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Akali is not broken: she just has 34 dashes, stealth, 0 cooldown on her Q and R, with one item she does a penta. Not broken at all
Aurelion Sol
Ranged Mid, can be tricky cause he deletes your barrels, but its an easy lane in my opinion.
Its another unbalanced shit, but Fizz needs to land his R to kill you so it can be easy to delete him.
Akali 2.0
Red Akali that does on hit damage and has even more dashes.
Kinda easy but he's ranged so it will be hard to hit barrel combos.
I have no idea of what Corki does
Easy lane just watch for ganks.
Destroys you cause she's ranged, no chance of hitting combos most of the times. You need teamwork to kill her
Easy Lane, she is annoying with her Q but if he hits with E you can just W out and with this build one barrel combo evaporates her.
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.[3] Parents often notice signs during the first three years of their child's life.[1][3] These signs often develop gradually, though some autistic children experience worsening in their communication and social skills after reaching developmental milestones at a normal pace.[14]
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