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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order This is really it
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ew... will out heal most of your damage and kept you pushed pretty well and its hard to trade since his q range will match your w range. late game cant really do much to him since most vlads will build MR.
Champion Build Guide
Janna is at heart, a support and when you play her mid you will be doing a lot of the same things... however with a twist. Those tornado's that would fly around and just knock someone up will now chunk squishys. Your ult that was used to knock back most of the time is now beyond broken healing well in the 1000's during a team fight.
With her W passive and building Swiftys you will be flying around the map able to help your team with your amazing roaming power... you also have pretty good wave clear as you stack up that ap and get a full charge Q at a wave giving you optimal time to get around the map.
Janna isn't going to be the 1v9 carry might have been hoping should would be, but she is still going to destroy your enemy's hopes and dreams as they try to catch you. Janna's natural peeling becomes deadly as you now can pack a punch often catching enemy's off guard with your damage. This often leads to you softening up there team for anyone of your carry's to come in and clean house.
All in All Janna is a fun pick that I would highly recommend for Casual play. She can be a fun and unexpected pick and can net you some wins. Her ranked capability is there and I play her there... just be ready for the flame. XD
Janna has always been a bully in bot spamming W. It has a low CD and good enough ratios in the early game that it can get pretty annoying. This is your best friend in mid lane. Any time you notice your enemy cycle through CDs walk up and give 'em the good old bird to the face. The slow attached will make it very difficult to approach you after and a lot of times you get away with free damage.
Janna's Q is going to be a learning curve ability however. Your Q can save your life or get you kills depending on how you use it. If I'm doing well in a lane I often just let it hit the wave and help me push so i can roam. However if your getting ganked a lot hold it and it can save you every time.
Shields are awesome and Janna's E will pretty much be used exactly the way you use it as support... for shielding XD
Monsoon is amazing and at 6 gives you a lot of power. It will deter any assassin from jumping on you and if you get ganked will just make you not get ganked... :p This ability is best late game but if utilized to push an opponent towards tower or towards your jungler it can be an amazing tool.
Even though you play Janna more or less like a support late game there are a few big differences in how feels. Your shields and damage are going to be on steroids compared to a full support build... obviously.
Late game you can pump out tons of damage and turn a teamfight around fast. if you land a 2-5 man Q with full AP you can swing a fight fast. If you get a good ult in your back line you can easily kept your tanks alive when they should be right and dead. Your W will have an almost 70% slow with your AP making it easy to catch people out if they get separated.
Janna should be played just like a mage and you need to stay in the back because you are very squishy. As long as you stay alive you will be a massive addition to your team.
However! you will not be winning very many 1 v 1's. Janna is not a dueling champion. If you do catch some one out you will have to play it slow and smart. Your low CD's is your biggest weapon and don't all in a full HP opponent!
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