You can win it just really hard make sure to dodge Q's if you can and care for his R ( kick ) it will fuck over your R. Most Lee Sins don't stack MR so Dcap 2nd if you are ahead is nice.
Jarvan IV
He will spam gank early ping and call out for the lvl 2 gank that most J4s do. I would get void 2nd into this match up as he does have high base MR and is likely to build MR.
With Kayn you have to win early as both red and blue kayn can scale really well into the mid and late game. If blue kayn get hourglass 2nd even if ahead since it fuck over his burst and can save you from his ult damage. If he goes Red both hourglass and void are great into Red kayn and if no one else will get anti healing ( orb ) to help deal with his healing.
You are strong then him early and you have conq so you win the longer fights early on. Get a lead and counter jg him keep him from getting 6 as long as you can. He will out scale you end early.
I haven't go much vs Elise but what I have shes strong then you early and will invade you to set you behind and will camp lanes. Split the map and play for the other lane she isn't camping you will out scale but shes looking to end early and stop you from out scaling. Don't fight her early without your team.
You are stronger then her before 6 like Ekko you want to set her behind if you can if and keep her from 6 for long as you can she will our scale you look to end early with rifts and counter jg when you can. If you are vs a smurf Evelynn try your best to ping where she will be.
His ult is better then yours best thing you can do it keep him from hitting 6 for as long as you can and getting laners ahead pink wards are your friends he will ult out of vison and win fights if he is even or ahead try to end early with rifts before he out scales.
I don't have much to say about this match up if he has E he will E your E always stunning you but he isn't great right now in the JG but he is really tanky even with just ap items so a void 2nd isn't bad if they have other tanks/fighters.
Graves will try to counter jg and invade you I think the match up is fav for Diana since his E gives armor and not mr. If he gets ahead he will one shot you hourglass is great if he does build mr void is great too.
One of Diana worst matchs up in the JG if he goes DH and snowballs its gg he is worth a perma ban if you aren't great vs Kha. try to fight him 2v2 or 1v2 never 1v1 he will win the 1v1 if you are even or behind. Try to counter gank/ counter jg and split the map if you can.
If you are in low elo they will just go right for marks. If kindred as pta you won't win fights early pta + E will kills you. If they run conq you win the all in vs them they are an adc so once you get some items you will force their ult. Save your ult for the end of their ult if you can same with red smite anti heal also helps but not needed.
She likes to full clear her ult was nerfed so its not as strong but will out scale. If you can get on her and stay on her you will her she doesn't win melee fights very well use your ult for a slow too and keep her in melee range. Try to end early. She also clears faster then you once shes gets some items.
Master Yi
It says that Diana is weak vs Yi I think its more 50/50. If he has hob red smite and ign you won't end early. He is normal and runs flash smite just wait for his Q then use spells. If he W's while Q is on cd just ult try to save your ult if you can for when he is in W or cced. Its more of a team comp thing. You win early try to win early with rifts and hourglass is a must if you are in a 1v1 hourglass his Q so it does no damage.
Shes strong then you early but most of the time people can't play Nidalee right. Try your hardest to dodge Q's and if you hit Q and can E on her you can force a flash or win the fight since Nidalee isn't good in melee range use ult if you can when she use her dash in Cougar form. She may try to invade you and sit you behind but you can out scale just care for her long range Q's.
He beats you in melee range has a spell shield can go ad fighter items. Just not a great match up for Diana best you can do it ward in spots where he will use his ult but never try to 1v1 him.
Nunu & Willump
I haven't faced many Nunu as Diana jg but at least from mid exp just not a good match up his strong then you early he will spam gank and set your lanes behind yes you can ult his ult to stop it from doing full damage but if he is tank that doesn't matter he will just tank your damage make sure to get void vs him and orb. He can also out smite you don't 50/50 smite he will always win.
He builds goredrinker does more damage while low on hp and draintanks the fuck out of you. Make sure to have anit heal you will out scale him but early game try not to fight him with out a team mate he can also use Ult to get out of Diana ult.
I haven't faced a Qiyana jg but if its anything like mid you just stomp her she can't dash out of your Ult very well but care for her early game once you get hourglass should be a free win you out scale her so hard. I will update this if this turns out to be harder then I thought.
He has so many builds that he can go full assassin or goredrinker try to not fight him and don't let him get a lead. If he gets to snowball its a gg you will not be safe anywhere in the jg. DO NOT FIGHT HIM IN BUSHES. Anti heal can help is need if he goes goredrinker.
If he ults his and you get him and the fake it your ult will do more damage. This match up is more about how many noobs Shaco has to kill and if he can snowball since he doesn't scale very well. Invade lvl one if your team is strong and ping for his lvl 2 gank. Just try counter gank him and keep him from getting free kills.
Shes so weak early you should just have a free game try to counter jg her counter gank her but care if she goes ap her Dragon E will hurt. Do everything you can to keep her from hitting 6 and in the game early before she gets items and once shots you and your team with one dragon E. Also she can solo dragon at lvl 4 by herself so keep it ward don't give free dragons if you can help it.
Trundle is one of Diana's worst jungle matchups. You can never 1v1 him, at any point in the game. Try to focus on getting objectives and farm. Pray your team fight is good and attempt to out-scale him that way. He is worth a permaban if you are onetricking Diana jungle - never pick Diana into him.
I don't know much about this match up. All he can do is run you down and aa you to death. Don't try to fight him early just try to hit 6 and get some items I will up date this match up as I get more exp with it.
He isn't very strong right now make sure to get orb early on as he has a lot of healing in his kit and items he does out scale so try to in early. If he can get passive resets you aren't going to have a fun time. Do your best to set him behind and end early with rifts.
He is strong then you early and heals a lot so make sure to have some anit healing on the team. Make sure to get void too and try to just counter gank and counter jg and get a lead before he ends early or snowballs.
Just like voil he is strong then you early and heals a shit ton. Make sure to have anit healing also wait for his W ( the fear ) to go off then ult while he is holding the fear he has more armor and mr. Orb and void are a must in this match up.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao is much stronger than you in the early game. Conceed scuttle crabs if you need to. Prioritise farming and out-scale him in team fights. He will look to invade you; just back off if your laners don't come to help you. Vision control is important to keep track of him!
One of the best tanks in the game as you see I didn't put many tank match ups in this guide. He wants mr and heals a lot he is just always stronger then you early game and late game. Get orb and void try to not get set behind and end early.
He wants to build armor and you are an AP champ yes you aa a lot but just get void 3rd and you should be fine.
Shes is a tank and Diana isn't great vs tanks but shes so weak early you can get a lead and end away before she even can get the items to perma tank your damage if she does get fed get void 3rd.
Dr. Mundo
I haven't seen much mundo jg since the rework. All I can say is get orb early and void 2nd item make sure to end early before he gets to go where he pleases.
Peronally I hate Mordekaiser a lot but he isn't a good champ. He will want to R you in team fights. He is worth a ban in low elo IMO but over all he isn't great but just care for his Ult try ot hourglass and just waste time in his ult don't even fight him 1v1 unless you are just that ahead and he is super behind.
If you get someone who can play Yasuo and not go 0/10 the game is just free. Yas ult makes sure your ult will always hit ( if you hit the airborn ). Yasuo + Diana ults should just be a free win as long as no ones runs it down.
It is a Yuumi Maybe if you are ahead you will enjoy the AP shes gives you tho if you die shes going down with you most likely remeber that.
Shes a great mid laner if you mid laner knows how to play her. Shes not very strong lvl 1 or 2 but spikes at 3 look to play around her so she can roam with you.
Zed is Great in lane and roaming like Qiyana play around him early so he can roam with you and help you with ganking top or bot.
Some of the best roams in the game IMO. He isn't seen much in mid anymore since the JG buffs but if you do get a good talon play around him for roams.
Ahri doesn't scale very well but she should never really die in a side lane or mid lane after 6 she can help set up ganks and peel for your back lane helping setting up kills for you and your team.
Malphite + Diana means you win most team fights ADC only have 1 flash if they flash your ult they just have to take the Malphite ult and Vice versa.
This is the only late game champ I will say is good with Diana just bc Diana was no way out beside flash in a fight Kayle R's you while you are in a 3-5 man ult it can save you away more then you think. Only bad side is she so weak early and doesn't like to group at least lvl 11 if then.
If you get someone who can play Yasuo and not go 0/10 the game is just free. Yas ult makes sure your ult will always hit ( if you hit the airborn ). Yasuo + Diana ults should just be a free win as long as no ones runs it down.
It is a Yuumi Maybe if you are ahead you will enjoy the AP shes gives you tho if you die shes going down with you most likely remeber that.
Shes a great mid laner if you mid laner knows how to play her. Shes not very strong lvl 1 or 2 but spikes at 3 look to play around her so she can roam with you.
Zed is Great in lane and roaming like Qiyana play around him early so he can roam with you and help you with ganking top or bot.
Some of the best roams in the game IMO. He isn't seen much in mid anymore since the JG buffs but if you do get a good talon play around him for roams.
Ahri doesn't scale very well but she should never really die in a side lane or mid lane after 6 she can help set up ganks and peel for your back lane helping setting up kills for you and your team.
Malphite + Diana means you win most team fights ADC only have 1 flash if they flash your ult they just have to take the Malphite ult and Vice versa.
This is the only late game champ I will say is good with Diana just bc Diana was no way out beside flash in a fight Kayle R's you while you are in a 3-5 man ult it can save you away more then you think. Only bad side is she so weak early and doesn't like to group at least lvl 11 if then.
I stream on ttv I'm a Diana jg otp that can also play Lilla and Kindred. My goal is to be the worlds best Diana jg and give tips to anyone who wants to also play Diana jg. My discord is Lambda#0069 feel free to add me and ask any quest I'm also in the Diana mains discord. I will be updating this guide as much as I can and once I have the time I plan and making youtube vidoes over combos and pathing to help people understand how to do them.
Standard Builds
Belt is almost always the mythic for Diana jg Night isn't bad if you are into a team that you poke a lot but its more of a smurf item but useable. For a 2nd item I go dcap/void and hourglass when behind or when I'm not the carry. Dcap for when I'm really fed and they don't have any mr yet. Void for when they start getting MR or their champ just has base MR like a tank or a fighter. 3rd Item I will normally pick up hourglass to make sure I'm not dying and giving away shutdowns when I'm ahead. 4th item is void or dcap for whatever I didn't get 2nd or 3rd item. 5th item is you can go Nashor's tooth. As of now Shadowflame is bugged when going void and I don't think it is worth as an item right now if that changes in a later patch I will update the build and guide. For Boots 90% of the time pen boots. I only go Plated Steelcaps when they are mostly aa/armor based and Mercury's Only when they are full ap even if they have a lot of cc it won't help much and if you go Tenacity in rune Tenacity doesn't stack well since it has diminishing returns.
First Strike
I been testing First Strike with night as my mythic and I honestly think its good into comps you just one shot. You get so much free gold from First Strike and inspiration tree. I normally can get my 1st few items really fast and if I get even a few kills I just get so far ahead in items I can force plays. Why night over belt ? I do think Belt is better but With night it helps get you a little bit more damage from First strike letting you get more gold on really short trades or one shots. Shadow is what I been enjoying 2nd but I think lich can be a good 2nd item as well.
Rift Maker build
Rift Is not a great item on Diana but it is useable if you really want to build it. You can go Conqueror or Lethal Tempo. No matter the rune you go Nash is a must as a 1st item since you will be aa a lot with rift and the item doesn't really become great till you have a 2nd item anyway. After your nash you go Riftmaker and this item is great into really tanky teams that can't brust you down. 3rd item you can go dcap or hourglass I go hourglass most of the time as I think it helps with big ults and not being bursted but if you have the gold you can go dcap 3rd. 4th item you are looking for void/dcap normally if they stacked a lot of MR void is great once they have 50 or more MR. Dcap becomes great if theres an adc you just need to jump on and one shot and they have 0 MR items. 5th item void or dcap is also nice here just pick up what you didn't get as your 4th item.
Lich Vs Nash
As of patch 12.2 Lich is just not worth building anyone at least not 2nd. I think nash is just better for jg if you are going. Nash gives you the faster clear speed and lets you solo objs a lot better then Lich does.
Conqueror and Lethal tempo runes set ups.
Conqueror Triump Legend: Alacrity/Tenacity and Coup De Graces is the Standard rune for Diana jg pared with Inspiration for magical foot wear and cosmic insight. Conqueror helps with longer trades as you get stacking AP and at max stacks you heal for a % of the damage you do ( it won't heal a lot anyway don't count on the healing ) We take this rune for the stacking AP when in team fights and ganks. Lethal is also good for longer fights but you are playing more for your passive damage I normally only go Lethal when I go riftmaker as I think Lethal + nash + Riftmaker just helps you do dps to tanks. You would still go Inspiration for magical foot wear and cosmic insight. If you don't like Inspiration You can always go Domination with Sudden Impact and Ravenous hunter. Lastly you can go Resolve but I personally don't like it if you where to go resolve Shield Bash and Conditoning would be the runes I go.
Assassin Runes
If you aren't a fan of the fighter rune pages you can always go Electrocute in the jg. Personally this is the build I like the most but not always good. Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection and Relentless Hunter. That is the page I go and you can trade out Relentless for Ravenous pared with Sorcery Transcendence and Gathering Storm or Inspiration for magical foot wear and cosmic insight. Up to you what you run as secondary runes but those are what I like to run. Now for items I go Belt as my 1st item for the dash and pen for getting on to the back line and one shotting the carrys. 2nd item if you are ahead and have the gold Dcap or void. Dcap if they have no MR and void if they start building items like wits or Hex drinker. 3rd item just like with Fighter Diana I like hourglass I feel like hourglass 3rd fits as it lets you jump into team fights and not get one shot right away. 4th item void/dcap is nice for the %pen and if they build any MR you already have it and it is an item that helps you scale really well. Lastly I would go Nash even tho we are playing for one shot Nash gives 100ap and anyone who lives your brust you can fight this item also scales very well.
When in game clearing is a big part of JG and as of now Diana can full clear with a leash before 3:15 if done right. If you are new to jg and learning always start with your bot side for the best leash. Once you get a little better in JG ask yourself this "Who is my strong side this game? Who is the win con of the game? Does my team scale or do we fall off late game? Is anyone autofilled?" Like if you have a Lucain Nami bot lane and a Zed mid but a Kayle top. That game you would want to play for your bot lane as Lucain Nami is really strong early and Zed doesn't scale the best. You would want to start top side and get a lesh form kayle and be able to gank mid/bot lane once you hit 4 and get crab. Even tho you have a great late game champ in Kayle Diana Lucain and Zed won't scale the best into late game and your team over all spikes in mid game so play for any dragons you can get and try to get rifts to open up mid and bot and try to end as early as you can.
Diana tips and Tricks
When clearing as Diana jungle you need to space your spells out as not to overlap the passive. EX: Q aa aa aa E aa aa aa W aa aa aa. When taking inhibitors you want to stand right on them as Diana 3rd aa from passive do 2x the damage. I'm not sure if this is a bug it been in the game even before rework. Diana has a few combos that aren't needed but can help. We call this the E Q combo it doesn't always work and it is very risky as if they flash the Q your E won't reset and your Q has to hit before you lane with E. Q Flash is one if you want to flashy. At the very end of the cast if you flash to the side it will extend the ranage of your Q. Over all its not worth it but if you want a flashy play for a clip. The combo that is worth learning is Triple E. How to Do triple E is you Q the wave ( or monster camps ) E as your Q is hitting the 1st part of the wave/camp E to the next part of the wave/camp as your moonlight will still be on them if timed right then lastly you can E on the champ you where trying to get on.
Youtube Video Tips
This is just showing off the combos in a short youtube vidoe to give you a visual on how to do them.
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