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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order SUPPORT
Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)
Akali Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I've banned this champion every game for the past 3 years. I don't care what champion I pick as support, I ban Lux. In all honesty, Lux is not that great of a threat against Akali. I simply have a genuine hatred for Lux and refuse to play a game with her on the rift.
Champion Build Guide
However, Akali is extremely useful and fun when played in this role. You can focus all of your time and resources into getting kills instead of having to worry about farm. Enemy bot lanes do not expect this at all and most likely have minimal knowledge on how to play this matchup.
Overall, the snowball potential is massive for low elo.
1 kill early means Sorc boots. Sorc boots means roaming, and thus more kills. More kills means I hit level 6 with a jetpack. Before you know it, the enemy team is looking at the scoreboard at 10 minutes and the Akali support has 5 or 6 kills.
Spend hours on hours in the practice tool. When I was first learning this champion, I would put on some music and just spam the buttons in different combinations until my fingers hurt. Nothing I can possibly type is going to help you more than building muscle memory yourself on your own time. However, here are a few combos and tips I have for you:
1) Land the ****ing E... I don't care if you sit in the practice tool for the rest of the season, you have to be able to hit this ability. It will get better the more you do it.
2) Without shroud up, you are in danger.
3) Weaving in maximum passive procs makes a good Akali a great Akali.
4) Limit test... Did you hit E1 but you're not sure if you will kill/survive a dive? TRY IT OUT! Enemy step up a bit too far and your R is up? TRY IT OUT! Enemy under tower and you could flash > E onto them? TRY IT OUT!
You will never get better if you do not try to test your limits.
5) Jetpack maximizes your range of lethality. Utilizing this item for kills and escapes is crucial.
1) E -> AA -> E2 -> AA (for this, make sure you are running outside of the circle to gain your passive for AA)
2) E1 -> E2 -> AA -> Q -> W -> AA -> Q
3) R1 -> E1 -> W -> E2 -> AA -> Q -> R2
4) E1 -> E2 -> AA -> Q -> R1 -> W -> R2
5) FLASH -> E
These are a few to get you started. Go in the practice tool and do these until it's second nature. Honestly, the possiblities for E and R are near limitless and I have not even scratched the surface of playable combos on Akali.
-You can roam once you get Sorcs. Go wherever you feel like you can get kills.
-Once you get the jetpack you are a lethal force. Kill everyone.
-In teamfights, it's your job to take out the enemy carry. If you fail, the loss is on you.
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