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Teemo Build Guide by MagicalPoop

hybrid teemo

hybrid teemo

Updated on February 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MagicalPoop Build Guide By MagicalPoop 11,003 Views 0 Comments
11,003 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MagicalPoop Teemo Build Guide By MagicalPoop Updated on February 8, 2012
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teemo the swift scout

Teemo is a legend among his yordle brothers and sisters in Bandle City. As far as yordles are concerned, there is something just slightly off about him. While Teemo enjoys the companionship of other yordles, he also insists on frequent solo missions in the ongoing defense of Bandle City. Despite his genuinely warm personality, something switches off inside Teemo's mind during combat so that the lives he must end while on patrol do not burden him. Even as a young recruit, the drill instructors and other trainees found it a little disconcerting that, while Teemo was normally charming and kind, he turned deadly serious and highly efficient the minute combat exercises began. Teemo's superiors quickly steered him toward the Scouts of the Mothership, which is one of Bandle City's most distinguished Special Forces unit alongside the Megling Commandos.

While most yordles do not handle solo scouting missions with a great deal of finesse, Teemo is remarkably efficient at them. His record of success in defending Bandle City from infiltrators easily makes him one of the most dangerous yordles alive, though you'd never know it by having a cup of honey mead with him at his favorite inn. Bandle City chose Teemo as their first champion for the League, and he has taken to it like a duck to water. His signature weapon - a blowgun - uses a rare ajunta poison he personally gathers from the jungles of ***ungu. To help cope with his lengthy periods of isolation, Teemo recently struck up a friendship with Tristana, a fellow League champion and fellow member of Bandle City's Special Forces. This connection is healthy for both yordles, though now Valoran's voracious media outlets circulate rumors that the friendship is turning into a romantic relationship. Regardless, Teemo is a crowd favorite in the League of Legends, and a pint-sized foe that many have come to fear."Teemo rides a thin line between chipper compatriot and unrepentant killer, but there's no one else I'd rather have as a friend." - Tristana

quotes:Upon selection
"Captain Teemo on duty."
"Hut two three four."
"I'll scout ahead!"
"On my way."
"That's gotta sting."
"Yes sir!"
"Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code."
"Size doesn't mean everything."

price:1350 ip 585rp
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pros and cons

Pros: does alot of damage
very good farmer
good solo
can blind
can stealth

Quite squishy
Mushrooms can be destroyed by anyone who has an oracle's elixir even melee
Has a tendency to be focused in team fights(thats why u stealth for a few secs and get them by surprise)
team that gets magic ressist may make alot of problems (shrooms doesnt deal alot,blinding dart doesnt deal alot,malz wont deal extra damage)
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Camouflage (Innate): If Teemo stands still and takes no action for 2 seconds, he becomes stealthed. Moving or taking actions will break Teemo out of stealth and will boost his attack speed by 40% for 3 seconds.

Q:Blinding Dart (Active): Teemo shoots a venom-coated dart at the target enemy, dealing magic damage and blinding them for a few seconds, causing all their autoattacks to miss for its duration.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Range: 680
Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana

Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+0.8 per ability power)

Blind Duration: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 seconds

W:Move Quick (Passive): Grants increased movement speed until struck by a champion or turret. This bonus is restored 5 seconds after last being struck by a champion or turret.
(Active): For 3 seconds, Teemo gains double his passive movement speed and will not lose it regardless of whether he is hit or not. The passive is restored after the duration of the active.

Cost: 40 mana
Cooldown: 22 seconds
Passive Movement Speed: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 %

E:Toxic Shot (Passive): Teemo deals extra magic damage with his autoattacks. Additionally, his attacks will poison the target, dealing magic damage each second for 4 seconds. This poison will not stack but the duration will be refreshed with every subsequent attack. Magic Damage on Hit: 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 (+0.14 per ability power)

Magic Damage per Second: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (+0.14 per ability power)

Total Magic Damage: 33 / 66 / 99 / 132 / 165 (+0.7 per ability power)

R:Noxious Trap (Active): Teemo places a trap which stealths and arms after 1.5 seconds. It detonates if an enemy steps on it, poisoning all enemies nearby to be dealt magic damage every second for 4 seconds plus slowing them and providing vision of them (doesn't reveal stealthed units) for 4 seconds. This poison will not stack but the duration will be refreshed with every subsequent detonation. Mushrooms have 100 health and can be destroyed by autoattacks if they are visible, but they are immune to spell damage.
The traps last 10 minutes. Teemo will store one every several seconds, the charge time will be affected by cooldown reduction, and can have a maximum of three stocked up. Each cast requires and uses a trap.

Range: 230
Cooldown: 1 second
Activation Radius: 120 (estimate)
Explosion Radius: 400 (estimate)
Sight Radius: 425 (estimate)
Cost: 75 / 100 / 125 mana

Magic Damage per Second: 50 / 100 / 150 (+0.2 per ability power)

Total Magic Damage: 200 / 400 / 600 (+0.8 per ability power)

Charge Receive Time: 35 / 31 / 27 seconds

Slow: 30 / 40 / 50 %
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skill sequence

I would take toxic shot (e) at 1 and max it out by 9
take blinding dart (q) at level 2 and max it out at 14
take move quick (w) at 4 max it out at 18
and shrooms (r) at 6 11 and 16

why would i do this?
well toxic shot is very effective when maxed and it can deal alot
binding dart is good if u ap and it blinds so you can just get at lvl 2 to annoy people
and move quick is ok i mean just get at 4 for some move speed
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Summoner Spells

flash:great for evasion
Teemo can make great use of it to jump over walls and escape saftly

ignite:good for finishing opponents
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Orignal teemo
Recon teemo

Badger teemo

Astronaut teemo

Happy elf teemo

Cotton tail teemo

Super teemo
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Teemo Commentary
Kill compilation
Champ spotlight
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Shroom spots

if this pic does not show it pretty much says baron and drag and ganking brushes (if u dont know where this is at then u a fail) and place shrooms in jungle for fun
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toxic shot

warning:this spell may make your teammate very very mad when helping jungle because poison might ks
and if you attack champs in turret range it will hit you because poison will count as aggro
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you will be spotted by the following things:-Vision Wards
-Being caught in a damaging AoE spell
-Being hit by a skillshot (Mundo's cleaver, etc)
-Cardmaster's ult/Lich's ult/Baron Nashor's AoE
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if their carry is a dps ad pls blind and own him.
i always use passive and wait for a team-fight and get them by surprise
you can put shrooms before a team fight to make sure they dont escape and place them so you can escape too with malz you should be able to take down their carry quickly and
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That is all

i hope that you liked this guide/build it took me a long time. if you have any questions or suggestion pls tell me in the comments.
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