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Pyke can out-range and can out-catch Janna if mispositioned. Because of this, Pyke is a very grave enemy to Janna. I do not like this matchup at all.
Alistar is a champion with not much mobility (except one gap closer) because of this, Janna can usually escape and get poke damage. The matchup is even because Janna will not win late laning phase.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Anivia can out-range and out-damage Janna at level 1. This does not even include Anivia's ability to zone.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Ashe has a lot of poke, that is the appeal of Imperial Mandate Ashe, however, Janna will win late game/team fights against Ashe. Focus more on shields.
Bard is a relatively easy counter to face, he must leave to get chimes. Be wary when Bard leaves lane as he can always E back behind you and cause a free kill.
If Janna is out of position Janna will not win this battle. Focus more on positioning and the lane becomes slightly easier. I do not enjoy this matchup personally however team fights Janna should pull ahead (ONCE AGAIN FOCUS POSITIONING)
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Brand is a lane bully and because of his AP scaling is a major problem to Janna. This is a horrid matchup and I do not recommend Janna into this matchup.
Braum is not mobile nor can he necessarily gap close. Janna will out-poke and out-scale Braum, meaning he is not a threat. Take a poke rune/build path if you play against Braum
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Galio will hard win lane, focus more on shielding pather than poke as he can bully in lane, try to focus on roaming as he is tanky.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Heimerdinger is a bully because of his turrets. It prevents Janna from being able to poke. Because of this fact I recommend taking a safer build path & runes (aery or guardian)
Karma has a lot of splash damage, poke, and the ability to gain speed will out-shine Janna. This is not a fun matchup and I do not recommend playing Janna into it.
Leona is like Braum, however focus more on positioning as if Leona lands a E or an ult Janna will most likely end up dead. Avoid chain CC with Q. Don't hog flash if caught out.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Lillia may have speed however Janna can out-poke and out-slow Lillia's abilities. This makes Janna a superior champion in this matchup.
Lulu can be out-ranged, however as soon as this range is crossed Lulu takes advantage (if you get polymorphed you will most likely die) this is a hard matchup.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: After Lux wastes bind it is an easy pokefest. Only poke after Lux has no bind for certain (usually take aery)
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: You can poke Maokai easily, however his "children" are the main factor that makes him a difficult opponent. Take aery or guardian, relatively passive lane.
Morgana relies entirely on hitting Q. If she misses she will use W. Dodge Q and focus on knockups.
Nami is only an issue because of her ability to steal and give health. You should be able to out-poke however because of that ability you have to focus on out-ranging.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Dodge Neeko E and the lane is very easy. Focus more on shielding ADC and preventing Neeko from ulting by counter-ult or with Q.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Avoid close range jump but you should be able to out-poke Pantheon. This matchup is not too bad anymore.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Ornn does not have the lane-closing potential he needs. Janna will run circles around him and out-poke. Go a heavy poke build and the lane should be easy.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: A good Orianna will be able to zone Janna from damaging the ADC. Keep in mind that Orianna can pull from Janna ult at level 6. Otherwise focus more on shielding as Orianna has a lot of damage.
Rakan has very good engage, but Janna's tornado can knock-up and prevent this. Focus more on preventing engage and preventing peel rather than poking. Only poke after Rakan uses his abilities.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Kayle can heal and somewhat poke, Janna does Kayle's job much better and with more movement speed. This should be an easy lane pre-level 6.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Senna will out-range Janna any day in regards poke and peel. Focus more on shielding the ADC and try to roam (if this is not an option focus on preventing engage and limiting the transfer of black mist)
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Seraphine has very easy to dodge abilities, however these abilties do a lot of damage. Focus more on preventing poke and more on finding the perfect time to engage, once getting a lead the lane should be easier.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Shaco boxes are very strong when Shaco builds AP. Focus more on preventing engage rather than chasing as Shaco will try to trick you into killing yourself on his boxes or getting trapped/stuck. Janna will out-poke Shaco.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: While Janna does have the ability to out-range and out-poke Sett, his ability to collapse and grab with ult is what will kill you. Focus more on positioning.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Shen's only good abilities to support are his taunt and his r. His taunt can be interrupted/cancelled with Q. Hold on to Tornado.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Ahri's only good ability in support role Ahri is her E. It is pretty easy to dodge. However, Ahri will go full AP and will catch up with R. Careful with positioning.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Ivern relies on his E and Q to provide support abilities. They are easy to dodge and avoid. Janna will out-range Ivern and provide good poke/damage to him.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Fiddlesticks will lose hard in lane however will perma-roam after level 6 whenever he has ult. Remember to ping and remind your teammates that Fiddlesticks is a deadly force even if said fiddlesticks is 0/7.
Sona will out-heal Janna early game, but because of Sona's low health this will be combatted the rest of the game. Focus more on poke/shield rather than pure poke.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Poppy is severely out-ranged in the support role against Janna. Because of this, Janna will win at all levels in lane.
Rell is a strong support, however Janna will out-range and out-damage Rell because of a movement speed difference. Careful of Rell ult.
If you go heavy poke Soraka has the capability to out-heal all of that damage. Because of this Soraka poses a serious threat to Janna early game. Late game Janna should have the advantage.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Swain is really strong and you will lose half of your health if he lands his E. This matchup is not fun to play and because of that I do not recommend going Janna into Swain.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Elise has been introduced sort of as a "new" AP mage support. Janna will out-run elise and her stun is relatively easy to dodge.
Tahm Kench
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Focus on positioning and dodging his tounge. After poke Tahm Kench and it should be easy, free damage.
Janna's easiest matchup. Taric will be unlikely to catch Janna unless tower diving with ult or a flash-stun. Focus on knockups.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: AP twitch has fallen out of popularity, however Twitch will out-range Janna every time.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: I hate Vel'Koz. His damage is very high and you must focus at all costs avoiding his Q (as it will slow and the rest of his abilities will follow).
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Zilean will out-range and out-damage Janna. His ult means that Janna can most likely not secure/guarantee kills for the ADC. Not a fun matchup.
Yuumi is not a huge threat, however, she will not die. Focus more on pounding a bad latch rather than trying to poke her. Focus more on targeting the ADC.
ONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Zyra is much like Swain. If a root is hit, Janna will lose half health. Plants deal a ton of damage that Janna can not deal against/with. Therefore this matchup sucks.
Xerath will out-range and out-poke Janna. I hate this matchup.
Janna's ability to heal/shield with an extra bonus of AD allows Aphelios all in to be very strong. If Aphelios is not fed/get ahead the lane will be tough.
Ashe's fast attack speed, root/stun, and ability to slow with W makes a perfect pair with Janna. My favorite duo.
Draven is very aggressive and Janna can be also. Focus more on poke and providing shields for Draven.
Janna can not provide any help with traps, however, Janna shields and heals means that Caitlyn's autos do a lot more damage. In this regard there is low compatability.
There is no synergy and it is playing very, very, very, very passive. Boring lane. No reward.
Janna provides a lot of opportunity for Jhin to stun and engage. Janna's speed provide a lot of help for Jhin's ult. Not a perfect matchup, but there is Synergy.
Jinx needs peeling to hypercarry. Janna is the peeling support. There is a good dynamic between these two.
Kai'sa poke and Janna poke provide for a very lethal combo between two very meta champs.
There is not much synergy between the two champs and Kalista ult does not seem very useful.
If someone chooses Quinn ADC, first and foremost: dodge. Secondly there is so little synergy between these champs it is better to not play Janna.
Janna allows Senna to get many proc for passive stacks. This is a very good combo, not the best, but good.
Tristana and Janna are a good synergy because Janna can provide the necessary escape for Tristana paired with her hop but also provides shielding.
Yasuo ult and dash benefit a lot from Janna Q. Janna shield and slow provide for easy engage for Yasuo. A very strong combo.
Vayne benefits more from tankier supports of enchantresses like Lulu or Yuumi which provide extra damage. Janna is an enchantress which shields, while this is ok, it is not great.
Varus is not very strong right now and because of that Janna feels clunky playing with him.
Janna can not set up Xayah's roots, therefore there is little to no synergy. the only benefit that makes this duo ok is that Xayah's attack speed makes up for it.
Janna and Sivir do not have much synergy besides making Sivir's boomerang more powerful.
Prior to the Samira nerfs: perfect, Janna buff + broken champ = incredible.
Samira as a champ just is to "engage" for Janna's shield and healing.
Janna's ability to heal/shield with an extra bonus of AD allows Aphelios all in to be very strong. If Aphelios is not fed/get ahead the lane will be tough.
Ashe's fast attack speed, root/stun, and ability to slow with W makes a perfect pair with Janna. My favorite duo.
Draven is very aggressive and Janna can be also. Focus more on poke and providing shields for Draven.
Janna can not provide any help with traps, however, Janna shields and heals means that Caitlyn's autos do a lot more damage. In this regard there is low compatability.
There is no synergy and it is playing very, very, very, very passive. Boring lane. No reward.
Janna provides a lot of opportunity for Jhin to stun and engage. Janna's speed provide a lot of help for Jhin's ult. Not a perfect matchup, but there is Synergy.
Jinx needs peeling to hypercarry. Janna is the peeling support. There is a good dynamic between these two.
Kai'sa poke and Janna poke provide for a very lethal combo between two very meta champs.
There is not much synergy between the two champs and Kalista ult does not seem very useful.
If someone chooses Quinn ADC, first and foremost: dodge. Secondly there is so little synergy between these champs it is better to not play Janna.
Janna allows Senna to get many proc for passive stacks. This is a very good combo, not the best, but good.
Tristana and Janna are a good synergy because Janna can provide the necessary escape for Tristana paired with her hop but also provides shielding.
Yasuo ult and dash benefit a lot from Janna Q. Janna shield and slow provide for easy engage for Yasuo. A very strong combo.
Vayne benefits more from tankier supports of enchantresses like Lulu or Yuumi which provide extra damage. Janna is an enchantress which shields, while this is ok, it is not great.
Varus is not very strong right now and because of that Janna feels clunky playing with him.
Janna can not set up Xayah's roots, therefore there is little to no synergy. the only benefit that makes this duo ok is that Xayah's attack speed makes up for it.
Janna and Sivir do not have much synergy besides making Sivir's boomerang more powerful.
Prior to the Samira nerfs: perfect, Janna buff + broken champ = incredible.
Samira as a champ just is to "engage" for Janna's shield and healing.
Howdy! My name is fishbully and I am a Janna OTP playing primarily in NA. I have peaked in platinum as a support main and over all my accounts I have a combined 1.5 million mastery points on Janna.
I am not a "perfect" player in any sense. I prefer to have fun and most of my guides are of off-meta builds that only work like 5% of the time that I just enjoy playing. I started in season 8 and ended in gold, hit platinum is season 9, and have played more casually since then hitting gold again in season 10 and sitting in gold right now (season 11 -- march).
Janna is my favorite champ of all time, I have many, many games on her and I believe that this is one of my most knowledgeable champs. I hope that this guide serves as beneficial source to players of all caliber, from iron to potentially diamond!
Who is Janna?
Janna has a strong history of being one of the best supports in the game. Not only does she deal decent damage, her high movement speed and ability to kite allow her to do poke. Combined with a "get out of jail free card" which is her q, allowing knockups, Janna has a shield that scales with AP.
That is why Janna is the perfect support.
Janna's Q is a tornado that does damage and travels based on the cast time. It can be re-casted to activate. The tornado is best for getting out of sticky situations.
Janna's W is your damage dealing poke. Therefore this must be leveled first. It scales with AP damage.
Janna's E is your shielding. It helps to turn ganks into your favor and can save you if you get in a sticky situation.
Janna's R heals and can knock back enemies. It is good for getting out of sticky situations and healing your teammates if they make a bad engage.
Janna Pros:
1. Strong peel
2. Fast movement speed
3. Good gank/roam material/potenial
4. scales well
5. easy to pick up
Janna Cons:
1. positioning is very important
2. hard to play perfectly
3. squishy
How to play Janna?
The ideal playstyle for Janna is either incredibly passive, or incredibly aggressive. The matchup is very champion dependent. If you are wanting to win the lane, you must first decide whether or not you need to play passive.
When to play passive:
Janna does not win against champions with gap closers or that can alter her high movement speed. For this reason, let's say a DR. MUNDO manages to hit you with q, he will run you down and you will die. Let's say a SWAIN hits you with E, he will pull and be able to land more abilities and kill you. Therefore, your option to win is under your own turret/play passive.
Why is Janna under turret so good you may ask?
Janna has insane healing, knockups, and shields. Therefore if a tower dive occurs, Q to knock up, E to tank damage, and ult to knock up once again and heal. This is the perfect counter to all tower dives.
When to play Janna aggresive:
Janna wins against tanks and squishy champions for the most part because she is able to out-kite, out-run, or out-shield their damage early. Therefore this is when playing aggressive is very viable. If the lane is pushed roam with jungler for a triple gank mid. Janna does not need kills to scale well.
Early Game
I almost always go:
support item (ice) + potion + warding totem.
Depending on who the enemy jungle is; an invade may be inevitable. I almost always in this situation go:
support item (ice) + control ward
I then place the control ward in pixel brush or another commonly passed location for invades.
Once in laning phase focus on a total of 3 things:
1. Positioning
2. Poking
3. Supporting
Positioning on Janna is everything, it allows for poke and at times to support, if done correctly you will not die and get your ADC fed. Avoid the problem of Janna's squishiness with positioning.
Mid Game
Mid game is not as important as Early or Late game for Janna.
My top piece of advice is VISION CONTROL:
focus on warding objectives and commonly passed brushes that junglers take. This control on vision can allow for your jungler to gank often and will help in the late game. Vision is the most important thing.
At this point your support item should be complete and an ORACLE LENS should be purchased.
Late Game
Late game is very passive and Janna should not be playing aggressive (she will get one shot by assassins and most mid lane champions). Focus on playing for the team and shielding squishy carries (assassins or ADC).
Use Janna R sparingly as it can be used to escape, don't use it to heal a teammate like 200 health.
Janna is my favorite champion and I hope that this guide can serve as a starting place for your own love for this champion. I plan to update this guide often so please let me know if you would like me to cover/expand on any topic.
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