aggressive during laning phase by providing more mana. This rune isn't required if you feel as though you do not need the extra sustain or mana.
★ Time Warp Tonic I take this rune because in an engage meta this helps me burst heal myself in a fight or if I get caught. Cosmic Insight is an option if you do not like the time warp tonic route. It gives an additional 15 ability haste and 10 item haste. Both very valuable stats for a support to spam your skills more often. Perfect Timing is a viable option against comps that have assassins.
Bone Plating decreases the damage taken throughout the game. Revitalize increases aery shield and Ebb and Flow healing by 5%. If the target is low health it is instead increased by 10%.
Summoner Skills
★ Ignite: This summoner spell is both offensive and utility. This provides Nami extra damage in lane but also applies grievous wounds (debuff that reduces all healing received) to combat Heal.
★ Flash: Provides utility to escape or engage with Flash → Aqua Prison.
OPTIONAL Exhaust: An option against engage lanes and enemy compositions with assassins and high mobility champions. Exhaust is a targeted ability and makes up for Nami's lack of consistent CC.
OPTIONAL Heal: A defensive and utility option to compliment your AD when they take Teleport, Barrier, Cleanse. Do not take heal if your AD already has it as they do not stack efficiently.
Abilities and Skill Sequence
Surging Tides(Passive): When Nami's abilities hit allied champions they gain 60 (+20% of ability power) Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds. This effect is doubled for allies hit by Tidal Wave.
Aqua Prison(Q): Sends a bubble into the air towards a targeted area. When it lands, it deals 75 / 130 / 185 / 240 / 295 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to all enemies in the area of impact and encases them into bubbles. Enemies hit by the bubble are lifted into the air and stunned for 1.5 seconds before being dropped to the ground.
Ebb and Flow(W): Unleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions. On Ally Hit: Heals the ally for 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+30% of ability power) and bounces to a nearby enemy champion. On Enemy Hit: Deals 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to the enemy and bounces to a nearby allied champion.
Tidecaller's Blessing(E): Empowers an allied champion for 6 seconds or until they have attacked 3 times. During this time, their basic attacks and spells deal 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+20% of ability power) bonus magic damage and slow the target hit by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+5% of ability power) % for 1 second.
Tidal Wave(R): Summons a Tidal Wave outward from Nami's position.
The Tidal Wave briefly knocks up enemies that it comes in contact with, slowing them by 50 / 60 / 70% and dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+60% of ability power) magic damage. The slow duration increases based on how far the Tidal Wave has traveled, with a minimum duration of 2 seconds and a maximum of 4 seconds.
Laning Strategy
Aqua Prison(Q): Set up your Q with the Tidecaller's Blessing slow, Tidal Wave CC, or another form of CC from a teammate. Hold Q until all movement spells have been used unless you are confident you can land it or they're already CC locked.
Ebb and Flow(W): Use autos as the main form of harrassment with W as follow up to ensure won trades. Since the bounces have diminishing returns you will have to make a choice: If you took more damage than wanted: W yourself and then bounce it to the enemy. If you want to do more damage: W the enemy and bounce it to yourself.
Aim for 2 bounces. 3 bounces makes W incredibly mana efficient.
Tidecaller's Blessing(E): E can be used to add additional damage during auto harassing and on Ebb and Flow. It should also be used to make it easier to land Aqua Prison due to the slow.
Tidal Wave(R): Your bread and butter combo of peeling, engaging, and disengaging will always be R into Aqua Prison. R has a knock up and a slow that sets up for a perfect cc combination. Aqua Prison into R is unideal due to the lack of reliability of landing.
Nami's ultimate has a small channel before the wave comes out which allows you to buffer enemy CC. Buffering the enemy CC with your CC allows you to still be putting out damage and buying time before they can follow up. Use this when you don't have an option to dodge.
Teleport Timing
Timing : Teleports have 5 rings that get smaller towards the center. Throw Aqua Prison when the 5th ring begins to accurately time their arrival. This beautiful demonstration was created by Icy Pengin.
Ult Timing
Timing : Your ult animation can only be canceled by death. Use this to still output damage, peel, and delay enemy follow up while CC'd.
Thank you for taking the time to read my guide! If you have any questions you can find me on Twitch or join my Discord.
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