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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
His poke is very difficult to play against. Purchase Cloth Armor as a starting item and upgrade into Ninja Tabi as soon as possible. Focus on farming as you outscale him in the midgame.
- Table of Contents -
★ About The Writer ★
★ Why Choose Irelia? ★
★ Skill Sequence ★
★ Runes ★
★ Masteries ★
★ Summoner Spells ★
★ Itemisation ★
★ Laning Matchups ★
★ Tips and Tricks ★
★ Warding ★
★ Teamfighting ★
★ Achievements ★
★ A Few Parting Words... ★
★ About The Writer ★
★ Why Choose Irelia? ★
★ Skill Sequence ★
★ Runes ★
★ Masteries ★
★ Summoner Spells ★
★ Itemisation ★
★ Laning Matchups ★
★ Tips and Tricks ★
★ Warding ★
★ Teamfighting ★
★ Achievements ★
★ A Few Parting Words... ★
★ Who is Stelfalador? ★
My Lucian Guide!
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About Me
Greetings, my name is Stelfalador and I've been
Playing League of Legends for around 2 years now. I'm currently ranked: Diamond I frequently play ADC and Irelia Top. I came from a background of Semi-professional Dota 2. |
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Thanks for choosing to read my Irelia guide!
Beginner or even a veteran, hopefully you can Learn something new. Please, take your time! This guide will go over many things, including: Itemisation, Warding, Matchups, Tricks etc. |
About Me Pt 2
I'm 18 years old and live in the United Kingdom.
Irelia was my first ever champion and instantly took A liking towards her. I'm glad you have too! I've written this guide in American English, However there are some mistakes admittedly. The formatting isn't great, but it's my best. An UPVOTE helps me and my guide a lot! |
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Thank you to all who have helped me.
Whether it be information, formatting or art. Michael for Art and Design. Jhoijhoi for an amazing guide on formatting. IreliaCarriesU for many of the expertise and tips. And many others that have assisted me In the creation of this Irelia guide. |
My Lucian Guide!
Other Links About Me
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Why Irelia? ★
"The sword flourishes, as though painting with blood"
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★ Skill Sequence ★
Each ability Irelia possesses is unique and functionally versatile.
Whether you need a stun, slow, gap-closer, burst, dps, tenacity. Irelia undoubtedly will have it. Her skill set is very balanced and synergize well with each other, enabling her to be very adaptable to different scenarios and circumstances.
As a general rule of thumb we max W vs Tanks and E vs Squishy Heroes. This is not always the case and I do not believe cookie cutter builds are always 100% efficient.
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★ Runes ★
Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
(Runes are subject to change, my current preferred runes are updated in the quick-guide above.)
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★ Warlord's Bloodlust 18-0-12 ★
★ Fervor of Battle 18-0-12★
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Summoner Spells ★
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Itemization ★
Starting Items
Core Items
Situational Items
Booty and Enchantments
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★ Laning Matchups ★
Knowing what a champions strengths and weaknesses and how you can abuse them is a key factor in learning any champion. Having no prior knowledge on a certain match-up can be very frustrating and can lead to unnecessary losses. Being caught off guard by some technique or mechanic you weren't aware of can make you susceptible to very avoidable deaths. I will be covering the most frequent matchups; see the VS CHAMPIONS for a quick synopsis.
- Yasuo - The Unforgiven -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, Ninja Tabi
- Maokai - The Twisted Treant -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads
- Shen - Eye of Twilight -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force Dead Man's Plate, Mercury's Treads
- Gnar - The Missing Link -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
- Riven - The Exile -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
- Rumble - The Mechanized Menace -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads
- Fiora - The Grand Duelist -
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, Ninja Tabi
- Renekton - The Butcher of The Sands -
Recommended Starting Items - Cloth Armor, 5x Health Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Tips and Tricks ★
Maximizing DPS with Sheen or Trinity Force.
Example Sequence: Equilibrium Strike > AA > Hiten Style > AA > Transcendent Blades > AA > Bladesurge > AA.
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★ Warding ★
Warding is an essential part of the game and top lane is no exception.
This is especially true due to the isolation that the top lane pertains; help is unlikely to come. This makes warding paramount to become not only a successful Irelia player, but a top laner as well.
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Teamfighting ★
Teamfighting as Irelia is very tentative and is subject to change based on a variety of factors and situations. There are 3 'Categories' which I like to describe teamfighting as Irelia, the ways I will be describing them are very uniform. These are general tips that can be applied universally. In order to optimize your play, take parts from each of them and apply them correctly to your situation.
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★ Achievements ★
I would like to give a sincere thanks to everyone who takes a look at my guide and finds any part of it useful. Without you, the audience, I wouldn't be here writing this guide. I have a tremendous appreciation for all who have helped me along the way, for they have been the ones who made this guide what it is!
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★ A Few Parting Words ★
Remember in solo-queue.
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
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- The Will of The Blades -
"The sword flourishes, as though painting with blood"
Irelia is an AD based Top Lane Fighter/Assassin, but thrives in many other roles due to her high versatility. Irelias' strengths lie in her ability to play around her power spikes and the surprisingly high amount of damage that they bring to the table. Coupled with her point-and-click crowd control, make her a force to be reckoned with throughout all stages of the game, but most notably the mid-game power spike she's universally renowned for.
Irelia is an exceptionally well rounded and versatile champion.
Her unique skillset gives her a lot of carry and play making potential.
Irelia is an exceptionally well rounded and versatile champion.
Her unique skillset gives her a lot of carry and play making potential.
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Skill Sequence ★
Each ability Irelia possesses is unique and functionally versatile.
Whether you need a stun, slow, gap-closer, burst, dps, tenacity. Irelia undoubtedly will have it. Her skill set is very balanced and synergize well with each other, enabling her to be very adaptable to different scenarios and circumstances.
As a general rule of thumb we max W vs Tanks and E vs Squishy Heroes. This is not always the case and I do not believe cookie cutter builds are always 100% efficient.
W Max (VS Tanks)
E Max (VS Non-Tanks)
The tenacity that this passive provides is negligible in the laning phase, but extremely potent in team fights and skirmishes against multiple people. The new update makes Irelia more of a solo split pusher nowadays rather than a teamfighter to utilize her passive. The less you're slowed/stunned/taunted etc, the more you're doing damage.
IONIAN INSIGHT: Activating Hiten Style applies the bonus true damage and heal to your bladesurge.
Bladesurge is your mobility spell that is amazing for farming and pushing. As well as the aforementioned benefits it also is a great gap closer and escape mechanism which works well in conjunction with Sheen and Tri-Force.
Bladesurge is your mobility spell that is amazing for farming and pushing. As well as the aforementioned benefits it also is a great gap closer and escape mechanism which works well in conjunction with Sheen and Tri-Force.
IONIAN INSIGHT: Activating Hiten Style whilst attacking turrets will apply the same healing affect as if attacking a champion or minion.
Hiten Style is your primary DPS spell enabling you the chunk down the tankiest of foes and assassinate the squishiest of enemies. It's an excellent pushing tool and gives you substantial teamfighting prowess throughout the game.
Hiten Style is your primary DPS spell enabling you the chunk down the tankiest of foes and assassinate the squishiest of enemies. It's an excellent pushing tool and gives you substantial teamfighting prowess throughout the game.
IONIAN INSIGHT: Activating Equilibrium Strike on a full health target will always stun.
Equilibrium Strike is Irelia's main source of Crowd Control. It is useful in almost every situation and being able to use a point-and-click stun/slow hinders many champions flow. The stun enables Irelia to engage as well as disengage, The slow enables Irelia to chase and kite.
Equilibrium Strike is Irelia's main source of Crowd Control. It is useful in almost every situation and being able to use a point-and-click stun/slow hinders many champions flow. The stun enables Irelia to engage as well as disengage, The slow enables Irelia to chase and kite.
Despite being regarded as a weak ultimate, it fits and synergizes with Irelias' other skills very well. It enables her to make effective use of Bladesurge, creating escape and chase paths. As well as being able to activate Sheen or Triforce Spellblade Passive in multiple instances. If having long range, wave clear, good damage and healing is a bad ultimate, I don't know what's good.
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★ Runes ★
(Runes are subject to change, my current preferred runes are updated in the quick-guide above.)
★ Alternate Runes ★
Other Viable Runes
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★ Warlord's Bloodlust 18-0-12 ★
When to choose Warlord's Bloodlust Tree
Important Keystones
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Warlord's Bloodlust
works extremely well with Irelia in conjunction with her abilities and the items she purchases. If you are lower health than your opponent, you are guaranteed a stun from Equilibrium Strike. After you stun your opponent you should have ample to time to regenerate a large proportion of your health with your Hiten Style and
Warlord's Bloodlust
. This effect is accentuated further with purchases such as Blade of the Ruined King, Spirit Visage and Maw of Malmortius.
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Basic Masteries
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's added attack speed is a great addition to Irelia's potency to skirmish and battle in any instance. You often weave a lot of auto attacks with your Hiten Style and therefore the attack speed allows you to increase overall DPS.
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Fresh Blood
is better suited towards this tree as you are going to be much more aggressive when using
Warlord's Bloodlust
. The added initial bonus of damage is a small, but noticeable benefit when attempting to jump squishy targets, and is the best option for this type of playstyle.
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Natural Talent
provides a nice extra boost of Attack Damage and Ability Power. The added Attack Damage is always welcome to her kit, and the ability power gives a small buff to her Equilibrium Strike.
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Battle Trance
synergizes well with Irelia's playstyle. She's a very sticky champion with her Bladesurge and Equilibrium Strike, meaning you should be in a fight for over five seconds at a time. By doing so allows you to maximize damage output over a prolonged fight.
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Battering Blows
interacts nicely with Irelia's kit as she is heavily AD reliant. The added armor penetration enables you to fight tanks and bruisers more effectively, as well as burst squishy targets faster.
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grants Irelia a welcome bonus of armor and magic penetration. These stats are vitally important to Irelia's playstyle as she has to get into the thick of things in order to be effective. What separates a good Irelia player from a great one is their ability to plan escape routes after engaging. This requires knowledge of how much damage you can take and how survivable you are.
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Tough Skin
is nice for any melee champion to have, especially Irelia as she always has to be next to her opponent to use her kit effectively. This often means she has to be in the minion wave in order for her to skirmish with her lane opponent, to optimize use of Bladesurge.
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Runic Armor
complements this build nicely with it's percentage increase to healing effects. Healing effects which stem from Hiten Style and
Warlord's Bloodlust
are amplified, making your sustain that much better.
★ Fervor of Battle 18-0-12★
When to choose Fervor of Battle Tree
Important Keystones
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Fervor of Battle
works well with Irelia. However, after significant nerfs coming to fervor in Season 7, it can be debatable whether to choose this mastery. I believe it still provides the best DPS. Irelia is often able to keep the stacks going in a prolonged teamfight, as she is very good at chasing. However, often with the current build, you should have ample damage from Trinity Force + Maw of Malmortius/ Blade of the Ruined King. Meaning sustain is more critical for Irelia in order for her to deal damage.
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Basic Masteries
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's added attack speed is a great addition to Irelia's potency to skirmish and battle in any instance. You often weave a lot of auto attacks with your Hiten Style and therefore the attack speed allows you to increase overall DPS.
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is a quality of life mastery that allows you to sustain a bit better during the laning phase. As Irelia you should be able to activate this mastery as soon as it comes up, as it's very easy to farm with your Bladesurge. This mastery, coupled with your heal from Hiten Style, can make the difference in surviving an Ignite or bleed.
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Natural Talent
provides a nice extra boost of Attack Damage and Ability Power. The added Attack Damage is always welcome to her kit, and the ability power gives a small buff to her Equilibrium Strike.
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Double Edged Sword
works well with Irelia as she will be jumping in on her opponents often. She has a lot of burst damage with her Bladesurge, followed up by Equilibrium Strike, making
Double Edged Sword
a viable mastery in order for her dish out as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time.
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Battering Blows
interacts nicely with Irelia's kit as she is heavily AD reliant. The added armor penetration enables you to fight tanks and bruisers more effectively, as well as burst squishy targets faster.
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grants Irelia a welcome bonus of armor and magic penetration. These stats are vitally important to Irelia's playstyle as she has to get into the thick of things in order to be effective. What separates a good Irelia player from a great one is their ability to plan escape routes after engaging. This requires knowledge of how much damage you can take and how survivable you are.
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is helpful in situations when you are fighting your lane opponent and opposing jungler under turret. This mastery, combined with your tenacity from Ionian Fervor, creates opportunities for you to at least trade one for one more often than not.
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Veteran's Scars
provide an excellent health increase. It is not as potent as it used to be, it used to provide a percentage health increase. However, it is now more effective early, granting a static +50 health. This allows you to cope with more difficult matchups such as Pantheon with his poke.
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Summoner Spells ★
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Itemization ★
Itemization is dependent on a multiple number of factors, knowing what item to purchase at any given time can have a very significant impact on the game. Itemization is all about efficiency and opportunity cost. What item is most effective at my current state? Do I need damage, armor or magic resist? If you opt for damage you forego the next best alternative of either armor or magic resist and vice versa.
Starting Items
Starting with Corrupting Potion allows for a very sustainable and trade-enabling lane. By starting with this item set you should be able to out-sustain your opponent through continuously forcing favorable or even trades, also free refills. Thus with the regen advantage they will be forced to back before you, allowing you to either push or freeze based on the current situation that you are in. Make good use of the passive.
Starting with Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potions allows Irelia to negate a large amount of damage when facing up against a heavy AD harass lane. When starting with this item set you should be aiming to farm as efficiently as possible and only trading when necessary. This item set should be taken against: e.g Pantheon or Renekton as they are completely AD based: no substantial AP damage given.
Starting with Doran's Blade allows you to farm a jungle camp at level one. By doing this you receive a fast level 2 and are able to bring a few extra consumables into lane; an advantage.
I do not recommend it on Irelia though, she cannot clear the camp very quickly without the Attack Speed Rune Page. However, by doing so, you allow yourself to have a more aggressive playstyle in the lane. |
Core Items
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Mercury's Treads are an still excellent pickup if you intend to teamfight. Since Irelia's passive Ionian Fervor was nerfed, the tenacity from your Mercury's Treads are important, stuns, slows, roots etc shouldn't pose a substantial threat to you in large-scale skirmishes when the odds are stacked against you. Remember tenacity does not effect knock-ups so analyse your opponents skills carefully.
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Trinity Force is Irelia's first big item. Irelia is able to make full use of all the beneficial stats it provides, making it an extremely cost-efficient item. All of her abilities are able to activate the Spellblade Passive. The Rage Passive it provides is phenomenal for Irelia, It allows her to stick to her opponents, making use of the true damage that her W provides.
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Blade of the Ruined King is a outstanding pickup for Irelia as it gives her even more versatility when it comes to skirmishing and fighting. The benefit of the slow, percent health on-hit effect and lifesteal is a wonderful addition. Be wary of picking this up and make sure you are survivable enough to elicit the purchasing it. Because when you're dead, you don't do damage.
I decided to add this into the core lineup for Season 7 rather than the Maw of Malmortius; you'll more likely than not find this more useful against AD Assassins which are all the rage right now. |
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Randuin's Omen is what I consider to be the best defensive core item that you need. This is because of the potency that crit now has in the late game from eg. Jinx, Vayne, Ashe. The helpful 10% reduction for crits is extremely noticeable and makes you a very well armored up tank in the late game. The 15% Attack Speed debuff combined with a Frozen Heart reduces a very significant 30% attack speed if you choose to go the armor route; extremely beneficial for you and your team.
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Spirit Visage is my usual MR pickup unless the enemy have a lot of poke or instant nukes. eg. Annie, Nidalee, Lux. A granted bonus is the helpful passive that it provides increasing all forms of healing by 20%. This synergizes with both your W passive and Blade of the Ruined King if you intend to purchase it, granting you a lot of sustain in extended teamfights.
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Guardian Angel is now a very cost-efficient pickup, however it does have a long passive cool-down timer. Despite this it can be the difference between a win or loss and should you find yourself being focused, definitely consider purchasing this item come late game, and now maybe even relatively early for the stats. You should absolutely pick this up if you're the only one doing well and carrying, as your death will likely result in defeat.
Situational Items
Defensive Situational
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Warmog's Armor is a great pickup vs very burst-orientated lineups eg. Zed, Annie, Riven. These champions tend to pick up a lot of penetration items so Armor and Magic Resist aren't always the best options. Raw HP can help a lot if you find yourself being bursted without being able to retaliate. Being able to come in and out of fights is also very beneficial as the enemy won't expect you to come back to a fight again.
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Frozen Heart is usually your first big defensive item if you don't purchase Randuin's Omen. You could argue you should pick this over Randuin's Omen due to critical strike not being very significant in the early-mid game and also the cost-efficient 20% CDR. The mana it provides as well as the attack speed debuff it provides is very advantageous if you're playing against anyone that is remotely reliant on auto-attacks. eg. Riven, Fiora.
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Thornmail is an excellent pickup once you already have one or two armor items, the return damage is significantly effective against auto-attack reliant champions Jinx, Vayne, Twitch. I tend to purchase this item when I need a fast and effective means of getting armor, usually when I'm behind. The weakness of the item stems from its ineffectiveness if the enemy damage dealers do not focus you, practically making the item useless.
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Sterak's Gage is a hybrid item that synergizes well with Irelia's Q, giving her more leeway to juke around creeps with the additional AD. The Unique Passive allows Irelia to duel other champions and tank damage much more frequently, taking on more of a bruiser role. I would recommend you pick this up as a second or third item after Trinity Force if you're ahead. However, as it provides no other defensive bonuses besides Raw HP and a temporary shield, you must be careful when engaging.
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Mercurial Scimitar is a rare pickup for Irelia as her tenacity negates most of the time of stuns/slows/taunts etc. However longer stuns such as Morgana, Malzahar and Annie can be devastating none-the-less, which justifies the pickup and can make a tremendous difference in clutch situations. This is emphasized even more as of Season 7 with her new update to her passive, which is very much nerfed in teamfights.
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Dead Man's Plate is a great pickup for Irelia if you intend on roaming a lot and trying to get a good mix of defense and offense. The discharge dealing double momentum stack damage is insane and the slow synergizes well with Irelias' W. Combined with your E, not many opponents will have the opportunity to run away. Coupled with having a decent amount of armor and HP, it certainly is a contender against Frozen Heart and Randuin's Omen.
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Edge of Night is a new season 7 item which is primarily intended for assassins. However, having said this if you intend to play Irelia in a more burst/assassin playstyle this item is perfect against teams with heavy CC. It brings a great mix of attack damage and magic resistance. I would heavily consider picking this item up against the likes of Vi, Sejuani and Ashe for example.
Offensive Situational
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Maw of Malmortius is still an excellent pickup with it's recent rework. With increased magic resist and new cooldown reducation, as well as an amazing lifegrip passive which grants spell vamp, attack damage and lifesteal (All utilized well on Irelia) make it an unmissable choice of MR item.
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Mortal Reminder is a noteworthy pickup if the enemy have a lot of heavily stacked armor champions. eg. Dr. Mundo, Shen, Sion. If your team is lacking Attack Damage carry potential this item is certainly a viable option. The added damage allows Irelia to assassinate squishy targets much easier.
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Wit's End is viable when your team is lacking AP or the enemy don't have a lot of Magic Resist. It provides a small amount of Magic resist but the Attack Speed is quite substantial, allowing you to manipulate more auto-attacks. Consider this as a suitable alternative to Blade of the Ruined King or Last Whisper if the appropriate conditions are met.
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Youmuu's Ghostblade is a very nice pickup combined with Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage gives us 40% CDR. The extra attack speed and movement speed allow you to assassinate squishy backline targets with ease as well as giving some very nice armor pentration. However with the new Maw of Malmortius 10% CDR, I would heavily advise buying that most of the time over this.
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Frozen Mallet is becoming very popular in the new season for heroes such as Yasuo and Irelia, and for good reason. They're adapting to a more bruiser sort of role to counteract the new assassin burst update. Frozen Mallet gives you an excellent surplus of health as well as some nice Attack Damage and Slow to boot.
Booty and Enchantments
Alternate Boots Options
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a great pick-up if you are going to be playing the crowd control role in your team, constantly weaving in and out of teamfights effectively using a full rotation of spells to CC and Burst your enemies. Choose these if you feel you don't need the defensive stats and are reliant on using your abilities to skirmish effectively in extended teamfights.
Ninja Tabi are very effective against AD based champions such as Riven, Pantheon, Renekton. The flat reduction of auto-attack damage helps you fight against these champions and retains its usefulness throughout all stages of the game. Choose these if the enemy team is primarily AD based or you're against a hard lane e.g. Pantheon, Renekton, Fiora.
Berserker's Greaves are not as potent as they once were with Guinsoo's Rageblade. I will rarely pick them up now as Irelia has become more of a tank/burst champion again. However, they are still very good if you are going to be a consistent damage dealer on your team, i.e you are the only or one of the only AD carries in your team composition.
Enchantments are DEAD as of Season 6, forever rest in peace.
Why Pick Alacrity?
Why Pick Homeguard?
Why Pick Distortion?
- Back To Table of Contents -
★ Laning Matchups ★
Knowing what a champions strengths and weaknesses and how you can abuse them is a key factor in learning any champion. Having no prior knowledge on a certain match-up can be very frustrating and can lead to unnecessary losses. Being caught off guard by some technique or mechanic you weren't aware of can make you susceptible to very avoidable deaths. I will be covering the most frequent matchups; see the VS CHAMPIONS for a quick synopsis.
- Yasuo - The Unforgiven -
Yasuo 3/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, Ninja Tabi
- Maokai - The Twisted Treant -
Maokai 3/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads
- Shen - Eye of Twilight -
Shen 4/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force Dead Man's Plate, Mercury's Treads
- Gnar - The Missing Link -
Gnar 5/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
- Riven - The Exile -
Riven 6/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
- Rumble - The Mechanized Menace -
Rumble 6/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Mercury's Treads
- Fiora - The Grand Duelist -
Fiora 7/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Corrupting Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, Ninja Tabi
- Renekton - The Butcher of The Sands -
Renekton 9/10 |
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Matchup Details
Recommended Starting Items - Cloth Armor, 5x Health Potion
Recommended Items - Trinity Force, Dead Man's Plate, Ninja Tabi
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★ Tips and Tricks ★
Setting up a Bladesurge path. |
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Bladesurge Tip #1
Having a well placed engage route and escape path in lane on Irelia is paramount to play her well. You want to leave a caster minion below half health so that you can easily Bladesurge to it, resetting your cool-down, and then proceeding with Equilibrium Strike and the rest of your combo.
Example Sequence: Bladesurge Minion > Equilibrium Strike > Hiten Style > Bladesurge. |
Using Transcendent Blades to set up a bladesurge path. |
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Bladesurge Tip #2
Your ultimate allows you to easily create an escape route or gap closer by using it on caster minions. This is useful in a variety of ways and allows you to close a substantial distance between you and your target. Based on if you have Sheen or Trinity Force you may need to ultimate only once, otherwise twice is more than sufficient.
Example Sequence: Transcendent Blades > Bladesurge Minion > Flash > Hiten Style > Bladesurge > Equilibrium Strike. |
Maximizing DPS with Sheen or Trinity Force.
Being able to maximize use of the Trinity Force Spellblade Passive every 1.5s is very important to operate the most amount of damage. Spacing out your skills can significantly increase overall damage and makes fighting a lot of more successful. Deciding whether you can burst somebody down; not maximizing full potential damage but faster damage, or deciding to space out your spells; maximizing full potential damage, is very important.
Example Sequence: Equilibrium Strike > AA > Hiten Style > AA > Transcendent Blades > AA > Bladesurge > AA.
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★ Warding ★
Warding is an essential part of the game and top lane is no exception.
This is especially true due to the isolation that the top lane pertains; help is unlikely to come. This makes warding paramount to become not only a successful Irelia player, but a top laner as well.
Blue Side Ward #1 |
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Red Side Ward #1 |
Both these wards will provide critical information if the enemy is planning to backstab you, these wards provide an immediate warning, meaning the Jungler will have already planned the dive. Unlike the predictive ward [See below] you will have to react much faster and have a quicker plan of action in order to survive the gank.
Universal Ward #1 |
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Universal Ward #2 |
These wards are what I like to name 'Predictive Warding.' They allow you to react and plan accordingly to how enemies are approaching, as they are able to be seen before they make a move. Universal Ward entails that both sides can use these wards, and frequently do. Universal Ward #1 allows for predictive movement of the opposing Jungler, where as Universal Ward #2 allows for predictive movement of the opposing laner. Eg. Rengar, Riven, Nidalee who frequently like to abuse the bush throughout the laning stage.
IONIAN INSIGHT (Courtesy of TSM Dyrus)
You're able to place a ward safely from this position into the river bush, this is very useful if your opponent is able to all in you, as accessing the bush from lane is very dangerous and leaves you susceptible to surprise ganks. As shown in the diagram the circle is where you want to place your ward, the ward will slide into the bush.
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★ Teamfighting ★
Teamfighting as Irelia is very tentative and is subject to change based on a variety of factors and situations. There are 3 'Categories' which I like to describe teamfighting as Irelia, the ways I will be describing them are very uniform. These are general tips that can be applied universally. In order to optimize your play, take parts from each of them and apply them correctly to your situation.
In my mind there are 3 main stratagems or mindsets you can decide to take whilst in teamfights. Use a mix and match of the tips and adapt to your situation, versatility is key to playing Irelia effectively.
How To Play This Style
How To Play This Style
How To Play This Style
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★ Achievements ★
I would like to give a sincere thanks to everyone who takes a look at my guide and finds any part of it useful. Without you, the audience, I wouldn't be here writing this guide. I have a tremendous appreciation for all who have helped me along the way, for they have been the ones who made this guide what it is!
#1 Monthly Guide Mobafire
#1 Irelia Guide Mobafire
Featured Mobafire Guide!
Double Featured Guide!
1 Million Views!
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★ A Few Parting Words ★
- Thanks for Reading! -
Well, I wasn't really expecting this great of a response from the League of Legends community. Whether you're learning Irelia for the first time, or just here to pick up a few tips, thank you.
I hope you've managed to acquire some form of new knowledge that will undoubtedly help you improve your League of Legends gameplay holistically. If you enjoyed reading any part of the guide consider giving me an UPVOTE. You don't understand how helpful this is to both me and my guide.
If you have any replays or stories about using this guide in game don't hesitate to comment, I want to hear if the guide worked for you!
Updated for Season 7! I wish you the best in your Flex Queue and Solo Queue Endeavors!
I hope you've managed to acquire some form of new knowledge that will undoubtedly help you improve your League of Legends gameplay holistically. If you enjoyed reading any part of the guide consider giving me an UPVOTE. You don't understand how helpful this is to both me and my guide.
If you have any replays or stories about using this guide in game don't hesitate to comment, I want to hear if the guide worked for you!
Updated for Season 7! I wish you the best in your Flex Queue and Solo Queue Endeavors!
Remember in solo-queue.
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
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