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Graves Build Guide by Archeantus

Graves - I Fought the Law and I Won

Graves - I Fought the Law and I Won

Updated on April 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Archeantus Build Guide By Archeantus 9,251 Views 3 Comments
9,251 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Archeantus Graves Build Guide By Archeantus Updated on April 22, 2012
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Introduction to the Outlaw

I've pretty much always played AD carries (with the exception of my first champ, Veigar . I used to main with Tristana but...I just needed a champ with something more. Then, Graves came along. Interesting, says I...A ranged DPS with very useful abilities, a kick-trash gun, and he looks like a total badass. I knew as soon as I played him that it would take some time to master him, so I played him whenever he was in the free rotation.

Then it happened...

Since I'm a huge history buff and love the whole gangster era (especially "Baccano!") I knew I had to get him. I did, and have been blasting away ever since.
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Pros / Cons


Wicked attack speed late game
Manly AD carry (sorry Trist...)
High Attack Damage
Farms Easily
Mobility as long as isn't on cooldown.
His voice is boss


Squishy early game
Very mana hungry early game
Low health
A Stun in a teamfight will take you down quickly
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Summoner Spells

I always choose Ignite and Flash, mainly because Flash is so usefull, and coupled with your Quickdraw (E) it allows for a greater reach. Many a fleeing Champ have been taken down with one more shot to the back thanks to Flash.

Ignite of course helps secure First Blood, as well as Potential KSing or finishing off a running enemy.
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Skill Sequence

I always start with Buckshot because of the high damage, poking potential and crowd control. Quickdraw is next because of the mobility, as well as towerdiving and the increase of attack speed. After upgrading Buckshot again, unlock the Smoke Screen Smokescreen and leave it until you've already maxed Buckshot. The magic damage for Smokescreen kind of sucks, and it's Graves' only skill with AP, so you're pretty much just using it for the blinding/slowing effect. Upgrade Collateral ASAP at levels 6, 11, and 16.
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Armor Pen Marks For more damage

Armor Seals These will help you last a bit longer until you are able to pick up that Frozen Mallet

Cooldown Reduction Glyphs You'll want to be able to use your Smoke Screen (W) often enough for it to be useful in a team fight. CDR never hurts to have, anyway.

Armor Pen Quints To hit them where it hurts
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I always start out with the simple boots and 3 HP pots, to give a little extra mobility.

The ZealZealsize=40 starts you on your way to fast Attack Speed, as well as movement speed and Crit chance.

When I was first trying out this build, I would go for a B.F Sword next, and work on the Bloodthirster , but I've found that the armor and extra magic damage with autoattacks makes Wriggle's Lantern a must-have in the beginning.

After that, get the Bloodthirster for tons of damage and lifesteal, and upgrade Zeal to a Phantom Dancer .

The Frozen Mallet solves the squishiness problem, as well as adding a slow effect, which is nice when trying to run down an enemy.

The last item is optional, I mostly choose the Infinity Edge because of the insane damage and higher crit damage, but Black Cleaver , Last Whisper , or another Phantom Dancer are also good choices.

I've found that with these two lifesteal items, even without the Frozen Mallet Graves can still take on the Dragon at around level 10, and the other buffs at around the same level.
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How to Play

As an AD carry, my favorite place to be is bottom lane, hopefully with a support (if I'm lucky, a good Soraka or tank with a stun . Your job is to stand behind the minion wave and poke. Use buckshot to keep enemy champs and minions away from your support, as well as farming minions. When the enemy has only a little health left, use Flash or QuickdrawQuckdraw to bridge the gap, and blast their faces with buckshot point-blank for massive damage. Of course, it never hurts to lob a Smoke grenade on top of them (or behind them to slow their escape). If their face is still intact and they try to run, finish them off (and anyone behind them) with Collateral

-> -> -> ->

One technique that I'm currently perfecting requires very quick timing and is dangerous due to proximity (remember, a stun can take you out if you dont have much hp).

Get close to the enemy champ, and not just "ooh they might just hit me, consarn it!" close. I'm talking point-blank. Then, when they're wondering what a ranged DPS is doing so close, Quickdraw through and behind them, bring your Buckshot around and blast them. Fire your Smoke Screen for the slow, then ignite. By this time they should be dead or pretty close. Now they're blind, slow, and burning, so stand next to them and blast away with your autoattack until they're out of range. If they're trying to escape and are faster than you, finish them off with Collateral Damage. By this time (if you chose to use CDR runes) your Quickdraw will have cooled, so continue the chase until they go to that great big dude ranch in the sky.

Once you start hitting around level 10 or 11, and you have about 20% lifesteal or greater, you can start taking the red and blue buffs. Blue is awesome because it allows for more Q farming and the CDR, and the Red Buff's burn always helps.

Mid game, just go where you are needed. Staying in a group will lessen the chance of a surprise 1 v 3+ gank, and you can stand behind your friends as they take the damage. Never forget to utilise your Smokescreen, as this Ability is PRICELESS in a team fight. The slow and blind effects will allow your team (or you) to surround them and go in for the kill.


End game is the best. By now you are rocking serious lifesteal, HP, AD and Attack Speed, you can easily rush and take down a turret with just a few minions. Of course, if you're feeling ballsy you can tank one. Your massive attack speed and damage will cut a turret to pieces quickly.
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In Conclusion

I hope that someone finds this guide helpful, I've played Graves alot and found that it works the best for me. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. This is my first guide.

Hopefully, Videos to come soon!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Archeantus
Archeantus Graves Guide
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Graves - I Fought the Law and I Won

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