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Runes: Dark Harvest Galio
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Ability order
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This ninja is a pain in your ass. Zipping in and out the range of your Taunt and being able to dive you relentlessly and kill all your shitty teammates.
Lee Sin
Strong, high damage, mobile junglers are ideal to secure kills while you CC your opponent into a tilted straight jacket.
Lee Sin
Strong, high damage, mobile junglers are ideal to secure kills while you CC your opponent into a tilted straight jacket.
Champion Build Guide
I like to try and back with enough gold for hextech revolver or 1200-1300 gold. If you back with less you can always make sure you have corrupting potion, and dark seal in preparation for the Mejai's build.
Use your ult to roam bot lane and try a few ganks. Preferably after you shove the wave to the enemies mid turret. If you secure a kill or two, look for the early dragon with the team, or get yourself back to mid lane to continue farming.
If you have Dark Seal and you have managed to score some stacks, think about picking up Mejai's, but I wouldn't do this without stacks as it is a gamble. Look to buy Luden's next as this burst damage with allow you to bully your mid lane opponent and put pressure elsewhere on the map by roaming.
The hardest part of playing Galio well is using your ult in a way that is always beneficial. Instead of ulting on top of someone who desperately needs your help, you may want to ult on the teammate farther into the fight as your CC will effect more enemies. That's my rule make use of your abilities in a way to most negatively effect the enemy team.
Galio is somewhat dependent on your teammates, that can be said for most champions, but when you have a beautiful 5 man ult lined up and your dumb *** jungler flashes away from the fight at the last second that can tilt you all the way to downloading Fortknive again.
Galio is a great early to mid game carry so be aggressive and win your games by smashing the enemy so hard they turn on their jungler and he starts running it down mid. Be all over the dragons and rift heralds as season 10 will prove to be an objective based games. And the way things are panning out you don't want games lasting over 30 minutes as all the 1-12 Dr. Mundo mains will be able to run through your team and stall it out to 40-50 minutes where Galio just becomes a meat cushion for the enemies sack taps.
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