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Recommended Items
Runes: kitten runes
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
the sumoner spels Ɛ>
Ability Order kitten abilities <3
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
so like. what now
umm basically in lane you want to poke safely with Q from a distance and chill. if u can abuse them in lane then go beth but generally i try to just chill and scale :3 make sure to ward well bc they may dive you (u have the hp bar of a caster minion)
after laning phase you want to position well, behind your teammates where you can tag all of them in your auras Ɛ> u can get oneshot by almost everyone it is so ookie spookie
late game is like the same just don't die hehe :3
make good usage of your W powerchord specifically because it reduces damage Ɛ> combine that with your exhaust and you're guaranteed to win any trade during laning phase.
your E powerchord is also the bomb dot com because the slow is highkey IT like Ɛ> wow she's a queen i love her
your Q powerchord is useless out of lane xo do not use it Ɛ>
ps it's ok to miss all of your ults it's a sona otp trademark after all Ɛ>
streamers i watch a lot are nannersowo and 2minilol they r both queens and v v v good at sona Ɛ> i recomend watching their gameplay bc it is A1.
umm basically in lane you want to poke safely with Q from a distance and chill. if u can abuse them in lane then go beth but generally i try to just chill and scale :3 make sure to ward well bc they may dive you (u have the hp bar of a caster minion)
after laning phase you want to position well, behind your teammates where you can tag all of them in your auras Ɛ> u can get oneshot by almost everyone it is so ookie spookie
late game is like the same just don't die hehe :3
make good usage of your W powerchord specifically because it reduces damage Ɛ> combine that with your exhaust and you're guaranteed to win any trade during laning phase.
your E powerchord is also the bomb dot com because the slow is highkey IT like Ɛ> wow she's a queen i love her
your Q powerchord is useless out of lane xo do not use it Ɛ>
ps it's ok to miss all of your ults it's a sona otp trademark after all Ɛ>
streamers i watch a lot are nannersowo and 2minilol they r both queens and v v v good at sona Ɛ> i recomend watching their gameplay bc it is A1.
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